Chapter 220 Generous
"Miss, is there anyone next to you? If there is no one, can I sit down?" When Mi Yuan's surgery was over, a woman in a long black dress walked up to Li Tang, and He bent over and said in a soft tone.

"No one, sit down." Li Tang responded briefly, and moved slightly to the side.

"Did you have some quarrel with Miao Meizi at the front desk just now?" Unexpectedly, the woman just sat down next to her, turned around to look at her, whispered in Li Tang's ear Said.

"Is that the woman in the red high-heeled shoes just now?" Li Tang, who was a little absent-minded just now, didn't listen carefully to the name that the woman said at first, so he could only confirm with the woman again.

Is that woman famous?
"Yeah, that's her. Don't you know her name?" The woman's face showed obvious surprise for Li Tang's reconfirmation, as if she thought that Li Tang should have known that Ms. Miao in the first place. .

"I don't know her, what does she do?" After being told by the woman, Li Tang became more or less serious, and frankly asked about the situation of the woman just now.

"Her name is Miao Meizi. She is an Internet celebrity who has just become popular recently. She is still incomparable with popular artists. It's normal that you don't know her." Probably because she felt that her words were a little unpleasant, the woman made up again. With one sentence, he began to introduce to Li Tang the woman who had a little episode with Li Tang just now with a slightly slower speech speed.

"It is said that her popularity has something to do with Jiang Qiming—your fiancé. The exact relationship is still unclear."

"Miao Meizi admired your fiancé very much. She once thought that she would become the mistress of the Jiang family, but she never thought that Jiang Qiming would disclose her marriage to you in front of reporters and the media. She was probably in a hurry and just happened to meet you in the hospital. , of course I want to come up and challenge you a few words."

Miao Meizi...has something to do with Jiang Qiming?

What could it matter?She still didn't know at all that Jiang Qiming was inextricably linked with the entertainment industry and webcasting.

What's more, Jiang Qiming spent almost all his energy on dealing with Tong Ye some time ago, how could he have any extra thoughts to flirt with some Internet celebrity?
That Miao Meizi is really a bit pretentious. Now that he knows that Jiang Qiming is powerful and powerful now, even if Jiang Qiming doesn't have her around, even if Jiang Qiming doesn't love her that much, Jiang Qiming will never marry someone who has no background, can't A woman who brought him any benefit.

Such a realistic thing, does that gorgeously dressed woman still not understand?

"I want to ask, what is your relationship with Miao Meizi?"

Whether what she just said is true or not remains to be investigated. What Li Tang wants to know most right now is why this woman appeared in the hospital just after Miao Meizi left, and why she wanted to tell him that Miao Meizi was with her. There was something possible between Jiang Qiming, and how did she know about it.

"Miao Meizi cheated my husband nearly 10 yuan."

"Miss Li, that's the down payment for our new house, and it was cheated by a woman like Miao Meizi. I searched for many channels, but it is said that Miao Meizi is protected by a very powerful person. With the ability of ordinary people like us , can't move her at all."

"Miss Li, you are now Jiang Qiming's fiancée. Miao Meizi also contradicted you just now. If you feel uncomfortable and want to punish her for disrespecting you, please help us by the way, okay?"

"My husband and I really need the 10 yuan, otherwise we will sleep on the street."

The woman looked at Li Tang with watery eyes, but Li Tang couldn't feel a ripple in his heart.

She didn't feel sorry for the woman in front of her, and she didn't intend to pity someone who had nothing to do with her.

What's more, from the woman's tone, she couldn't hear the woman's complaints about her completely irresponsible husband, and she even planned to be taken advantage of and continue to live with this man.

How can she help such a person?
Then again, she said that Miao Meizi has a powerful backer behind her, so it can't be Jiang Qiming, right?
If Miao Meizi's background is really Jiang Qiming, if she really has an affair with Jiang Qiming, even if she can be persuaded by the woman next to her, she has nothing to do.

If it wasn't Jiang Qiming, but another powerful but anonymous person, with her current power, it would be unrealistic not to rely on Jiang Qiming at all, so why would she bother with this matter for a stranger?
"Tell me first, are you sure that Miao Meizi has an indecent relationship with fiancé?"

Let's not talk about this first, confirming this matter is the most important thing.

If Jiang Qiming was covering Miao Meizi in the end, then it was absolutely impossible and she had to intervene in this matter.

"I've seen similar opinions on the Internet before. If you don't mind, you can check it with your mobile phone now." Maybe she noticed that Li Tang's attitude had become serious, and the woman's already small voice became weaker.

"Give me your contact information. I will check whether what you said is true or not, and then decide whether to help you." After thinking about it, Li Tang sighed helplessly before speaking.

She would rather that Jiang Qiming hadn't done such a thing, and would rather believe that Jiang Qiming had nothing to do with that Miao Meizi.

No matter what kind of feelings she has for Jiang Qiming now, but after all, they are going to get married, and how could she be so generous.

If what the woman next to her said was true, and Jiang Qiming was still in touch with other women, then she finally found a very suitable reason and could choose to leave or stay by his side.

It is better to leave clearly because of his mistakes than to marry him unclearly.

(End of this chapter)

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