It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 194 Unspeakable Hidden

Chapter 194 Unspeakable Hidden
After a brief psychological struggle, Li Tang still decided to keep the matter secret, and he could not use the truth that Dr. Chen wanted to know to add unknown risks to himself.

"Doctor Chen, if you don't want to help me, then you can leave now." Li Tang could only sigh and said calmly, pretending to be helpless.

Let's try playing an emotional card. She doesn't intend to force Dr. Chen to do what he didn't do before. What's more, if he doesn't want to, she still forces him. If she is not sure, he will directly expose the matter.

She has no confidence, and she won't do it.

"Miss, why would I not want to help you? It's just that I'm an ordinary person, and I'm also worried about getting involved in some rich family's troubles and getting myself into trouble." The man sitting opposite her was still hesitating and didn't respond directly. What Li Tang said just now, he didn't choose to get up and leave directly, but said his concerns again.

"If something really happens as you said, Dr. Chen, I will do my best to protect you."

Seeing Dr. Chen's hesitation, Li Tang felt that he could fight for it again.

Now she can only give some verbal promises to Dr. Chen. After all, the company collapsed, what happened to the Li family's assets, and other things are hard to say.

"Doctor Chen, don't you know me yet? I rarely ask others to help me, as you said, our company has collapsed, and now I don't know who is willing to help me..."

After finishing speaking, Li Tang put on a pitiful look, added a sigh that seemed to suppress the sadness in his heart, and immediately entered the state of acting.

When it comes to the collapse of the company, Li Tang feels somewhat uncomfortable.

Although she knew that Jiang Qiming took over the company as her fiancé during the two months of war, she never knew that the Li family's power would be declared bankrupt due to the so-called internal power struggle and tax evasion.

Jiang Qiming concealed this, and... without thinking about it, he took over the company after the people from the Li family declared bankruptcy, and he never even mentioned to himself what happened outside.

She didn't know why Jiang Qiming didn't take the initiative to tell her about this matter, at least he should talk to her, let her know the general situation and reasons for the company's change of government.

In fact... It's not that she didn't suspect that Jiang Qiming's move was to take advantage of the dangers of others, and to take advantage of the difficulties of himself and the old man to find a way to cut off the Li family's biggest source of income. There was no old man in the company to control her. In the event, people from the collateral branch of the Li family will definitely turn upside down...

When the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit, Jiang Qiming can wait until they are doing their own thing and win it in one fell swoop.

This idea is not completely impossible, but there is another idea in her mind, silently fighting against this negative emotion.

If Jiang Qiming really just wanted to annex the assets of the Li family, why bother to rebuild the Li mansion... There is no need for him to do so. After all, the land just had a fire, and the investment value is not high.

Or, Jiang Qiming actually came forward to defeat those collateral people when they were fighting for power and eating away at the company's interests, and even directly transferred the company's power to his own hands.

The idea is not impossible.

"Miss, are you listening?"

Suddenly, a familiar call came from his ear, which pulled Li Tang's thoughts back from thousands of miles away.

"Your mind is very distracted. Seeing that you have something on your mind, is it because you are very tired recently?"


That's right, as soon as her thoughts got involved with Jiang Qiming, she seemed to drift far, far away uncontrollably.

Li Tang subconsciously took a deep breath, adjusted his state and emotions, and then answered Dr. Chen's words.

"Thinking that Dr. Chen doesn't plan to help me, although I don't say it on the surface, I still feel a little disappointed in my heart."

She has always been very good at disguising, if the recent events hadn't restricted her too much, she would have almost forgotten this.

It can even be said that after going through so many things, even if she has not been on the battlefield in person, and has not witnessed things that she has never seen in her past life, the things that happened around her during this period are enough to make her feel happy in her original life. fundamentally stronger.

In an instant, she saw the wavering in Dr. Chen's eyes.

"I'm sorry, miss, to make you unhappy." Doctor Chen clenched his hands on the table in front of him, but he didn't meet Li Tang's gaze, but stared at the cup of hot latte in front of him, warm and warm. His slightly determined face was reflected on the brown liquid, "So, Miss, did you hear what I just said?"

"I have to trouble Dr. Chen to say it again."

She had a hunch that this time, Dr. Chen would say what she wanted to hear.

"I will help you, and I will do as you said, as if you owe me a favor first, and I don't want anything other than the normal fee." At this point, Doctor Chen looked up at him. Noticing Li Tang's slightly bright eyes, he could even see a small firm reflection in the woman's eyes.

The former lady asked him for help, at most, she just asked him to help arrange an abortion operation. Anyway, this is not a big deal, so why would he refuse.

Seeing the fragility shown by the woman just now, he suddenly made up his mind.

The lady must have her own unspeakable secrets, so she chose to contact him instead of going to a regular hospital to receive the best medical resources.

Everyone has their own difficulties, why should he... go to the bottom of it?
If you ask too much, you are afraid of hurting other people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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