It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 221 Getting Married Soon

Chapter 221 Getting Married Soon
Although Li Tang hadn't made it clear that he would agree to her request, the woman stood up and bowed to Li Tang, expressing her gratitude to Li Tang for being willing to listen to her, so that she could see more or less The hope of getting the money back.

After watching the woman in the long black dress leave, Li Tang was not in a hurry to use his mobile phone to search the Internet for some news about the relationship between Miao Meizi and Jiang Qiming.

It's better not to hear about this kind of thing. Instead of watching some news that is speculative or even unreliable, it's better to use the computer to carefully double the things that she has never heard of before returning home.

In fact, at the beginning, Li Tang didn't believe that what the woman in the long black dress said just now was the truth. Feel fake.

But based on her intuition and rational analysis, why would a woman make up such a lie to deceive herself?
Even if she was deceived, she believed that what she said was true, and immediately went to attack Miao Meizi, who had a headache, what benefit would this woman get?

What about the 10 down payment for buying a house?If this is the case, it would be too risky to deceive her for [-] yuan.

What's more... Will there really be someone who still has a deep affection for her husband who almost has the same nature as cheating and rewards almost all the down payment of the new house to a female Internet celebrity?
This is ridiculous, not at all like the modern concept of love.

"Miss, the operation that Nurse Mi Yuan participated in has ended, and she is expected to return to the hall soon." When Li Tang's thoughts were a little bit empty, she just left after Miao Meizi and the doctor left. The nurse who consulted at the front desk walked up to her, bent slightly and said to her with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." After Li Tang responded briefly, he quickly pulled back his thoughts that were too much.

She came here to do business, but she didn't expect that two women who she had never heard of and didn't know at all appeared one after another, and the relationship between these two women and another man seemed very complicated. .

Just like what the nurse said, Li Tang soon saw Mi Yuan at the front desk.

"Miss Li! Why did you come to the hospital suddenly? Is there something wrong?" After seeing her, Mi Yuan showed a sweet smile on her face, as if happy bubbles could be seen through her surroundings.

"I'm fine." Li first answered Mi Yuan's subconscious question as a nurse, and then explained why he came to the hospital specifically to find Mi Yuan, "I came to the hospital to ask you about something."

"Ask, as long as I know!" Compared to Li Tang who was a little more serious, Mi Yuan was very lively.

Li Tang looked around the hall for a week, and felt that there was a lot of people here, and it was not suitable for talking about something, so he simply invited Mi Yuan to a nearby restaurant for a meal, and chatted about her past medical studies while eating.

If nothing else, she should also know someone like Jiang Qiming, right?After all, he is also her senior brother, and Jiang Qiming told her that time, his teacher used to think highly of him, and maybe he will mention his name among the students in the next class or several classes in the future. .

Mi Yuan glanced at her schedule, and it happened that there was nothing important to do next, so she happily agreed to Li Tang.

"Miss Li, are you getting married soon?"

Walking on the road outside the hospital, Mi Yuan suddenly turned her head, looked at her with a pair of black eyes and asked.


Li Tang hadn't figured out how to answer this question, so he could only use silence and a soft hum instead.

"'s a bit presumptuous, so I won't ask."

Realizing that Li Tang didn't want to talk about it, Mi Yuan ended the topic tactfully.

It's just that she can't figure it out. It stands to reason that people who are about to get married shouldn't be very happy and willing to share their happiness with outsiders?

(End of this chapter)

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