Chapter 242 Repeat
"Do you know Zhou Bin's whereabouts?" Sitting in front of Heizeman's computer, Li Tang turned on the computer and asked the man who had been sitting on the bed without speaking since he followed him in.

I don't know what's wrong with him, it's as if he really suffered some serious mental trauma...

Forget about it, she still has one thing to do.

Now that all of you have come to Heizeman's house, let's put together the next thing to do today and finish it.

"How do you know he's still alive?" The man sitting on the bed still wrapped in a quilt asked back leisurely, his tone was flat, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Jiang Qiming won't kill him." When he was speaking, Li Tang almost subconsciously remembered the scene where he and Jiang Qiming talked about the Wang'an war in Jingyiju, since Zhou Bin Most of what he did - Zhou Bin's defection was unexpected by Jiang Qiming, but just like this, it was not enough for Jiang Qiming to really kill Zhou Bin - all had Jiang Qiming's acquiescence, he How could he kill him, "After all, Zhou Bin is your good brother."

"He chose to betray you without thinking about his old love, so can you kill your former brothers?"

Saying this sentence, even Li Tang himself felt very ridiculous.

Of course, what she meant when she said this was just to be idle and bored, and she didn't know if it was the spare energy she had just had when she was arguing with Miao Meizi at the entrance of the hospital.

"Jiang Qiming will, but I won't." Li Tang's words suddenly reminded Heizeman of those people who had betrayed the organization before. After being arrested by Jiang Qiming, they still had Uncle Zhou's guarantee at that time , I had some sympathy and pity for them, so I didn't directly take their lives at the beginning, but Jiang Qiming went directly to Tianyun Warehouse to execute those traitors after this incident. No favours.

Therefore, he, who has watched the whole process from beginning to end, knows best how much Jiang Qiming hates betrayers in his organization, let alone people close to him. Zhou Bin can do such a thing, don't say anything Brotherhood is over, if brotherhood is really still in mind, why did Zhou Bin choose to do such a thing?
Since it was confirmed that Zhou Bin was a traitor in the organization, and Wu Peng even mentioned to him in private before that the burning of the Tianyun warehouse was very likely to be a traitor in the organization, the fire would be so serious. It was also a good thing done by Zhou Bin and Tong Ye. Heizeman had always harbored resentment towards him, only hating that he couldn't shoot him in the head directly at the front line.

It's disgusting to have a brother like that.

"But I can assure you that Jiang Qiming didn't kill Zhou Bin." After hearing Heizeman's words, Li Tang also confirmed that Heiseman didn't know Zhou Bin's whereabouts at all, and wanted to follow the man sitting on the bed There was nothing else to say, so she stood up and prepared to leave, "I can only tell you so much, the rest, you should ask Jiang Qiming yourself."

Although he will definitely not tell you.

Li Tang didn't say the rest of the sentence directly to Heizeman, but she believed that even though Hezeman showed a mental state problem in front of her at this moment, he must still be able to understand what she said. the meaning of.

Since he can understand, there is no need for her to repeat it.

After leaving Heizeman's house, Li Tang's tense nerves since he came out of the hospital finally let go.

It was also at the moment when her nerves were relaxed that she felt deeply tired and her body felt a little weak.

She does feel a little tired, but she doesn't plan to go straight home and rest just yet.

(End of this chapter)

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