Chapter 196 Make a plan

Two hours later, Li Tang got off the operating table.

Dr Chen was very professional and did a bunch of tests on her before the surgery even though the surgery itself didn't take that long.

"See you again, Dr. Chen." After taking his own things, Li Tang was about to leave directly.

"Miss, the one you mentioned earlier..." At this point, Dr. Chen hesitated again, and the words he wanted to say just now got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get up or down.

"What?" Seeing Dr. Chen's hesitation and his ambiguous words, Li Tang instantly understood what Dr. Chen didn't say.

I don't know what he thinks, but he should be shaken.

I mentioned to him before that I asked him to work here as my personal doctor. At first, he refused me sternly. Why did I change my mind now after one operation...

Li Tang didn't think much about it, even if she already knew what Dr. Chen was thinking of writing, she didn't point it out directly.

While lying on the operating table, she thought a lot about her and Tong Ye, past and present, about her and Jiang Qiming, and even the future.

Of course the child could not have been born, one way or the other.

Today, even if Dr. Chen resolutely disagrees with helping her and arranges an abortion for herself, even at the risk of being known by Jiang Qiming, even if she goes to a regular hospital, she will have to deal with the child.

Even if it is a quick cut, it is better than worrying about it all the time in the future, and even betting on the consequences of a wrong answer.

"Miss, let's talk in another place." After a pause, Dr. Chen looked around before saying so.

Li Tang probably understood what Dr. Chen meant, and followed Dr. Chen back to his office alone.

When he sat down at the desk, Li Tang's eyes slowly fell on the dark blue white stand with Dr. Chen's name on it, facing him.

Chen Nanfang.

"Miss, when you were undergoing examination and surgery, I took the time to look at what happened to you recently." Chen Nanfang, who had just sat down opposite Li Tang, clasped his fists and looked at Li Tang straight to the point and said, "I I didn’t know much about this before, and those news inquiries are actually controlled by capital behind them, with half and half credibility.”

"What do you want to say?" Listening to Chen Nanfang's vague words, Li Tang was a little confused for a moment.

However, what he said is not wrong. Regarding these recent events, what can be reported is definitely the tip of the iceberg, and it has even been more or less beautified—after all, how could this kind of matter be so straightforwardly disclosed to the public—— It's just that she didn't know how much news Chen Nanfang took the time to see, and what information he learned.

The reliability is half and half, which is true, but it is the reader's personal choice whether to believe it or not.

"Your public name is Jiang Qiming's fiancée, right?"

"It's more than the name. As for what the outside world thinks, I don't know yet."

Almost, she actually guessed what Chen Nanfang would ask her to verify.

It's nothing more than... My current identity has once again been dressed up in the outside world.

"Do you love him?"

"I do not know."

Li Tang's answer was without hesitation, and this happened to be what she had been thinking about before.

She really didn't know how to describe her feelings for Jiang Qiming.

Jiang Qiming saved her when her world became dark and collapsed because of Tong Ye, and broke the deadlock, and because they had the same interests, he successfully defeated Tong Ye, even if she was more or less among them. There are also grievances, but at least, the final result is what she wants.

As for love or not, she didn't know where to start.

Jiang Qiming had indeed been protecting her all along, putting her safety first, but she still couldn't convince herself that this was an expression of love.

"Then why do you want to marry him?"

"I'm a businessman," Li Tang said after being silent for a while, with no emotion in his voice, "He has everything I need, and he is willing to give it to me."

"Okay... miss, this is your own choice, and it's not good for me to interfere as a bystander, but miss, let me tell you something that is absolutely true, I hope you can marry the person you love." For some reason, Chen Nanfang smiled suddenly, avoiding Li Tang's gaze, "It's best if you can choose according to your own preferences when it comes to marriage."

His miss, even now that the company has collapsed and the Li family has almost fallen apart, in his eyes, she is not much different from before.

His miss, of course he hoped that she would be happy.

Under Li Rendao's request and education, she has been chasing fame and fortune for many years. Before Li Rendao was shot, he, Li Rendao's personal doctor, saw all these things. He has neither the qualifications nor the opportunity to say these words.

Even if she just said naturally that she is a businessman, she should put her interests first, even if it is a matter of marriage that she doesn't need to marry someone she clearly and passionately loves, he still feels that this is biased.

"I don't have so many choices. Relatively speaking, marrying him is a sure-fire deal."

As long as the child disappeared smoothly, she would have nothing to worry about.

Jiang Qiming has long been able to accept her bad comments from the outside world, as well as her rich love experience, so she has nothing to worry about.

Now that the baby is gone, she doesn't seem to have anything to worry about.

Besides, with Jiang Qiming's conditions, who else could she find better than him.

"Since this is the case, then Jiang Qiming took over the Li family's company, and it will still be yours in the end."


"In that case, I don't have anything to worry about." Seeing the flat expression on Li Tang's face, he knew that she might have known about it before, "I have been a laborer all my life, I went for the money, since you can guarantee what I said before...then I promise what you said before."

It turned out to be the case.

For some reason, even though Chen Nanfang was willing to be on her side now, her mood still didn't get any better.

"Delete all the records related to the operation just now in your system. You have to do this before I can trust you."

She stayed back, even if Chen Nanfang didn't help her, she would still hack into their system by herself, and then delete everything, as if the operation just now hadn't happened at all.

But if Chen Nanfang did this by himself, it can completely show that they are now on the side.

The company is now in Jiang Qiming's hands. Although Jiang Qiming is likely to help her, after all, she will feel insecure if she doesn't have something firmly in her hands.

It was impossible for her to completely rely on Jiang Qiming, and it was impossible for her to bet that even after she married Jiang Qiming, Jiang Qiming would really love her for the rest of her life.

She has seen too many wealthy couples, and almost none of them have been in love until the end of life. After the woman is old and fading, how can the rich and powerful man keep his bottom line and never leave.

Even if there is no divorce, the relationship will have already fallen apart, and the marriage will exist in name only.

The general environment is like this, so why should she bet that the person next to her will go against the general environment for herself.

Therefore, she had to plan for herself early.

She also planned to take over the old man's business by herself instead of leaving it to Jiang Qiming.

"Okay, miss, as you wish."

(End of this chapter)

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