It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 179 What Are You Going To Do?

Chapter 179 What Are You Going To Do?

As if blackened, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that Li Tang at this moment had changed a lot from her past impressions.

Her changes did not start today.

Her changes should have started a long time ago, at least since the time she was captured by Tong Ye.

And he realized today that this is a process in which quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

It's hard for him to describe the feeling of realizing this at this moment, or rather, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he hadn't protected her well.

But these now seem to be too late.

"You've been in a much better mood recently."

He could only pretend that he was not aware of this, and asked very natural words in a very natural tone.

"Ah? It's a little bit, maybe those drugs are excreted from the body through metabolism."

To be honest, she didn't pay much attention to her emotions, but after Jiang Qiming said this, she roughly recalled the situation in the past few days, and her emotions had indeed stabilized a lot.

You know, when she was most eroded by those drugs, she smashed a cup directly in her office.

She had never been one to throw things when she was so angry.

She never wanted to go through the past where emotions dominated her rationality and behavior.

I just hate that memories can’t be like strings of codes, which can all be deleted with a little operation without leaving any traces, but I have to be a part of my past tenaciously and integrate into my spirit.

But those who created bad memories for her can erase their existence.

Perhaps Li Tang herself didn't even know when did she finally realize that to be soft-hearted towards the enemy is to be cruel to herself.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will never get wet. Perhaps, she was also slowly affected by those things and the atmosphere.

"By the way, Jiang Qiming, are you still investigating Zhou Bin's affairs?"

She seems to have a lot of questions today, but that's good, there are topics between them, and there are legitimate reasons to continue to listen to each other's voices.

At least in the long night, at this moment, you won't just be alone.

"Well, I saw him in the war zone today, and it was the first time I saw him after Hazelman and I searched for nothing and found him missing."

He also really wanted to catch him himself and ask him why he played missing without saying a word.

But after thinking about it, the final result of weighing the pros and cons is still as if he didn't see it.

Now that he has someone he wants to protect and be with, he can't be like before, no matter how risky it is, as long as it is something he wants to do, he will do it.

"There is something I don't know if I should say it, but it is..."

When talking about this topic, Li Tang suddenly stopped, and for a moment didn't know whether to continue talking.

After all, Jiang Qiming's relationship with Zhou Bin is very deep, and it seems that it is not her turn to be an outsider to talk about this kind of matter.

"Xiaotang, do you also think Zhou Bin is the one who betrayed the organization?"

But the man on the other side of the phone seemed to know what she wanted to say next, and seemed to realize that it was not easy for her to take the initiative to say this, so he quickly picked up what she stopped abruptly.

"Yes, and I think...he is likely to defect."

Probably because Jiang Qiming didn't mind what he didn't say just now but the meaning was too clear. This time when Li Tang spoke, he didn't stop suddenly, but directly expressed his thoughts.

"Well, I feel the same way."

The man held the phone slightly harder, and when he rubbed the screen, he frowned almost subconsciously.

Of course he thought about it.

Zhou Bin's appearance today is definitely not accidental. It can even be said that Tong Ye set up a trap specifically for him, just to make himself know that there is a fraud, but still go all out for the past friendship, and finally fall into the trick, and the consequences will be absolute. Unbelievable.

He had guessed this for a long time, but now he still can't convince himself that Zhou Bin is a good person, why did he suddenly defect, why did he suddenly abandon the organization he had been in for most of his life, and go to join the enemy.

He couldn't find a reasonable reason to explain his choice, so even if it was just a conjecture, he didn't make a plan specifically for this conjecture, and he didn't let the idea take root.

But Zhou Bin's strange appearance this time made this sign grow wildly in his heart.

Even Li Tang, who is an outsider, can see it. He, a sober client, has long been aware of this.

But even so, he still didn't know why Zhou Bin did this.

Did Tong Ye find his weakness, or was he threatened by Tong Ye because of some ulterior motives?
"Then... what are you going to do?"

On the other end of the phone, the woman's voice sounded hesitant, as if she was considering whether she should ask this question.

(End of this chapter)

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