It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 225 Irrelevant Details

Chapter 225 Irrelevant Details

It turns out that the old man did such a brave and resourceful thing 20 years ago?

But why didn't the old man mention such a glorious thing to himself once?

In this era, there will not be any biggest and worst criminal groups. Since this is a good thing the old man has done, why should he hide it?
In the nearly twenty documents, the events described by patchwork were basically like this after being processed by her brain.

In another attachment, Li Tang saw all the personal information about that Jiang Zhaoye.

The man who appeared in this incident, Jiang Zhaoye, turned out to be Jiang Qiming's biological father.

Jiang Zhaoye's spouse, that is, Jiang Qiming's biological mother, seemed to have died on the way of being hunted down by criminal groups just like Jiang Zhaoye.

And Jiang Qiming, who was not too old at that time, was later brought up by a man named Zhou Bin.

This Zhou Bin is Jiang Zhaoye's good brother who died in the past, so it's no wonder that he is willing to raise Jiang Qiming whose parents have both died.

But, wasn't Zhou Bin suspected of betraying their organization during the war some time ago?

I don't know if Zhou Bin has actually betrayed their organization and chose to join the Tong Ye camp. Jiang Qiming found out and didn't tell her, or he hasn't caught Zhou Bin until now.

Just looking at it this way, it seems that it is not worth making a fuss about.

The reason why the old man keeps the newspaper until now is because he feels sorry for his good friend who died for justice, or because he feels reluctant to part with it?

It turns out that the old man had such an experience before, and he was a very good friend with Jiang Qiming's father... It's a pity that Jiang Zhaoye died in that hunt, and it seems that the old man has hardly had a heart-to-heart for so many years The reason for friends.

After 20 years, the old man still can't get out of Jiang Zhaoye's death?
If that's the case, it's no wonder that the old man suddenly decided to cooperate with Jiang Qiming after he got to know Jiang Qiming. It turned out that he wanted to help Jiang Zhaoye's son overtly and secretly.

So... Is it because Jiang Qiming is Jiang Zhaoye's son that the old man didn't interfere in his relationship with Jiang Qiming before, and even indulged Jiang Qiming in pursuing her, and helped him?

Isn't this old man too affectionate towards that brother named Jiang Zhaoye?It's like a kind of...obsession.

Thinking of the word obsession, Li Tang couldn't help but think of the lunatic who even twisted his obsession.

Tong Ye's feelings for himself are also an obsession, a distorted obsession. Driven by this kind of thinking, it's not surprising to do anything.

After processing the information, Li Tang only felt emotional, but he didn't feel as if he knew something big.

There were still a few encrypted files on the laptop screen. Li Tang entered the old man's and his own birthdays respectively, but they all prompted that the passwords were wrong.

It's neither the old man's birthday nor your own, so what's the password?
If it can't be opened by conventional methods, then she can only decode it.

I don't know if I will see something that I shouldn't see, or if it will invade the old man's privacy - after all, the old man is her biological father, but even if he is her biological father, if she was her biological father 20 years ago There have been some things that can't be seen, and it's not impossible...

But then again, she already knew almost the whole picture of the Wang'an War, so it doesn't matter if she wants to know some details that should be insignificant?

After finishing the psychological work, Li Tang started to decode the files.

(End of this chapter)

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