Chapter 195 Good Decision

While waiting for the results, Li Tang couldn't help feeling more and more uneasy and upset.

Although she kept thinking in her heart that she was not pregnant, the anxiety lingering in her heart never dissipated.

It wasn't until Dr. Chen walked out with a stiff face that Li Tang realized how accurate his intuition was.

"Looking at your expression, I should be pregnant." Li Tang looked away from Dr. Chen's face, then sighed helplessly, took a deep breath, and stood up from the chair, "Can I take medicine?"

"You've been pregnant for more than 49 days, so I don't recommend you to take medicine." Dr. Chen probably also felt Li Tang's depression in an instant, and he was a little cautious when speaking.

"Then arrange surgery for me now." Li Tang clenched his fists, met Dr. Chen's gaze again, and said firmly.

Since medical abortion is not possible, it is better to go directly to surgery.

This child must not be left behind.

She couldn't afford to gamble on this possibility, and she couldn't bear the consequences of this child being Tong Ye's flesh and blood at all.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if this child might belong to Jiang Qiming, then this child is just the result of Jiang Qiming forcing her, and originally...he shouldn't have come into this world.

"I'll bear all the consequences, please, Dr. Chen." The moment his eyes met in the air, Li Tang clearly sensed the hesitation in Dr. Chen's eyes, and quickly interrupted his thoughts with a loud voice. He raised his request in front of him.

Now that she has made her decision, there is nothing to hesitate now.

"Miss, since you have said so, then I can only do as you said." After meeting Li Tang's gaze, Dr. Chen swallowed the words he was about to say, and then said the words , is a heavy answer, "Since I promised to help you, then I will respect your choice, and I will arrange it for you now. You wait here for a while, and I will call you later."

"Okay." Seeing that Dr. Chen finally let go at this link, Li Tang was slightly relieved, and sat down again while holding the phone tightly, his gaze was somewhat vacant to the white tiled wall in front of him.

When she got off the operating table, she still planned to check on the old man's situation - if Jiang Qiming didn't search for her whereabouts after waking up - she always felt that she had missed a lot of details, so that even if she was in contact with the outside world now, They all seemed to be ignorant of the previous battle between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye.

It's hard to say whether Jiang Qiming will take the initiative to tell her the things inside, that is, what she wants to know or what she should know. What's more, now that Tong Ye is defeated and Jiang Qiming is the leader, as long as he doesn't want to, even if she is empty With a hacking ability, it is difficult to find a little bit of clues in any network.

But then again, she was actually pregnant... and it was almost two months?
At the moment of distraction, Li Tang slowly opened all the slips that Dr. Chen handed over just now, and looked at the black and white words on it by the light of the office.

The more he looked, the more Li Tang's heart sank.

In this period of time, it is almost impossible to know who the child in her womb is by any means. The best result is only half and half of the probability of two men.

But even if there was only half the risk, she was completely unwilling to gamble on this possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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