Chapter 192

Just as shocked as him was Li Tang who arrived at the scene a few minutes late.

Although she was not at the scene when the fire broke out, she just glanced at it from a distance in the helicopter, and saw the flames of the former home burst into the sky, and saw bursts of black and gray smoke rising from the ground, blurring what she wanted to see. Clear eyes.

The rebuilt Li mansion is obviously more luxurious than before.

"Miss, you spent a lot of money to rebuild the Li mansion?"

After the two of them walked to the place agreed upon in the phone call in silence, they just sat down and before ordering, Dr. Chen asked directly in doubt.

"It's not me, but I know who it is." Li Tang took the menu handed over by the waiter, then hooked up a cup of hot latte, and moved the menu to Dr. Chen before continuing, "It's not important, Dr. Chen, Please do me a favor."

"Miss, you're welcome, tell me." Doctor Chen was not interested in coffee, so he followed Li Tang to choose a cup of hot latte.

After listening to Dr. Chen's words, the woman sitting across from him did not speak immediately, but waited until the waiter took away the menu, then put her fingers on the table and stared at the man in front of her.

"I might be pregnant." Li Tang cleared his throat before speaking at a slightly slower pace.

"What? Miss, which man are you pregnant with? When?" Doctor Chen's surprise was written all over his face. After noticing Li Tang's cold expression, he realized that he was in a public place, talking Time should be restrained, "You are not married yet."

"I'm talking about possibility. I don't know yet. If possible, Dr. Chen, I hope you can check it for me." Li Tang said straight to the point, taking in all the surprise and curiosity on Dr. Chen's face, "If If I'm pregnant and can't take medicine to have an abortion, please help me arrange an abortion tonight."

Jiang Qiming must not let this matter know.

As Dr. Chen said, she is not married yet, and getting pregnant before marriage is definitely a serious negative comment on a woman's reputation.

What's more, this child can't tell whether it's Tong Ye or Jiang Qiming's. If he bites the bullet and gives birth, the child is Jiang Qiming's. Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that she and Jiang Qiming will get married. It is not impossible to give birth to him, but if this child is Tong Ye's flesh and blood...

Jiang Qiming will never forgive himself, even if he knows well that he hates Tong Ye, he will never take the initiative to have any relationship with Tong Ye, and he will never accept his woman being raped by other men, even Or his nemesis.

Gambling the possibility of giving birth to a child is almost half and half, and the consequences of failure are too great. Li Tang thinks that he cannot afford the bet, so it is better to abort as soon as possible.

She knew a little bit about this before, and it seems that when she was not pregnant for a long time, she could take medicine to abort without surgery - the possibility of being discovered by Jiang Qiming after surgery is definitely higher than the possibility of taking medicine Strong sex - if it turns out that she is really pregnant, she naturally hopes to solve this trouble by taking medicine.

She didn't want Jiang Qiming to know about this, because she was afraid that Jiang Qiming would be determined to keep the child. After all, he probably didn't know what Tong Ye had done to him cruelly during the time when he was taken away by Tong Ye. Second, it is better to have one thing more than one thing less, so why should it be complicated.

The current relationship between her and Jiang Qiming is not stable at all, it can even be said to be very fragile. Any disturbance may cause the relationship between them to fall apart. As Dr. Chen said, the company has now been fully taken over by Jiang Qiming. If there is an argument with Jiang Qiming and they break up...

There is really no need for this, and there is no need to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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