Realizing that Li Tang recognized him instantly through his eyebrows, Jiang Qiming sighed again with some helplessness.

The stack of materials he had just sorted out was now in a messed up order, and the manuscript paper was scattered all over the white ground.

Jiang Qiming remained silent, knelt down and together with Li Tang picked up the papers scattered on the ground with black characters written on them one after another.

"Speak, Jiang Qiming!"

For some reason, she didn't want to just let Jiang Qiming go.

Why did he appear in the hospital, and why did he appear in the corridor of the hospital wearing a white coat and holding a pile of documents? This is too strange...

"Didn't you say that we don't want to meet again?" Jiang Qiming pouted hesitantly, picked up all the materials and refolded them into a pile, then stood up, slightly lowered his head and looked at the one who was shorter than himself The woman opened her mouth slowly, "It's fine if you recognize it, why call me?"

"Why are you in the hospital? Why are you wearing a white coat?" For some reason, Li Tang spoke in a anxious tone.

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Qiming's heart thumped, he squeezed the information in his hand, and walked in the opposite direction of Li Tang without looking back.

Li Tang, who stayed where he was, was more or less stunned.

So the distance between myself and Jiang Qiming is really so far...

That's right, it was she who said it herself, she told Jiang Qiming that they should not meet again, why now that Jiang Qiming fulfilled it well, but she...

You will feel empty in your heart.

Jiang Qiming...has he started practicing medicine again?It's really strange... It's obvious that his current power is in full swing, and he should have enjoyed his prosperous life, but why did he appear in the hospital wearing a white coat and looking like a doctor at this time?

Li Tang suddenly wanted to ask Teacher Shen, but after thinking about it, she felt that even Jiang Qiming would not tell her something, how could Teacher Shen, who was obviously on the side of Jiang Qiming, be willing to tell her... …

I don't even remember when and in what state I walked out of the hospital. In short, after returning home alone, Li Tang felt her head was muddy and muddled. She just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep, so that she could put the day to rest for the time being. All the unpleasant things that happened in the hospital were left behind.

There are traces of Jiang Qiming's change in attitude towards her. After all, he pushed him away with his own hands, and now he can justify his reluctance to meet with him... Yes, she doesn't blame him.

I only blame myself, and even Jiang Qiming is just a key figure in Li Rendao's great and pitiful plan that can only be moved by himself.

Li Rendao not only plotted against himself, but also plotted against Jiang Qiming.

To some extent, she and Jiang Qiming are both victims.

When pouring hot water for himself, Li Tang was in a daze, and accidentally splashed hot water on his hands.

At the moment of pain, Li Tang snorted.

I rinsed it several times with cold water, but it didn't stop the place where the hot water was splashed on my hand, and it finally swelled up.

Although these were just some of the most common minor injuries in daily life, normally Li Tang wouldn't mind too much, but at this moment, Li Tang hated what Li Rendao did to the extreme.

How could he... so to himself?

Thanks to myself, no matter what happened, I always felt that he was my father at least, and I never treated myself badly in the past so many years. What happened?In the end, what did Li Rendao think of her?

What he did, in the final analysis, was just to impress himself. If Jiang Zhaoye was still alive, if he knew what he did, he would definitely not feel good.

To put it bluntly, what Li Rendao did was just for himself, for himself to feel better, and for himself to find an excuse for what he did 20 years ago, saying that he had tried his best to make up for what he had committed. His mistake, the life he owed Jiang Zhaoye back then.


While Li Tang was waiting for the freshly boiled hot water to cool down, she suddenly heard the sound of her phone vibrating from the table beside her.

Li Tang glanced at his mobile phone screen, it turned out that it was at this time that Teacher Shen called him.

For a while, Li Tang hesitated whether to answer the call from Teacher Shen.

When I met Jiang Qiming today, he was wearing a white coat and was holding a lot of documents in his hands. He looked like a doctor working in a hospital. If there were no accidents, he must have something to do with Teacher Shen, right?

She is not stupid, she can still guess such a simple thing.

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