Chapter 250 close relatives
Originally, she shouldn't have vented her emotions to a patient who just woke up, but even if Li Tang knew this, her emotions at this moment were still uncontrollable.

She didn't even know that Li Rendao had worked so hard to make such a meticulous and long-term plan, even including his own daughter, just to make up for the mistakes he made 20 years ago, just to say that he It is to fulfill Jiang Zhaoye's original wish.

How absurd!

I'm sorry Jiang Zhaoye's person can only be him, Li Rendao, how can he have anything to do with her, Li Tang?
Why should she be used as a sacrifice to repay his debt to Jiang Zhaoye?
Li Tang only felt angry after listening to Li Rendao's high-sounding crazy words. Besides, she also comforted herself after knowing the whole picture of the Wang'an battle. Li Rendao was a good father anyway. , I felt extremely disgusted by Li Rendao's defense during the confrontation with Jiang Qiming.

I was still defending what he did during the Wang'an Battle, no matter who knew about it, Li Rendao would think Li Rendao was really not a thing, using his father's status to beautify his image, but I didn't expect that Li Rendao just made her This daughter is just a tool that can be calculated and used.

It was also at this moment that Li Tang suddenly realized that Li Rendao, his father, was not worth alienating himself from Jiang Qiming at all.

Even, she should have let Jiang Qiming stand by her side from the very beginning.

In this way, even when facing the betrayal and use of her closest relatives, she will not be alone.

In order to wait for Li Rendao's operation to end and Li Rendao to wake up, he was still guarding outside the operating room like a fool. When I saw her in time, it was not at all the so-called watching myself sleeping and not wanting to disturb myself so as not to let the medical staff wake me up.

There are really many lies in the man's mouth. Even in this kind of thing, he can lie without changing his face, and just watch others being deceived by him without changing his face.

Is this feeling fun?Will they feel refreshed?

"Xiao Tang."

After listening in silence for Li Tang to finish what he wanted to say, it took a few seconds for Li Rendao to call her.

"I'm sorry, I hope you understand."

Until this time, he was still saying something to make himself understand what he was doing.


A person who can live alone and kill his brother and an innocent woman is evil by nature, so how can he really be a good father?
What does she want to understand?Could he first understand her emotions, her thoughts, her personal will?

"Don't call me that again." Li Tang lowered her head and said, her voice was extremely impatient, even though she had tried her best to suppress the anger and dissatisfaction in her heart, her uncontrollable tone had already betrayed her.

"Xiaotang, I know I'm sorry for you."

"The last step in the deal I made with Jiang Qiming is to let him control so many assets and hand them over to you."

"That amount of money is enough for you to live in Li's mansion without working for the rest of your life."

"Real estates are all over the world. Cars...Xiaotang, although I remember you don't like driving, you are still prepared. There are not many, ten cars. After I die, you can go to the car dealer to pick them up."

"Other things you like can be bought with enough money."

Listening to the money that Li Rendao kept talking about, Li Tang only felt more irritable in his heart.

It turns out that in his eyes, family affection can be exchanged for money?
What is she.

Also, what did Li Rendao mean by "after I die" just now?Isn't he in front of himself now?Isn't the operation a success?
After he finished these, he decided to die?What about her?Live the rest of your life with that fortune?

Is this the ending he arranged for himself?
She doesn't want it!

"And your favorite red rose, I've suggested it to all flower shop owners in the city..."

"Enough, I know, stop talking."

He couldn't bear Li Rendao's almost nonsense words anymore, so Li Tang interrupted him abruptly.

She couldn't accept that her father could use her to do these things for the so-called reassurance of Jiang Zhaoye.

It's too ridiculous.

Li Tang finally looked at Li Rendao who was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed to face her or harbored other emotions. He walked out of the ward without saying a word.

Maybe it was because she moved too fast, at the corner of the corridor, she collided head-on with a man in a white coat, and the documents in the man's hands were scattered all over the floor.


She heard the helpless sigh of the man above her head, and her curiosity prompted her to look up a little bit, but she saw a face she was very familiar with behind the blue mask.

"Jiang Qiming? Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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