Chapter 181
This is Li Tang's No. 15 days in Jingyiju. It stands to reason that the war should be intensified, but the frequency of Heizeman's visit to Jingyiju is getting lower and lower.

Li Tang, who stayed alone in Jingyiju, always felt that something was wrong, as if Heizeman didn't come to Jingyiju completely by accident.

The battle between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye couldn't just be about boiling frogs in warm water. You must know that these two people are not easy to mess with in this respect. How could it be possible to fight so low-key, or even not fight?
But it is clear that once a war broke out on the front line before, Heizeman would always show up at the door of Jing Yiju with those equipments on time, without exception.

Now this is... what's wrong?
Has there been a huge change in the battle at the front?Why... During this period of time, Heizeman didn't come to Jingyiju anymore?

Apart from this strange place, what surprised Li Tang the most was that Jiang Qiming called her almost every day before, even if the two of them had nothing to talk about that day, they ended the conversation hastily. At least she could still receive a good night from Jiang Qiming, and now...

Jiang Qiming hadn't called her for two or three days.

Was it something that happened on the front line that she couldn't know at all?Or did Tong Ye use some new trick?Or...Jiang Qiming didn't want to call her anymore?

Is it because they felt that the first few calls between them were particularly boring, so do you think there is no need to continue to call her?
But this explanation is not right, Jiang Qiming had rushed back to Jingyiju from the front line in order to meet her, how could it be so easy to stop contacting her just because there was nothing interesting in the conversation.

During the few days when Jiang Qiming didn't take the initiative to call her, she didn't take the initiative to contact him either.

One is that Jiang Qiming didn't contact him because there must be a special reason, since that's the case, she doesn't need to disturb him, and the other is that Li Tang feels... contacting the other party on his own initiative is like admitting that he has fallen in love with Jiang Same as Qiming.

But as time passed, the uneasiness in Li Tang's heart became more and more serious.

Her intuition told her very clearly that Jiang Qiming should have something to hide from her, and this matter is probably related to the situation on the front line, and it is also because she does not want her to know anything about the war zone, Heizeman No longer coming to Jingyiju, so she couldn't even understand the background work.

There are too few channels for her to obtain information in Jingyijuli, so that many things are actually her intuition telling her what is happening outside.

Oddly enough, her intuition was rarely wrong.

No. On the 20th day, Li Tang finally decided to take the initiative to call Jiang Qiming. After all, she was really uneasy and curious, and couldn't hold her breath any longer.

Jiang Qiming should...not answer his phone.

There was a crisp sound of dialing from the mobile phone, which lasted for about ten seconds, but she didn't hear the beeping sound.

She got through to Jiang Qiming, but it seemed that no one answered.

What she called was Jiang Qiming's private number, not his other numbers. Jiang Qiming basically never left his phone. How could it be possible that he didn't answer her calls for so long?

The curiosity and uneasiness in Li Tang's heart grew like a cloud of suspicion, until a mechanical electronic female voice came from the phone, and she didn't make a second call.

Jiang Qiming was indeed hiding something from her. In order to hide it from her, he even turned a blind eye to her phone calls.

These days... what happened on the front line?
She really wanted to rush out of Jingyiju to find out about the situation, at least let her read the news in the past few days, so she could know the general situation, but the current situation, it is obvious that she can't leave Jingyiju go out,

Through the window, Li Tang could see that outside Jingyiju, Jiang Qiming had already deployed a large number of troops. Even if she had the idea of ​​going out, the gunmen would not allow her to take a step outside.

All of this seemed to have been premeditated. If it hadn't been premeditated, how could she not have noticed it when it happened?

Did Jiang Qiming want to isolate himself from the outside world a long time ago?

So... in the first few days, he was all pretending, in order to lower his vigilance, so that I don't know when the house arrest began to show its true colors?

But why would he do this?
Does he have his own unspeakable secrets, or... at the very beginning, he just wanted to lock himself up in Jingyiju like a useless canary?

Then what did they fight side by side before?

Li Tang took a rough look around the overall structure of the villa, feeling inexplicably sad for himself.

It turns out that this is the feeling of living under the fence.

In her past life, she had never had such an experience.

(End of this chapter)

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