It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 208 He Can't Understand

Chapter 208 He Can't Understand

Thinking of this, Li Tang couldn't help but feel cold again.

I don't know if it's because of Tong Ye, but now she feels uncomfortable with any love that may be a little deformed.

She hoped that Jiang Qiming would not be suitable for such a person, and would not have deformed love.

If he is really willing to love her well, even if she tries hard in the end but still has no feelings for him, she will stay with him because of other factors.

Not long after staying in the old man's ward, Li Tang picked up his bag and chose to leave, took a taxi and went straight back to the small western-style building he bought.

Jiang Qiming didn't cut off her source of income in the company, which is more or less his conscience.

After face recognition, the door lock was automatically unlocked, and Li Tang stepped into his new home.

Before she put down the bag in her hand, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the empty living room without any furniture.

"How did you come in?" Li Tang looked at the man's back and said in a displeased tone, even forgetting to put down the bag in his hand.

"This is your new home?" The man turned around and looked at the displeased woman with a cold face.

In my impression, she is not a woman whose emotions are written on her face, but now how can he easily read unhappy emotions on her face?

"How did you get in? I've asked it a second time." Li Tang felt even more unhappy about Jiang Qiming's behavior of not only ignoring his own question, but asking her question instead.

For the sake of safety, she changed a new lock as soon as she bought this small western-style building. She didn't expect that Jiang Qiming would be able to enter her home directly after she had been out for a long time?

So what's the point of her changing the lock?
No, now is not the time to worry about changing the locks. What she should pay attention to is what method Jiang Qiming used to somehow appear in her home like a ghost.

"..." Facing Li Tang's unfriendly attitude upon meeting him, Jiang Qiming didn't intend to show any good looks for a while, "I can't enter?"

It was she who left Jing Yiju without saying a word and ran out alone while he was asleep. She secretly changed the phone and phone card so that she could not hear her voice even after making countless calls. It was she who didn't follow him. He said anything, as if he disappeared out of thin air, and now he came to her with a lot of anger, and she still treated him with this attitude?

Even if she stayed in Jingyiju for two months and was bored for two months, she wanted to go out and have a look, get in touch with the outside world, was it too much to tell him about it?

Even if she is worried about the mobile phone she bought for her and using the mobile phone card she bought, she still has to tell him her new number, right?
The person who made him unable to find her at all, didn't she just want to play disappearance?

Why do this?

Why was there no news all night and all morning?

She clearly wanted to avoid him, but he obviously didn't do anything, right?
Let her stay obediently in Jingyiju, is it because I didn't let her be grounded in Jingyiju before, she ran out by herself, went to Li's mansion without any warning, and the result?As a result, she was almost taken away by Tong Ye again, Wu Peng was seriously injured, and Li Mansion was burned to ruins by Tong Ye!
Restricting her freedom is obviously based on her safety. If there is another way, does she think he is willing to let her stay in Jingyiju for two full months of boredom?Doesn't he want to come back to accompany her?Doesn't she know?

He has said that he loves her very much, and he will definitely marry her. Why can't she always believe in him?

Even though she has already personally admitted her relationship with reporters and major media, and explosive news is flying everywhere, she is not even willing to contact him.

This is not hiding from him, what else could it be?
If she wants to do something, tell him, how can he stop her?

In her heart, what kind of person did she regard him as?
After he woke up yesterday, he looked at the empty room, confirmed that Li Tang had packed up and left, and the good mood before falling asleep was gone.

He wondered almost all night why she chose to leave without saying a word.

This was only his first day back in Jing Yiju, and she couldn't wait to leave.

Does she not want to meet him?

Could it be that you don't want to see him that much?Even one night is too much.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't figure it out, nor could he understand what Li Tang was pretending to be thinking.

It wasn't until the dawn of the sky that he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

And this thought was the fundamental reason why he couldn't bear it directly.

Tong Ye left a very bad impression on her, which can be regarded as a disguised emotional injury. Could it be that she subconsciously felt that she and Tong Ye were the same kind of people?
Tong Ye must be in love with Li Tang, even if he is Tong Ye's deadly enemy, he has to admit it, but here, Li Tang has always wanted to kill Tong Ye himself.

Of course he didn't know what Tong Ye did to Li Tang during that time, but even if it was just the drug that almost killed Li Tang, it was enough to make Li Tang hate Tong Ye and Tong Ye's people. To the bone.

He couldn't figure it out.

At the very beginning, he tried to calm himself down, not to use strong methods against Li Tang - he still knew her about this, she hated being forced - he didn't want her to lose points for him, but as Li Tang The time away from Jing Yiju was getting longer and longer, and he didn't even plan to come back at all, so his sanity gradually collapsed.

Impulsively, he directly investigated Li Tang's movements last night and this morning.

He saw that after Li Tang left Jingyiju, she went to the house of her former best friend Ji Xiaoting, and then stayed at Ji Xiaoting's house until this morning. After waking up, she bought a small western-style building in the city center with full money. , and then went to the former company of the Li family and the hospital where Li Rendao was located, and finally returned to the community where the small western-style building was located.

Yes, when he was investigating Li Tang's whereabouts, Li Tang happened to be aware of this in the hospital, but he didn't know it at all, Li Tang was already aware of this.

(End of this chapter)

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