Chapter 187
The reunion after a month was not as enthusiastic as Jiang Qiming imagined. It was as if Li Tang had insisted from the beginning that he would win, and it was only a matter of time before this result was achieved.

Isn't she worried about herself? Even if she doesn't worry about herself more or less, she should ask about the battle situation, right?

This month, Jing Yiju has hardly received any news from the outside world. She is almost in a state of isolation, but after meeting him today and knowing that everything has been resolved, she has nothing to ask ?
Why is this happening?

Does she not care about these at all?She had murderous intentions towards Tong Ye, and she didn't even ask if Tong Ye was dead or alive now?
When she was in the hospital, she even made a deal on her own initiative, saying that after the matter was resolved, she would kill Tong Ye herself. It was also because of her request that he kept Tong Ye until now, but why... Her reaction now , so bland?
He has doubts in his heart, and there is also a trace of dissatisfaction.

But he couldn't say anything.

"I've touched the bandage on your back, Jiang Qiming, you're hurt." When we hugged each other just now, it was probably because the man was not dressed thickly, and Li Tang immediately felt the thick bandage wrapped around Jiang Qiming's back. Bandages, "Does it hurt?"

She couldn't ignore it.

After all, there is still a relationship of comrades-in-arms between them.

Not to mention whether she likes him or not...

"It doesn't hurt, the wound is almost healed, but it will split if you don't pay attention, so I still wear a bandage."

This sentence is not false.

I just don't know if the concern he felt in Li Tang's words is fake.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?" Li Tang moved his hand away from the bandage on his back, and then actively opened the distance between them. ?”

She didn't know what to say to Jiang Qiming in this situation.

The man in front of her was burdened with a lot of things, and after solving many, many things, she hurried back to Jingyiju. Apart from saying "Welcome back" and "You have worked hard", she could also say something what?

Do you want to confess to him that you actually have the same feelings as him?

I have to admit that in the past month, no matter whether it was out of boredom or cranky thinking, in the final analysis, I still miss him more or less, don't I?
But... Such feelings are a little abrupt and strange.

Her past love experience is not rare, and it can even be said that her love experience is very rich, but someone like Jiang Qiming has never appeared by her side. What Jiang Qiming experienced is almost the same in her world. With a brand new story, she suddenly didn't know what she should do.

Or did she suddenly lack the courage to face her feelings?

Or is it that the love in the past did not bring her a different feeling than this time?

She didn't know how to say it, and she might not be able to give an answer that would satisfy Jiang Qiming yet.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

The man didn't use such an official tone, and Li Tang could really feel the emotion he was looking forward to.

In a trance, she suddenly realized that what she just said was clearly an initiative to show favor.

I don't know what Jiang Qiming thought, but after Li Tang responded, he quickly left the living room, walked into the kitchen, and closed the kitchen door.

(End of this chapter)

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