It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 180 High Risk High Reward

Chapter 180 High Risk High Reward
In fact, to be honest, he didn't know what to do.

If Zhou Bin really turned against him and was really willing to stand by Tong Ye's side and become his enemy, then he had no choice but to regard Zhou Bin as his own enemy.

It is impossible for him to forgive a person who chose to betray him, no matter what the reason is, no matter how deep the friendship between that person and him used to be, the moment the other person chooses to betray, the relationship between them has been wiped out.

This is his principle and will not change because of anyone.

"Let's discuss this issue after the war is over and we catch him." The man could only sigh softly before saying this.

I remember that in the Tianyun Warehouse before, he and Heizeman also dealt with a case of traitors who betrayed the organization. In the end, they shot those traitors directly, even though Heizeman learned that these traitors were with Zhou Bin played the emotional card, and Zhou Bin was still facing them.

But in the final analysis, Jiang Qiming is the only one who sticks to his guns in this organization.

"Xiaotang, are you still used to living in Jingyiju by yourself?"

This wasn't the first time he'd asked her this question, or rather, he'd asked it every day since the separation.

After they separated, he always worried too much, worried that Li Tang might not be able to sleep at night alone, or that he might not be able to sleep well in the first few days because of the bed, etc. He was always worried, so he always He had to ask, and he could feel a little relieved only after hearing the answer from Li Tang himself.

"I'm still getting used to it, but sometimes I still want to go out for a walk."

"Soon, Xiaotang, trust me."

What he can do now, at this moment, is only verbal comfort, and overall, he is trying to shorten the process of starting the war as much as possible.

It's just wronged her, she is obviously a woman who is so dedicated to work and likes to play, but now because of the war and her own safety, she has to be trapped in Jingyiju, just like a bird that has temporarily lost its freedom and is locked in a cage canary in the

"Okay, go get busy, I'm going to sleep." Li Tang yawned, then turned over and said to the phone.

Every time after a long period of high-intensity follow-up with Hazelman to complete the series of backstage work, she would feel mentally exhausted. She would always go to bed early that day to rest for the next day and the sudden war that might happen later. Recharge your batteries.

In this special period, rest and sleep well are also a science.

"Okay, good night." After realizing that the woman was really tired today and a little sleepy, Jiang Qiming didn't say anything, but simply ended today's call.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qiming showed a trace of tiredness on his face.

He is also very tired, and it can even be said that he is the most tired person.

He had just finished the call with Li Tang on the front foot, when the video call from Heizeman came over on the back foot.

Without hesitation, Jiang Qiming directly connected to his video application.

On the screen, he could see Hazelman's complexion was not good, and he seemed somewhat dissatisfied with his actions.

"Speak straight."

If there is any awkwardness with him, just talk directly if you have anything to say.

He will make his own judgment.

"Brother, are you really going to use this battle plan next?" Hazelman was in a really bad mood at this time, and he was a little excited when he spoke, "This is too aggressive, it's okay if it succeeds, once it fails, the consequences It's hard for us to take it!"

"The probability of success is much higher than the probability of failure."

"These are just possibilities, and the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. Even I know that actual combat can't just look at the data. Brother, how can you make a decision based on the possibility of the success of the plan?" Heizeman frowned. He frowned and said, "I know you want to be with Li Tang quickly, but doing so would be too risky."

"High risk means high return. You should be very clear about my style."

Of course he knows what Hazelman is worried about, or it can be said that every time he does something that requires a certain risk of sex, Hazelman will raise objections.

If you ask him, he is still a bit too conservative.

Appropriate boldness and avant-garde can win a head start for yourself.

The war couldn't just be dragged on so tepidly, he needed to see the final outcome of the war as quickly as possible, to see Tong Ye's complete failure.

"Brother, you are really obsessed with her, the kind that ten cows can't pull back."

"Will be willing."

On the other side of the video call, Heizeman could even see that Jiang Qiming was still laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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