Chapter 219
Ms. Miao?who is this?

After repeated confirmations in his mind, Li Tang finally could only think that Ms. Miao, who was suddenly dizzy, was a woman he had never heard of or had contact with before.

She is obviously wearing a famous brand, but she has a cheap feeling. She is definitely not a daughter of a wealthy family.

"Ms. Miao, why don't you go to the hospital bed and lie down for a while? I'll help you there." The doctor in the white coat was extraordinarily attentive to the so-called Ms. Miao, and his nodding and bowing appearance didn't look like it to Li Tang. A doctor, rather like her servant.

Seeing that Ms. Miao nodded, she left with the support of this man who looked like a servant but was actually a doctor. Before leaving, she still gave Li Tang a resentful look.

Li Tang didn't intend to keep fussing with a woman who got angry after just a few words and made her dizzy. After seeing Ms. Miao leave the front lobby, she asked the nurse about Mi Yuan's whereabouts.

"Are you looking for Mi Yuan? She is helping the director with a very important operation, why don't you wait at the front desk first? After the operation is over, I will contact her for you." The nurse was very excited. He said softly, and pointed to the vacant chair in the hall to Li Tang, "There is still hot water and some snacks here, you can take them yourself while waiting."

"Okay, thank you." After Li Tang responded, he took a cup of hot water and sat down in the lobby with his mobile phone.

Like Jiang Qiming, Mi Yuan learned from that master, so he should be regarded as a relatively powerful person in the medical field, right?

Speaking of this, Li Tang thought of the past that Jiang Qiming had mentioned to her about him studying medicine.

That is indeed a period of time that people don't want to recall just after listening to it.

Parted ways with his teacher because of different ideas, violated his father's initial expectations of him, and finally fell into this muddy water, but Jiang Qiming can still say without hesitation that he has no regrets about his choice , in a way, he can be regarded as a person with a particularly strong heart.

... Tsk.

During this time, she can always think of him because of some people or people who seem to have nothing to do with that man on the surface. Whether it is good or bad, he will almost always appear in her mind.

There is one thing to say, this kind of competitive relationship with Jiang Qiming, which I don't know how to form, made Li Tang more motivated to fight - she also more or less realized that Jiang Qiming was actually deliberately releasing water, but he was using another Ways to restore your enthusiasm for work and life as quickly as possible.

Although someone's means, to be honest, had some bad personal intentions, in order to make her bow to him or please him, but he didn't use all his strength to oppress her, and the strength was well controlled It's just right, at least it can make Li Tang aware of some of his little thoughts.

When the battle between Tong Ye and Jiang Qiming happened, she avoided many things, and Jiang Qiming came forward to solve and handle them. Now that the war is over, she stayed in Jingyiju for two full days out of safety considerations. She, who was only a few months old, naturally wanted to return to the life track she was used to as quickly as possible.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiang Qiming is not suppressing Li Tang at all, but secretly helping Li Tang improve her reputation and establish her own prestige in the company.

When he was bored, Li Tang turned on his mobile phone, flipping and refreshing the company's stock price again and again.

All things are moving in the right direction, of course, not just the company's stock price.

(End of this chapter)

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