It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 182: Being caught off guard

Chapter 182

Unbeknownst to Li Tang, Heizeman was helping Jiang Qiming wrap the bandage on his back with both hands.

"Brother, this is really too risky. For her, is it really worth it?" Just wrapping the bandage on it didn't do much, the bright red blood still seeped out slowly, staining the bandage red.

Seeing this in his heart, Heizeman had no choice but to remove the soiled bandage, sat behind Jiang Qiming again, and picked up the medical dressing that had just been placed on the table again.

When the cotton ball touched the bright red wounds, he could clearly see Jiang Qiming's body tremble, but the man didn't make any sound, nor did he respond to what he just said.

It is estimated that this tremor was just a physiological reaction to him.

Just like before, no matter how severe the injury was, he never heard Jiang Qiming cry out for pain when applying medicine and bandaging.

"The battle is getting better, isn't it?" Jiang Qiming said with a sigh of relief until Heizeman finally stopped applying the medicine.

I don't remember when it started. The situation that had been favored by the goddess of victory suddenly became confusing for some reason. Tong Ye even successfully counterattacked several times and stabbed him in the back.

This kind of thing can easily happen with an overly aggressive strategy.

If you want to cut through the mess quickly, you must be mentally prepared to be injured.

He had already made such preparations, and he also knew that in a battle, with such an aggressive strategy, they would not be able to go smoothly all the time, and they might be bitten by the enemy's weak point and killed in one blow.

But this is also the fastest way to end the war.

At least after this month, from the overall point of view, Tong Ye is basically over, and failure is a foregone conclusion. Of course, according to Tong Ye's lunatic personality, he will never be willing to end up like this.

People who have no way out tend to be more difficult to deal with.

Of course he knew this.

"In this way, we may be caught off guard by Tong Ye." Heizeman put the medical dressing in his hand on the table, and then wrapped a bandage on Jiang Qiming's back as before. This time, finally, there was no more blood Oozed out and stained the white bandage.

He saw it in his eyes, and felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

He has always disliked that Jiang Qiming sometimes chooses to use aggressive plans to win—fortunately, he can win. If the aggressive plan fails, he will definitely express his dissatisfaction directly—the risk of doing so is really high. If it is too big, the consequences of failure will be difficult to bear. No matter how you think about it, it should not be the best choice.

What's more, they originally had several alternative plans, but when they reported the matter to Jiang Qiming, Jiang Qiming actually came up with a plan that was too radical, and they immediately finalized the plan without allowing them to change it.

He also knew why Jiang Qiming was eager to end the war with Tong Ye as quickly as possible, but was it worth taking this risk for her?
Because of this radical plan, the conflict between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye broke out. There was almost non-stop firefighting day and night.

The battle was so tense that they didn't even have a moment's rest. He didn't know how many times he saw Jiang Qiming in the office late at night still using those equipment to command the battle on the front line. It seemed that he didn't need to take a break at all. .

In order to adapt to the rapidly changing situation, he temporarily lived in a room next to Jiang Qiming's office, instead of going to Jingyiju to do his work.

Speaking of which, it was Jiang Qiming who told him not to tell Li Tang about this matter, even if Li Tang would definitely notice that something was wrong in a short period of time, and realize that he hadn't been to Jingyiju for a while and let her go with him At work, Jiang Qiming resolutely let him choose to keep silent.

As an outsider, it's not easy for him to say anything directly about the matter between the two of them. Besides, for him, working directly on the front line in the backstage is far better than just sitting blankly in Jingyijuli facing the monitoring screen, It's good to sit for an afternoon at a time.

But when it comes to friendship, of course he is more on Jiang Qiming's side.

He just felt that Jiang Qiming seemed to have paid too much to be with her earlier, and Li Tang, from his point of view, didn't seem to have done anything special. At most, it was only when the war was not so tense. At that time, I just helped to do some rear work.

And that woman... didn't seem to show that she liked Jiang Qiming very much. Why did Jiang Qiming get stuck in it all by himself?

"He has no way to catch us by surprise." Seeing that Heizeman had bandaged him, Jiang Qiming moved a little bit, and after confirming that the bandage would not collapse due to his normal activities, he put on the bandage he had just taken off. Clothes on the table, "He will fight with us at most and lose both."

The expression on Jiang Qiming's face was very calm, as if what he was saying now was something that everyone recognized.

Only Hazelman, who knew him best, knew that Jiang Qiming was planning to do something big again, and then directly chose to close the net, ending the war that had lasted for a month.

(End of this chapter)

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