Chapter 241 Terminal
"What news did you intercept backstage that day?" Li Tang didn't intend to hide it, and said straight to the point.

This is the first time she has come to Heizeman's house. She originally thought that as Jiang Qiming's good brother, the house should be spacious and even luxurious. She didn't expect Heizeman's house to be so messy, and she finally found a At the foothold, I found a stool and wiped it before sitting down facing Hazelman.

Could it be that the two men he arranged that day really made him mentally unhealthy?

Today's weather is not so cold outside, let alone indoors, Heizeman actually has to cover his body with such a thick quilt, which is very abnormal.

But thinking about it, when I arranged for those two men to come over to stop Heizeman, I also deliberately said that they were not allowed to do anything to Heizeman, as long as I frightened him a little and brought him home, it would be fine. Didn't expect Hazelman to have such a big stress reaction?
Although she heard from some places that Hazelman hates homosexuality very much, so she just mentioned it to those two people in a few words, but she didn't expect... he could be disgusted to such an extent, and it was embarrassing for him .

Thinking of this, Li Tang felt a little apologetic in his heart, after all, Heizeman had almost never done anything to apologize to her before.

But there was nothing he could do about it. He absolutely couldn't let Jiang Qiming know that he had an abortion.

"Li Tang, you went to the hospital for an abortion, right?" Heizeman looked at her with a pair of highly vigilant eyes, and involuntarily closed the quilt around him, "Just tell me the truth at my house , I can consider not telling Jiang Qiming."

"Even if you want to tell him, what can you do?" Hearing Heizeman's words, Li Tang suddenly smiled at him, and for a moment didn't even know why Heiseman could still use such a superior tone to follow Talking to yourself, "Hazelman, your computer can't be started anymore, right?"

"If I'm not wrong, all your equipment will eventually run on the terminal on your computer. Without that terminal, how would you survive under Jiang Qiming's command?"

Li Tang spoke lightly, his tone was so natural that it was as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

Only the listener in front of her knew how terrifying what Li Tang said would be if it really happened. After listening to Li Tang's words, Heizeman's face instantly collapsed.

"Are you really that good?"

Instead of asking Li Tang why he did this, or asking Li Tang if he was threatening him now, the first sentence Hazelman uttered was to question Li Tang's professional ability.


"For a long time, you have been regarded by them as a leader in the high-tech field. In addition to technology, they also think that you are a top hacker. You think so of yourself, right?"

"But do you know why Jiang Qiming kept you in charge of such a huge background work before I showed up? I have worked with you before, and I know how much work this job is. The intensity of the burden."

"It's not because there are no more powerful hackers than you in this world, but because Jiang Qiming only trusts you."

Li Tang spoke slowly, as if he was in no hurry to finish his words.

She believed that Heizeman was also clear about what she said, but Li Tang still felt that he was being underestimated when Heiseman's first sentence was to question his ability.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, forget what you saw on the computer that day, and pretend that I didn't come today."

This shouldn't be difficult. If she wanted Hazelman to keep her mouth shut, she couldn't think of any way to make Hazelman compromise, except she could think of using the terminal as a threat.

"I promise you, but you swear, as long as I don't say it, you will never touch the terminal on my computer."

"I swear."

So what if I don't swear.

The oath is only a little bit effective at the moment of saying it, right?
I don't know since when, I also became this realistic and almost cold-blooded.

After talking with Heizeman, Li Tang got up and was about to leave, but he didn't expect that Heizeman, who had been wrapped in a quilt, stopped her again.

"Help me turn on the computer, only you can do it."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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