Chapter 252 Blurred Figures

In the middle of the night, Li Tang, who was unable to fall asleep after tossing and turning for nearly two hours, felt so depressed that he had reached the bottom of the Himalayas. After finally confirming that he had insomnia tonight, Li Tang reluctantly but helplessly climbed out of bed stand up.

When he went to the bathroom and was about to go back to bed, Li Tang saw a haggard face in front of the mirror under the warm yellow light in the bathroom, which did not reveal a sense of brokenness.

It turned out that she was in a bad mood so obviously from the outside.

I don't know why, but of course, it was largely because of what Li Rendao said to herself after waking up after the successful operation, which deeply hurt her.

It's a lie to say that I'm not sad, it's a lie to say I'm not disappointed, and it's even more a lie to say that I don't care about being used as a tool by my biological father.

What made Li Tang feel the most disheartened was that after she heard what Li Rendao said was so crazy and paranoid that she thought no one could understand what he said, she obviously acted so sad.So emotional, and the man lying on the white hospital bed actually just said "I know I'm sorry for you", and then I don't know whether it is a desire or an order for her to understand what he did.

How can she understand?
There was even a moment when Li Tang thought that the operation had failed too thoroughly, causing the seemingly normal man to suffer as much mental trauma as he had been in the hospital before, directly turning the normal man on the bed into a talking god Nagging mental illness.

After leaving from the mirror in the bathroom, Li Tang returned to the bedroom, but this time, she did not return to the bed, but sat at the desk.

Looking at the dim scenery outside the window and the sparse street lights, Li Tang felt emotional again.

She almost subconsciously recalled what happened between herself and Jiang Qiming.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Li Rendao had considered what might happen now, and had been planning from the very beginning to lead her and Jiang Qiming into this trap step by step.

Make up, it's ridiculous.

But then again, thinking about it this way, Li Tang almost had to feel that Jiang Qiming just happened to step into the trap that Li Rendao had set up a long time ago... It seemed that in Li Rendao's plan, Jiang Qiming and himself All are victims.

No, to be precise, everyone except Li Rendao himself was a victim, and no one was innocent.

Li Tang sat at the desk looking at the scenery outside the window, looking at the warm yellow street lamps that were always on outside the window, but there were very few pedestrians on the street. It was very late, and it was normal that no one was walking around, but like her now So how many people stare at street lights because of insomnia, because they can't sleep...

She thought about it over and over again, and the more she thought about it, the more wronged she felt.

How innocent I am.

"The main reason why he agreed to cooperate with me was to get close to you from the very beginning, not the huge profits I was willing to give up."

"Xiaotang, I wanted to tell you these things a long time ago, but unfortunately, I hope you understand that you can only be qualified to know these things after you know the truth about the Wang'an battle."

Recalling what Li Rendao said slowly while lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed when he was in the hospital, Li Tang almost inevitably felt sad again.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Li Rendao knew everything. He knew that Jiang Qiming wanted to get closer to him, and he wanted to get closer to him. Jiang Qiming's ambiguity with himself and himself with Jiang Qiming is for the sake of the absurd wish that Jiang Zhaoye said more than 20 years ago that he wanted the children of their two families to be together.

In fact, if it wasn't for Li Rendao's treachery, if Jiang Zhaoye could still live to this day, maybe she and Jiang Qiming could really be able to talk to the baby because of Jiang Zhaoye's words when he was very young. They got together if their relatives were similar in nature, and successfully got married with the support of the two families.

They have been in the same family since birth, and they are destined to be entangled with each other since birth. Even if some specific circumstances later lead to the two of them not being together in the end as the parents of the two families expected, they will definitely be together because of The relationship between the two parents had to get closer.

It seems that from the very beginning, their being together has been arranged.

It is true that Li Rendao is a cunning businessman, and Jiang Zhaoye, who became the best brother with Li Rendao, cannot be a stupid person, and he must have seen huge profits and various guarantees behind the marriage of the two children.

It's a pity that the Wang'an war ruined everything that should have been smooth and even full of happiness.

In the end, Jiang Qiming did not follow Jiang Zhaoye's last wish to practice medicine, and finally embarked on his father's old path, even going deeper and deeper than Jiang Zhaoye's back then.

And in the end, I was just... a tool used by Li Rendao, my father, and I never saw Jiang Qiming's true love for this kind of self through this farce and this lie. heart of.

Because of Li Rendao, because of the dead Jiang Zhaoye, they were all victims.

The difference with me is that Jiang Qiming lost his parents when he was very young, and was brought up by Zhou Bin from the beginning, but he was born in a wealthy family no matter what, no matter what, Li Rendao never treated her materially badly , She also received the best education in the past and had the most favorable conditions.

The more he thought about it, the more sad Li Tang felt.

But if she had to describe exactly why she was sad right now, she suddenly didn't know who or what she was sad about.

It was because after I knew about the Wang'an war and what Jiang Qiming acquiesced in doing to Zhou Bin, I complained about my so-called father, and finally told him at the gate of my community that they should never see each other again. talk?

It was because of her that she came out of Li Rendao's ward in disappointment and anger, and accidentally bumped into Jiang Qiming, who had transformed into a doctor, with her back foot at the corner. Do you take a second look at your attitude?
Or because these things have already happened, even if I know the whole picture now, knowing that these few months are just Li Rendao's final plan, I feel unwilling now, but it's too late, I can do everything Feeling helpless?

Or, for what reason.

It would be a lie to say it's not sad.

The blurred figure reflected on the window trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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