Chapter 191
Seeing that there was no voice on the other side of the phone, Dr. Chen was thinking about the more or less friendship he had before, so he still didn't choose to hang up the phone directly, but continued to say alone: ​​"Miss, it's not that I don't miss the old relationship, it's because the Li family still has you. The capital chain is almost in a broken state, and the triple salary you mentioned may cause a certain burden on your own life."

"Miss, although I have resigned from the Li family, I will still call you the same as before. In my heart, you have always been a very smart and capable person. Even if the company collapses, you will definitely be able to make a living by yourself." good day..."

As before, Dr. Chen still likes to think alone, no matter whether someone interrupts him, he can pick up his own words and speak slowly.

In the past, Li Tang probably just listened to it and passed by, and he didn't take it seriously.

"Miss, after you can maintain your daily expenses first, if you really need me to be your personal doctor, I can also..."

"All right."


But this time, Li Tang interrupted Dr. Chen's thoughts.

Dr. Chen, who was suddenly interrupted, more or less sensed that Li Tang's mood was not right, and did not continue what he had just said.

"Thank you."

After Li Tang took a deep breath, he broke the silence between the two of them just now.

"I need you to do me a favor, just this time, let's talk about the rest later."

Regardless of whether the company and the Li family are down, or Jiang Qiming has concealed many things from her, the most important thing for her now is to confirm one thing and settle it directly tonight.

It can't be delayed any longer.

It has been almost three months since she first noticed it.

Time was running out, and she couldn't put it off any longer.

"Miss, you have said so, and I will definitely not refuse you."

"Doctor Chen, let's meet up. It's in the tea room near Li's mansion."

"it is good."

Dr. Chen was not a fool either, of course he could tell that Li Tang's entrusting him to him was not suitable for talking on the phone, it was better to meet in person to communicate and communicate, so he didn't ask any more questions, but directly agreed to her.

Speaking of which, he didn't like Li Rendao at all. He was able to stay and work in Li's family as his personal doctor purely because Li Rendao spent a lot of money and was willing to spend a lot of money to buy his own work experience. Strong can bear it.

But for the only authentic daughter of the Li family, he still felt somewhat guilty.

When I was working in the Li family, the lady treated them as servants, not to mention preferential treatment, at least she was very polite when she saw them, with a sweet smile on her face and a very polite tone of voice. At that time, he couldn't even believe that this almost perfect child was the daughter taught by that cold-blooded old man.

In his heart, the young lady is the last person who can manage the family.

He agreed to meet Li Tang without even asking her what she needed from him.

He also knew that the master was still lying in the hospital for so long, and that if nothing happened, he would have to lie on the hospital bed for the rest of his life. The rest of the Li family ran and scattered. After Li Rendao left, Miss There was only one person left.

Li's mansion was burned down to ruins, and he probably heard about it, but the news came from hearsay, and it was never as good as the feeling brought by the scene.

He was already mentally prepared to see the once luxurious Li mansion turned into a pile of ruins.

But when he hurried over by taxi, what he saw was not the dark ruins he imagined, but a new house that was larger and more magnificently decorated than before.

The land of the Li Mansion...was it rebuilt, or was it bought by someone else?

(End of this chapter)

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