It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 216 Showing Weakness to You

Chapter 216 Showing Weakness to You
Along with the tax evasion issue, there was also the issue of the engagement of Li Tang and Jiang Qiming. Even though it had been a while since Jiang Qiming admitted to the reporters and the media, the popularity of this news would only increase. No reduction.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Tang to believe that there is no power of capital at all.

For a while, she was pushed to the forefront as an individual again.

Overwhelming scandals and voices of doubt were continuously uploaded from the Internet, including but not limited to Jian Songjiang's defamation of what she said at that time.

Even the fact that she had a relationship with Tong Ye in college was dug up, but it was smeared that she and Li Rendao had a strong sense of superiority, and from the bottom of her heart she simply looked down on the individual represented by Tong Ye After being humiliated in every possible way by the grassroots, Tong Ye, who suffered great psychological trauma, went abroad alone.

Her reputation, which was already on the verge of collapse, fell directly to the bottom this time.

Now, there is only one person who can save his reputation like last time, and even this time, he has to come forward.

Because, externally, he is her fiancé, and now he has the most right to speak about her negative news.

It is impossible for Jiang Qiming to completely let go of all this. He must have taken care of it, and he has successfully controlled public opinion in his own hands.

He was forcing her to take the initiative to find him, to bow to him, to admit that she had to show weakness under such an absolute gap.

Of course Li Tang would not compromise so easily at the beginning, let alone just a public opinion storm, as long as there is no conclusive evidence for many things, when the storm of this period passes, it will not have any particularly big impact.

The Internet has no memory, not to mention the fact that the company has a big family and a big business. The money spent because of tax evasion and internal power struggles has long been settled because the company declared bankruptcy, and it is impossible to face bankruptcy again because of the crusade of public opinion. crisis.

This was actually Jiang Qiming's test for her, to see how she would deal with this situation alone without the support of the Li family and the help of the network centered on Li Rendao.

During this period of time, Li Tang went to find Pei Lu, Yang Chu, and Ji Xiaoting respectively, and paid most of Pei Chuannian's medical expenses in advance. At a certain stage of her life, they will be interviewed by reporters and media in the name of her friends, subordinates and former college classmates.

In the end, she went to find the housekeeper who was still taking care of the old man and Dr. Chen Nanfang, and helped the old man and the atmosphere inside the Li family to be rectified. The effect was much better than her own public relations.

As time went by, and it was confirmed that people around Li Tang and Li Rendao jumped out from time to time to help explain and deal with the reporters and the media, the public opinion gradually subsided, and the company's stock price also began to rise rapidly.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

During this period, Li Tang took the initiative to call Jiang Qiming.

When making this call, Li Tang was sitting in his office looking boredly at the comment section, which was not as aggressive as it was at the beginning. On the other side, Jiang Qiming, who was almost recuperating in Jingyiju, frowned. Frown.

"Jiang Qiming, do you expect me to call to show weakness to you?"

The woman's words were a bit playful, and people couldn't feel the man who didn't say anything after she connected the phone on the opposite side of Yin Yang Weiqi.

"You have the ability, and you won't bow to me easily."

The man's voice sounded muffled, as if he was in a bad mood.

Of course he could understand the meaning of Li Tang's words, and of course he knew that she was pissing him off.

She was proudly telling him that she is very strong now, and she will not be crushed by the things that knocked her down before, and she even has the ability to turn things around.

The public opinion turmoil was indeed due to his acquiescence and sitting on the sidelines, which caused various forces including but not limited to the media and marketing accounts to start verbal criticism of the Li family headed by Li Tang.

He also intends to guide public opinion, he wants Li Tang to have to find him to prove that these are all nonsense, all fabricated lies, as long as she takes the initiative to ask him for help, that is the beginning of her showing weakness.

That was the first time he shook her.

But he did underestimate her, or in other words, the war between him and Tong Ye subtly made her grow a lot.

Now, as a shrewd and cunning businessman, she still has the courage and ability to stay calm in times of crisis and turn around against the wind.

Even learned how to provoke and taunt her opponents.

"Jiang Qiming, if you want to conquer me with your strength, you have to add fire."

"Xiaotang, don't talk too much."

(End of this chapter)

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