Chapter 188
Seeing that Li Tang left without saying anything, Jiang Qiming sat on the sofa helplessly.

No matter what Jingyiju said, it was still the original Jingyiju, probably because the women's living habits were very good. He scanned the living room and didn't think there was any big change inside Jingyiju.

It was as if this place hadn't changed in any way, it was still just his home, and she was just a tenant for a month.

Rather than having almost nothing changed, he would rather see a home that is different from what he remembers and decorated according to a woman's preferences.

That may explain that she does not regard herself as a tenant of Jing Yiju, but as a hostess.

How long will it take for this day to come?

The man's mood was inevitably a little depressed, but perhaps it was the afterglow of joy after the war that kept his emotions from being so uncontrollable.

At least the current Li Tang will no longer resist his physical contact, and will no longer refuse to respond to his hug, even if the response just now was largely out of politeness.

In this boring month, she should have figured out the internal structure of Jing Yiju, Jiang Qiming lay on the sofa slightly and thought.

I don't know if she thinks Jing Yiju is too monotonous, or if she thinks this place is very different from the home she imagined.

It's not easy for him to ask her, it's not easy for him to speak, and he doesn't know what kind of answer she will give.

However, he vaguely remembered that before he decided to take the initiative to start a war with Tong Ye, Li Tang seemed to ask several times whether he would marry her.

The meaning of this sentence should be that, whether it is sincere or not, in short, she is ready to marry him.

Get her first, and then go further and slowly get her heart.

At that time, she will have only one man by her side, and no one else. Over time, she will definitely develop feelings for herself.

It's just a matter of time, and he believes it will become a reality.

This thought made Jiang Qiming instinctively feel much better.

After winning the victory, he could finally relax his tense nerves. Probably because the sofa in Jing Yiju's living room was too soft, the nerves he relaxed all of a sudden, under the effect of a good mood, made him feel sleepy for a while.

In the past month, he really didn't sleep well. Even after the war was over and he won the victory, before he saw Li Tang, he was still worried and couldn't relax his tense nerves.

Now, through the door of the kitchen, he can slightly see the busy figure of the woman inside. Although he can't see clearly, he is very clear that she is by his side at this moment and will not leave.

When Li Tang cleaned up the kitchen and put the prepared dishes on the table, when she looked up, she noticed that Jiang Qiming had fallen asleep on the pillows on the sofa.

She didn't have much time to cook, so why did he fall asleep?

During this period of time, he must have been very tired, so he didn't even choose a place to sleep, and fell asleep directly on the sofa with the pillows.

Li Tang silently put the freshly cooked meal back on the kitchen counter, and put it back into the pot where the residual heat had not completely dissipated, and walked out of the kitchen after washing his hands.

Leaning against the door of the kitchen, she noticed that she and Jiang Qiming were not far or close at this time, so she glanced at him shallowly.

Not long after, after changing her clothes, she found a blue blanket from the cabinet in the master bedroom, walked towards the man who was asleep on the pillow, and covered the man with the blanket in her hand , and lightly tidied up the corners.

During the whole process, her movements were very light, and she didn't wake up the man who seemed to be just taking a nap.

Afterwards, Li Tang used extremely light movements to leave Jingyiju for the first time in these two full months before the man woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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