Chapter 217 Random thoughts
After the company's situation basically returned to the right track, Li Tang also had a period of leisure to clean up his new home.

It took her a lot of effort and energy to buy new furniture and place it alone.

To be honest, she actually thought about going back to the rebuilt Li mansion more than once to have a look at the decoration and decorations inside, even though she was told by reason that the internal structure must be different from what she wanted to see and what she remembered , but how to restrain emotional thoughts, she still has this idea.

After all, the Li mansion carried too much, and she couldn't give it up completely.

This is also human nature.

Jiang Qiming probably knew this too, knowing that the Li mansion was not just a place to live and live for her, so even when the war with Tong Ye was going on, he could still find time to rebuild the Li mansion into a place of leisure. From the outside, it looks extremely luxurious.

For this, she must thank Jiang Qiming.

But even if Li Tang thought about going back to the Li Mansion to have a look—after all, the Li Mansion is still the Li Mansion, even if it was burned to ruins and then rebuilt without his knowledge. After the appearance that other people like, no matter how it changes and becomes completely different from what she remembers, it is still the Li Mansion——she also resisted her own thoughts, and did not express it publicly or secretly. I have been to the vicinity of Li Mansion.

Needless to say, that area was already under the control of Jiang Qiming's subordinates.

Somehow, she just wanted to go against Jiang Qiming now, and she didn't want to follow Jiang Qiming's wishes so simply.

And... It seemed that this competitive relationship made her feel more comfortable than the previous relationship.

In addition to this matter, there is another matter that has been bothering Li Tang during this period of time.

The matter of the old man has not yet come to light. Even though she has gone to the backstage to check several times in person, and checked the surrounding surveillance countless times when the shooting happened that day, she has not found any suspects.

Does this also mean that she needs to start with other clues?
But for a while, Li Tang suddenly lost his mind.

The old man who had been lying on the hospital bed didn't show any signs of waking up, and Li Tang, who didn't understand medicine, didn't know what to do.

Even Jiang Qiming, who is very skilled in medicine, probably has nothing to do with the old man's current situation, right?


She didn't know.

As for what the hospital said, she always felt that they were using various reasons to prevaricate her.

But the housekeeper said that there was nothing to do, and asked other big figures in the medical field to look at it, and they all said that they had never encountered such a situation. It stands to reason that Li Rendao should have woken up long ago.

Li Tang was worried, and for some reason, suddenly realized that he might be able to find the teacher who had taught Jiang Qiming's medicine.

Probably because of her intuition, she always felt that Jiang Qiming's teacher could change the old man's current situation.

It is more or less difficult to find a doctor whose name is completely unknown and who is no longer operating on the operating table.

And at this time, she thought of the little nurse Mi Yuan she knew when she was hospitalized due to nerve trauma. In her vague impression, Mi Yuan seemed to be a teacher of that master.

If you go to her, you should be able to get some information about that master.

As long as you have a little basic information, and as long as you have enough time, you can filter it out without any accidents in the information network.

After thinking about it, Li Tang, who was busy with work, went directly to the hospital to find Mi Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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