Chapter 209 Aggressiveness

Li Tang, who was still a little dissatisfied with Jiang Qiming just now, was not in a better mood after hearing Jiang Qiming's weird words.

"My new combination lock, how did you get in?" Not caring what Jiang Qiming said just now, Li Tang repeated what he said at the beginning for the third time, "Answer me."

He broke into her house out of nowhere, why should he be angry?
What do you mean he can enter?His focus is really strange, isn't it that he can stand in the living room of her house without even a sofa when he changed a lock himself?
And why does he avoid talking about his problems?Is there anything wrong with this?
"Come back to Jingyiju with me."

"you answer me first!"

The man tried to step forward to hold her hand, but Li Tang avoided her directly.

In the next second, the man cast an angry look at Li Tang, and could clearly feel his face cooling down little by little.

He also has a temper, does she know it.

But there seemed to be nothing he could do.

After all, he is in love with her unrequitedly. It is normal for her not to like herself, to not welcome her, or to reject herself.

marry?That was just an excuse for her to say that she wanted him to solve her hatred of Tong Ye earlier.

Jiang Qiming moved his hand, but in the end he didn't choose to use a forceful way to pull Li Tang towards him, but took a step back, sighed patiently, and then slowly raised his head to look at the aggressive man at this moment. woman.

"This land is built by me. If I want to enter your house, no one will stop me." Jiang Qiming looked into Li Tang's eyes and said in a dull voice.

"This is my home. Even if you are my fiance to the outside world, you can't just break in like this."

"You also know about the public? You are my fiancee to the public. Don't I even know where you are going and what you have done?"

"If you like, I can't escape from you at all. Even if you don't come to my house, you can know what you want to know, can't you?"

Li Tang responded with a sneer.

Isn't Jiang Qiming's way of speaking now just to change the topic?
What's more, where to go, what to do, just because he is her fiancé—even she hasn't admitted this identity to the public—does she have to tell him everything?

Are you a pet?Besides, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary!

wait, no...

Jiang Qiming probably didn't know about his abortion, did he?
Li Tang swallowed subconsciously, not realizing that the aggressiveness in his eyes suddenly became much weaker.

And the change in her mood was noticed by all the men who had been silent for a while.

"Xiaotang, I just want you to tell me before you do anything."

Probably seeing that her aggression had weakened, Jiang Qiming's voice was no longer so strong, and he even meant to take a step back.

"You left Jingyiju, I don't even know where you went."

Seeing that Li Tang didn't speak, Jiang Qiming sighed helplessly, and then continued talking on his own.

"...You don't know? With the equipment you have on hand, it is not difficult for you to know my whereabouts." When Jiang Qiming said that he didn't know where he went, Li Tang subconsciously The floor missed a beat, "Did you investigate my whereabouts? You actually know, right?"

She didn't know whether Jiang Qiming's words were true or not, so she had to test him out.

Now, she only hoped that her abortion was done seamlessly enough that no information was intercepted by Heizeman's background, and Jiang Qiming would not know that she had done such a thing behind the scenes.

If Jiang Qiming found out, he would definitely get to the bottom of it, and he would never accept that he had a relationship with Tong Ye during that time. The child who had been aborted might be Tong Ye's flesh and blood.

"I know."

Jiang Qiming smiled bitterly.

He didn't want to lie to her, but anyway, he did do something she didn't like, and he did investigate her whereabouts. Since she asked seriously, there was no need for him to lie to her.

(End of this chapter)

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