It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 226 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 226 The Truth Comes Out
The decoding process was far more complicated than Li Tang imagined, as if the encryptors of these files racked their brains to prevent others from decrypting this file.

But if you really don't want others to know what is hidden in these files, why not just delete the files?In other words, the encryptor—that is, Li Rendao, would enter the password from time to time and read these files repeatedly.

After Li Tang completely decoded the file, she even regretted that she shouldn't have done such a thing.

In these few files, she not only saw the old man's self-report, but also saw the whole picture of the Wang'an war presented by those unencrypted files.

Things were far more than what was written in the newspaper and those few unencrypted documents.

20 years ago, Jiang Zhaoye discovered ironclad evidence of the country's largest and most vicious criminal group in Wang'an area, and decided to expose all this to the police, but he accidentally exposed his feet and was noticed by the criminal group. After the organization he led failed to resist, he was hunted down by criminal groups. During the hunt, he and Li Rendao temporarily stayed at Zhou Bin's wife's house...

Then came a copy of an apology letter written by the old man.

The more he looked down, the more complicated Li Tang's mood became, and the more he felt that he should not rely on his intuition to investigate this matter to the end.

After reading the old man's thousand-word apology letter, Li Tang had to take a few deep breaths to calm down the complicated emotions that had been aroused in him.

For a moment, she didn't know how to evaluate what the old man did in this story.

The old man... Li Rendao, under the domination of tremendous psychological pressure and paranoid thoughts of wanting to live, secretly made a deal with the criminal group. Jiang Zhaoye killed, and the process was witnessed by Zhou Bin's wife. In order to silence the witness, he killed the witness.

However, the deal with the criminal group was originally made on the basis of inequality. Even if Li Rendao killed Jiang Zhaoye who had the hard evidence of their crime according to the request of the criminal group, the criminal group did not intend to let him go.

Those people backtracked and did not choose to let Li Rendao go, and the hunt continued.

At that time, Zhou Bin, who didn't know the truth—according to Li Rendao's letter of apology, Zhou Bin at that time was deceived by Li Rendao's lies, and mistakenly believed that Jiang Zhaoye was found by people from a criminal group during his escape. Trace was killed in the end, and his wife was not spared either. Li Rendao was the only one who managed to escape from death—under great grief, he still protected Li Rendao according to Jiang Zhaoye's wishes as before.

Half a month later, Li Rendao's spirit was on the verge of collapse. In order to prevent people who knew the truth about the death of Jiang Zhaoye and Zhou Bin's wife from posing a threat to him, and also to retaliate against the criminal group that had clearly reached a deal but backtracked, Li Rendao The irrefutable evidence collected by Jiang Zhaoye about the left bank of the criminal group was handed over to the police under the escort of the police.

With the help of this solid evidence, the police arrested the criminal group as quickly as possible. Due to its bad nature, huge impact and heavy losses, it was recorded as the "War in Wang'an".

Afterwards, Li Rendao seemed to have disappeared for a long time. When he came back, he had already transformed into a big shot in the business world, and thus established the former Li family.

This is the whole picture of the Wang'an battle.

No wonder the old man has been obsessed with this matter... It seems that the old man probably won't be able to get rid of this guilt in his whole life.

In order to live for himself, he chose to stab his best brother in the back, and killed his wife who had been protecting his brother. The most ridiculous thing is that the person who did these things also took the credit of Jiang Zhaoye, and was arrested by the police. Awarded the Medal of Honor...

For a moment, Li Tang didn't know how to evaluate his father.

Zhou Bin chose to defect to Tong Ye, it seems... because Jiang Qiming fell in love with him, but his father killed his wife himself.

If Tong Ye wanted her, he had to deal with Jiang Qiming, but Zhou Bin wanted revenge by killing Li Rendao for his dead wife.


The reason why the old man was shot in the lung, and why he remained unconscious, seemed to be the work of Zhou Bin.

After all the doubts in his heart were suddenly resolved, besides being sober, Li Tang felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't know that her father was such a person.

Li Rendao had always been doting on her. Although he was very strict most of the time, he never refused what she wanted.

The outside world's evaluation of Li Rendao is far greater than praise, but as Li Rendao's daughter, Li Tang never feels that her father is a negative example.

No matter how the outside world reports or evaluates Li Rendao, even if there are negative news, even if there are gossip, she will only think that it is rumors spread by unscrupulous reporters and the media.

After knowing what Li Rendao did 20 years ago, Li Tang was shocked and disappointed.

She didn't want to accept this fact, and she didn't want to admit that Li Rendao had done such a treacherous thing, but the thousand-word apology letter written by Li Rendao himself was the best evidence that he had really done it. did these things.

The amount of information contained in the Wang'an battle is too great, the more he thinks about it, the more headache Li Tang feels.

"Hey, Xiaoting, do you have time tonight?"

When you can't figure it out, it's better to let your nerves indulge first.

In my impression, Ji Xiaoting has always been a person who hangs out in various entertainment venues. Thinking about it, she should also appear in various wine bureaus tonight.

Tonight might be an ordinary night for anyone, but for her, it was the moment when cracks appeared in her world again.

"I'm at the Oxygen Commune. It's said that there is a reservation for the young master today. Do you want to come over?"

Ji Xiaoting's voice came from the phone, accompanied by the tender jazz in the bar.

"Wait for a while, I'll come."

Li Tang glanced blankly at her new home, somehow, in a blur, she suddenly saw the inside of Li's mansion again.

How could my father be such a person?

His father killed Jiang Zhaoye, so what kind of unreasonable relationship will his relationship with Jiang Qiming turn into?

(End of this chapter)

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