Chapter 189 Feeling at a loss

Li Tang definitely couldn't go to the mansion, so Li Tang could only call Ji Xiaoting who hadn't contacted for a long time due to various reasons.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ji Xiaoting's eager concern came from her ears, and the questions came one after another, as if she was asking her to tell everything she had experienced during this period.

It seems that she also knows what happened in Li's mansion. Li Tang just wanted to see if he could go to Ji Xiaoting's house to live for a few days first, and then go to buy a new piece of land immediately after dealing with some things by himself. Asked suspiciously:
"Isn't the Li mansion rebuilt? Xiaotang, you still don't know anything?"

"In the past few months, you have escaped from the fire again, and you have been sick and hospitalized, and you have not heard from me for more than two months. You still seem to know nothing. What happened?"

On the other side of the phone, Ji Xiaoting asked many questions like a cannonball.

"It's a long story."

"You can live here, but my house is definitely not as comfortable as your Li mansion. If you..."


After listening to what Ji Xiaoting said, Li Tang was stunned for a moment.

In my impression, Ji Xiaoting would never say such words so bluntly, and even for a while, she seemed to be more or less mindful of the almost non-negligible gap between herself and her.

She knew it all the time, but she just kept silent, and there was nothing she could do.

But now, Ji Xiaoting put her own home and Li Mansion together so bluntly, and said that her home is definitely not as comfortable as Li Mansion. Compared with before, she seems to be a different person Same.

For a moment, Li Tang only felt that after Tong Ye returned to China and appeared in her world in the past few months, things around her had changed a lot without her realizing it.

Probably, it was because she was always busy dealing with Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye, while ignoring many things around her and the people who were close to her.

"I'm only staying for two days, and tomorrow I'll look for housing."

Now, she is not used to it, and she is a little at a loss when facing people she used to be familiar with.

Unable to understand what Ji Xiaoting's words meant, Li Tang had no choice but to take a step back and speak.

"It's still the old address, and the password hasn't been changed. Just come here, and I'll go buy some food." In contrast to her bewilderment, Ji Xiaoting spoke in a very natural tone, as if they had never had any conflicts before. Same.

In fact, it was a conflict, but rather it was during that time that the two of them broke off contact tacitly. Neither party asked the other why, and neither party planned to cling to this relationship.

But Ji Xiaoting's sudden enthusiasm not only made Li Tang feel at a loss for a while, but also more or less felt a resurgence of the former friendship.

Sometimes the relationship between female friends is so strange. They will disconnect due to some inexplicable or even unexplainable reasons. There is a tacit understanding that no one bothers anyone, and no one is obsessed with that reason. , and later, it is very likely that due to various reasons, big or small, the contact was finally restored, as if the bland to indifferent time in the middle no longer existed.

Li Tang felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll go there later."

Over there, after Ji Xiaoting responded, she took the initiative to hang up the phone on the grounds that she was busy.

(End of this chapter)

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