Chapter 204 Obedient Enough

Probably because she got used to sleeping on the soft and comfortable big bed in Jingyiju, but the night she slept in Ji Xiaoting's house was not so solid.

After changing to a new mobile phone number and mobile phone, of course she did not receive a call from Jiang Qiming.

However, according to Jiang Qiming's current power, trying to find her whereabouts is just a matter of moving a small hand, and she can't escape from his palm at all.

But no matter what, this night, until Li Tang woke up with some discomfort in the morning, she didn't get a single number from her cell phone.

Of course, she would not believe that Jiang Qiming could sleep on the sofa all night.

Therefore, the only thing that can be explained is that Jiang Qiming really didn't intend to call her on his own initiative.

This is... quite strange.

After having a simple breakfast with Ji Xiaoting, Li Tang left Ji Xiaoting's house, and under the introduction of an acquaintance, he bought a small western-style house with full payment in the first ring road.

"Sister Tang, you know that this is our last western-style building. With this price and the interior decoration, let alone you living alone, even if you get married in the future, it is absolutely qualified. "

"Yes, Sister Tang, if you didn't know that you made an appointment last night to come here in person today, we might have sold this last western-style building to another customer last night. After all, you also know that our area The land is a prime location.”

The two salesmen kept showing off the gold content of this western-style building in Li Tang's ears, which made Li Tang feel a little uncomfortable.

She is a businessman, how could she not know the gold content of this location?

It's just... just like the two salesmen said, this is a prime location, and there are still vacant real estate, let alone a western-style building.

After taking the full payment of this western-style building, Li Tang made a phone call as soon as she entered, and asked someone to change a new combination lock for her new home, and installed a micro-monitor at the door.

Defenses can not do without.

Furniture and these... Well, let's think about these things after returning from the company and the hospital.

She is so busy now that she feels dizzy when she thinks about what to do next.

After staying in the new home for no more than 10 minutes, Li Tang took a bag and took a taxi at the gate of the community, and went straight to the company.

The new home was not far from the company, and if she didn't feel a little upset, she could have reached it on foot.

"Miss, you seem to have seen you on TV." When Li Tang was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, the driver who had been driving in silence but glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time suddenly turned his head and said to her, "I didn't expect to be able to directly meet me."

"What?" Li Tang was stunned for a moment, apparently not knowing why the driver said he had seen him on TV.

Since recently, I have been no different from disappearing, how can I still have the opportunity to let myself appear on TV?
No matter how ill-informed she is, it's impossible for her to be completely ignorant about herself, right?

"You still don't know at all? In the middle of the night last night, it was revealed that the famous Mr. Jiang was engaged. Aren't you his fiancee? I paid attention to this matter, and Jiang Qiming admitted it, and said that he was already in The wedding is being prepared, and you, as the party involved, don't know anything about it?"

"What's there?" Li Tang listened to the driver's words, turned on his mobile phone, and swipe his fingers quickly on the screen.

Midnight... If I don't know, it must be when I fell asleep.

As soon as she woke up, she was busy meeting with the appointed agent, looking at the house and paying the full payment. She didn't have that much time and thought to pay attention to the news in this area...

Unexpectedly, after Jiang Qiming woke up, he didn't make a phone call to himself, nor asked someone to take him back to Jingyiju forcibly, but he made such a sensational news?

What is he trying to do?Even if it's going to be made public to the public, at least you have to tell her, the person involved, in advance, right?

Now she is confused.

Soon, she found the full text of Jiang Qiming's announcement of his engagement in the news column on her mobile phone.

There is even a video of Jiang Qiming being interviewed by reporters and media early this morning.

The man in the video is neatly dressed, smiling, answering questions one after another from reporters and different media, as if he has been planning for this matter for a long time.

"Let me be honest, miss, don't blame me for talking too much. A man has to love you so much that he is willing to choose to announce his relationship and marital status when his career is on the rise. From the perspective of us men, Jiang Qiming That guy probably loves you badly."


Li Tang didn't feel that his bad mood was better.

No matter what happened to Jiang Qiming, he should tell himself, right?Even if the relationship within the Li family is falling apart, and the company under the Li family's name has changed, but after all, he is not an unknown person. Doesn't he think about his feelings at all?


As if he suddenly thought of something, Li Tang seemed to understand why Jiang Qiming did this.

Was he expressing his dissatisfaction with leaving without saying goodbye?Just because when he fell asleep, he left Jing Yiju and lived outside for the night?

So what?

She is already obedient enough, obediently stayed in Jing Yiju for two whole months, and almost lived a life isolated from the world for two whole months, even if she left Jing Yiju, it was completely out of reason, not to mention Wasn't he the one who was so tired that he fell asleep on the couch and chilled the meal she had just finished cooking?
What mood is he in?When you get angry, do you want to vent your dissatisfaction in this way?

(End of this chapter)

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