Chapter 190 Bankruptcy
After finishing the call with Ji Xiaoting, Li Tang hurriedly called a doctor whom he had been in contact with intermittently.

That doctor used to be the personal doctor of the Li family. After he and the old man were admitted to the hospital at almost the same time, he asked the housekeeper to resign and chose to leave the Li family. Therefore, Li Tang has no idea whether the other party will Take her call.

When I thought about the people who used to be in the Li family, those who resigned were fine. Those who were willing to stay either died under Tong Ye's gun or were buried in the fire of the Li mansion.

I still remember that time, when she just stepped into Li's mansion, the cooking aunt told her that she was preparing to deliver food to the housekeeper who was guarding the hospital, but it didn't take long for a fire to burn everything up.

While waiting for the doctor to answer the phone, Li Tang had already inquired about the old man's current situation, and he was very pessimistic. At some point, the old man's condition suddenly began to deteriorate, and she was confined in Jingyiju. When the old man underwent lung transplantation, almost no family members could sign on his behalf.

The family members... yes, the Li family was so prosperous before, but what about those people?

Li Bin Yuhan, Li Zuoguang, and her ambitious aunt, where have they all gone at this time?

Perhaps, when Li Xunye was executed, when the old man was clearly cultivating Li Zuoguang as a servant, when Li Binyuhan worked in the company for so long and learned more and more, the internal relationship of the Li family It's already falling apart.

The old man was obviously raising wolves for himself.

It was rumored that the old man was a cruel and ruthless person, he only saw the benefits he could get, and he was completely unreasonable, but looking at it now, it seems that being unkind is a common feature of every Li family.

It is also to blame for the old man's powerful control over the entire family.

When the old man was in the hospital, the collateral people were not even willing to show face to see him. All they could think about was how to take advantage of the absence of the old man and himself to fight for power in the company and eat away at the company's profits.

Li Tang only felt a little helpless, but if she had to think about it, it's not like she couldn't understand the actions of the collateral people.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was also a very contradictory person.

"Is it Miss?"

The moment he was distracted, the phone in his hand was suddenly connected, and a familiar voice came from the opposite side.

"It's me, Dr. Chen."

Fortunately, he still remembered his number, and he could still get through the call, which proved that there was still a possibility of negotiation.

"Miss, I have resigned from the Li family and found a new job. Can you call me, what's the matter?"

Probably thinking about the more or less friendship before, through the phone, the man's tone of voice still has the politeness and respect he used to show her. I don't know if Li Tang thinks too much, it seems that there is a little more strangeness.

"I'll prescribe double for you, so you can be my personal doctor."

"Miss, it's not about money. It's too risky to work under the Li family. If you don't do it, you might even risk your life. I'm probably a greedy person who fears death. Even if you drive twice Willing to do the dangerous job."

"Doctor Chen, you should know that the war is over."

"But miss, the Li family has already collapsed. Even if I promised you, why did you get so much money from you? Miss, I'm afraid you don't know that Mr. Li's company has changed hands a long time ago. It seems that what kind of surname is it? I don't know if Jiang's people took over, but what I do know is that the company is no longer the property of the Li family."

Almost as soon as Dr. Chen finished speaking, Li Tang suddenly saw on the electronic screen on the opposite side of the street that it was written that the Li family had been seized due to internal power struggle and tax evasion, and had declared bankruptcy a few days ago.

And these, Jiang Qiming didn't tell her at all.

Dr. Chen doesn't know who the person surnamed Jiang who took over the company is. How can she not know.

(End of this chapter)

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