Chapter 207 Concealing Again

After hastily dealing with some matters, Li Tang quickly left the company.

Jiang Qiming still retained her position, which was something that made her feel a little better.

But the ownership of the company is no longer in the hands of the old man, but has directly become Jiang Qiming's private property. She still has to formally discuss this matter with Jiang Qiming in the future.

The feeling of being dependent on others is not good, probably because of the few experiences and lessons she has gained in the past two months.

All things should be firmly held in one's own hands to be at ease. What belongs to others will belong to others after all. Once something happens, it will be difficult for anyone other than yourself to be reliable.

Next, Li Tang came to the hospital, successfully found Li Rendao's ward in the hospital, and walked in almost unimpeded.

She was somewhat puzzled. After all, according to common sense, Jiang Qiming should have sent someone to guard the old man's ward, not for anything else, but for... her.

But now, it's a little smooth and not normal.

If it is said that Jiang Qiming did not arrange manpower behind the old man's ward and the hospital, she would never believe it. Then the only plausible explanation for her being able to enter the old man's ward so smoothly is that her whereabouts have long been It was exposed, before she came to the hospital, Jiang Qiming had already arranged for her one step ahead of her, so that her visit could be so smooth from beginning to end.

But she can't control that much now.

Li Tang sat down next to Li Rendao's hospital bed, silently looking at his father who used to always have a straight face, but smiled at him from time to time, and the complicated emotions in his heart reached the peak for a while.

She knew that there were many people who wanted to kill the old man, but she couldn't figure out who was going to kill the old man.

The old man must have concealed many things from her that she didn't know, and he didn't want her to know at all, including but not limited to the so-called tax evasion...

And when I returned to Li's mansion that day, I found a suspicious newspaper in the old man's study.

What was specifically written in that newspaper, maybe because the life of the past two months has been too leisurely, Li Tang couldn't remember the words on the newspaper that he saw before Wu Peng sent him away when a fire broke out in Li's mansion that day. what is it.

She only remembers four words, Wang'an War.

She still saved a USB flash drive that day, and she didn't even remember this USB flash drive for a while, and she didn't know...whether she brought it back from Jing Yiju.

When you get back to your new home, look for the little bag you brought with you.

The man on the hospital bed was breathing steadily, but he never showed any signs of waking up.

The old man obviously injured his lungs, even if the shot hit the vital point, he wouldn't still be lying on the bed after so long.

Thinking about it this way, Li Tang felt that something was wrong.

During the battle, Jiang Qiming must have arranged the best medical resources for the old man. It stands to reason that the excessive blood loss and shock caused by being shot in the lungs would not cause a person to faint for so long.

What's more, the old man's other indicators are still normal. In theory, he should have woken up long ago, right?
Could it be...someone secretly harmed the old man again?

But then again, with the fighting power of Jiang Qiming's subordinates, I stayed in Jingyiju for so long, even when the battle was the most intense, there was almost no abnormality on my side, let alone the hospital, how could it be possible? Let a big living person sneak in and attack the old man?

There is definitely something in it that she doesn't know yet, and it's even possible that Jiang Qiming knew about it, but he chose to hide it from her again.

After coming out of Jingyiju, slowly getting in touch with the outside world, and experiencing the changes in the outside world, Li Tang slowly realized that Jiang Qiming had hidden many things from her, things she should know and things she shouldn't know, in short, Jiang Qiming seemed to have no intention of telling her at all.

And now, this man is probably using Hazelman's high-tech, somewhere in this city, oh no, it should be said to be at the largest stronghold under his hands, looking at him clearly through the display screen every move.

(End of this chapter)

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