Chapter 205 Confession

Li Tang suppressed some dissatisfaction in his heart and came to his former company. Looking at the decoration that was at least similar to the original in appearance, he still felt more or less relieved.

After walking in, Li Tang discovered that the original staff of the company had undergone great changes when he was with the old man and himself, especially the top management.

On the one hand, seeing the sudden absence of some familiar names from the list of executives, on the other hand, Li Tang felt Jiang Qiming's hard work during this time.

The aunt who once had the ambition to monopolize the company has long since collapsed, and even the forces she developed in the company overtly and secretly have been wiped out one by one. The most typical one is Xia You, who didn't even keep her position as an employee.

"President Li, are you finally back?"

"Mr. Li, you don't know what happened to the company during the two months you were away! If your fiancé hadn't acted as an agent for these things, the company would probably change hands!"

"At this meeting of the board of directors when you were not present, the collateral branch of the Li family was very aggressive. That household said that they wished that Director Li would pass away soon."

Almost all the top management of the company have undergone some minor changes, only the old man and her position are exactly the same as before.

Jiang Qiming didn't touch them, and even helped them out.

That's right, according to Jiang Qiming's personality, he wouldn't worry as much about the company's governance as he and the old man did. Once he noticed an unstable factor, he would probably solve it directly, so he wouldn't say that he had to find a suitable reason. Nor will they wait patiently until the other party reveals their feet.

His shady work is like this, and his style of corporate governance on the bright side has also been greatly affected.

"Do you think Mr. Li is much thinner than before?"

"I just remembered when you said that. A friend of mine seemed to bump into Mr. Li and a strange man in the hospital before, but he couldn't see clearly, and I don't know if it was Mr. Li."

"Huh? She's still in the hospital? I've been working in the company for so many years, and I've never seen her cough very often. It's so serious when she gets sick."

"Shh, stop talking, I feel like Mr. Li is looking at us."

But perhaps, Jiang Qiming's tough approach is not a big problem in terms of corporate governance.

After two months, Li Tang returned to his office for the first time, not surprisingly, it was not much different from when he left, and it was even much neater and cleaner than before.

Turning on the computer, Li Tang checked all the company documents, large and small, in the past two months, and found that even if he and the old man were not around, Jiang Qiming bought the company from the first direct driving agency right to the final declaration of bankruptcy. All files work without any issues.

But... She vaguely remembered that Dr. Chen Nanfang had mentioned to her that the company's biggest problem was the huge fines caused by tax evasion, coupled with the struggle for power and profit among the company's top management, which finally dragged down the company and declared bankruptcy. But when I was still here, I had never heard of or found out that there was such a serious tax evasion in the company...

The old man never mentioned to himself that this hat of tax evasion seems to have been created out of thin air.

Sitting next to his desk, Li Tang began to quickly use the computer to look up the documents, and finally found the "confession" of tax evasion as quickly as possible.

The old man's name was impressively written on it in black and white.

(End of this chapter)

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