It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 257 Ignorance and fearlessness

It was obviously the night when he was going to personally negotiate a new batch of goods with the opposite party. In the luxurious night show private room, he directly shot and broke a leg of the leader of the opposite party, and only took it under absolute force. He took control of the batch of goods, but he didn't expect that before he even washed his hands, he would see a woman in a black suspender skirt walking a bit wobbly.

He has never been very interested in women, and he has no feelings for drunken women. At first, he didn't even look at Li Tang twice.

Just as she was about to leave, the woman didn't know if she really drank too much, but she decided to stand unsteadily in front of him, glanced at him frivolously, and called out his name.

"You are... Jiang Qiming, right?"

The moment Jiang Qiming heard his name from that strange woman's mouth, Jiang Qiming raised his vigilance towards the woman blocking the way in front of him.

In his memory, there has never been a face like the woman in front of him, so he almost instinctively judged the woman who was a little shaky when she walked as an enemy.

Although he didn't want to attack the woman, since it was an enemy army, if he really came to block the way, he would not be merciful.

"Who are you?" But seeing the woman's flushed face, and the smell of alcohol coming to his nostrils from a certain distance, Jiang Qiming felt that even if the drunk woman in front of him was someone sent by the other side, he could do nothing. No big deal.

So, what he said changed from "how do you know my name" to "who are you".

At least, he couldn't relax his vigilance before confirming the identity of the other party. Maybe this woman was sent by the other party to let him lower his guard first.

No one can tell what mistakes will result from carelessness.

And he can't be careless.

"You don't need to know that."

Jiang Qiming, who was almost on guard, just watched a very shallow smile appear on the woman's face. She was probably drunk, so she could even sound a little tipsy.

What do you mean he doesn't need to know her name?

"I seem to have seen you somewhere." Seeing that Jiang Qiming didn't speak, maybe the drunk person didn't care whether the person opposite him made a sound. In short, Li Tang, who was drunk at the time, continued to speak in a slow and playful voice down.

And this kind of vulgar speech is so old-fashioned that even a man with almost no relationship history feels a little speechless.

It seemed that the woman was really drunk.

I don't know what I'm thinking, but I still have time to waste time in this nightclub with a woman who is drunk, can't listen to others, and even wants to strike up a conversation with him.

Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that he might have made a mistake in his brain just now, and when he was about to turn around and leave without saying a word to this strange woman, the woman actually took a step forward, almost shaking his whole body. Sticking to his back, and then grabbed his hand violently.

"You smell like blood." The woman's voice was low, and it spread through the chest to his back, as if it had passed through the channel of the heart.

"Before you touched me, did you think that I would kill you?" Feeling the temperature from the woman's body, it was like a heat flow from her chest to his back and spread to his whole body. Inexplicably, for this woman, Jiang Qiming felt more curious.

He hasn't had time to deal with the smell on his body, but the smell of smoke in the night air is so strong, can a drunk woman really smell something wrong on him.

Instinctively, Jiang Qiming rang the alarm bell again, but the woman just held his hand, but didn't point the gun to his back and threatened him in a low voice not to move.

This is obviously the most convenient opportunity to start.

If she was a professional killer, she wouldn't just hold her hand like a little girl.

If so, isn't she afraid?

"Thinking about it, but I don't think you will."


"Because the person you want to kill has already been killed."


What he said was correct, and Jiang Qiming couldn't refute it.

It's just that women's brain circuits are really strange.

So, he wanted to hear what the woman wanted to say to him when she held his hand and refused to let him go.



He has seen many drunk people, but she is the first one who talks like this and squeezes toothpaste.

He was curious, wondering what she hadn't finished saying.

"I'm beautiful, do you want to play with me?"

" you say that to every man here?"

I really don't know how a woman like her would say such things to a strange man in a place like a nightclub.

Is she not afraid at all?

Some people are much worse than him.

"Jiang Qiming, are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

What is he afraid of?

For some reason, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that everything the woman behind him said was a little nonsensical.

"There is an ambush outside."


It wasn't until the woman behind him said this that Jiang Qiming fully realized that the woman behind him was really drunk and not clear-headed.

"Come with me, I can take you out."

"Just you?"

"Yeah, just rely on me, no one will touch you in this nightclub."


Facing the woman's seemingly arrogant speech, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that things were starting to become interesting.

He wants to see what this woman is capable of.

He had used force to suppress the person opposite him in that private room just now. If there was an ambush outside, they should have left long ago for this batch of goods.

What's more, it's his own people who are guarding outside now.

This woman obviously drank too much. After smelling the blood on her body, she mistakenly thought that she was going to abscond in fear of crime. Out of some inexplicable good intentions-she said she had seen him and knew his name, but this is not true in Jiangxi. It seemed that Qiming was nothing at all - he just wanted to help him escape from this nightclub.

But in the end, he followed the woman's wishes, as if he was a younger brother covered by a big sister, and followed her all the way out of the nightclub, all the way to the nearest hotel nearby.

"Are you awake?"

The cold wind blew, through the woman's flying hair, Jiang Qiming looked at her from a distance, and asked in a flat tone.


After a while of silence, Jiang Qiming heard the woman's hoarse voice.

"Are you going to kill me?"

But her tone didn't sound like she was afraid or questioning, and even a little fearless.

"Do not."

Before thinking about it, Jiang Qiming had already spoken.

In fact, he knew that one of her words was not nonsense.

She is indeed beautiful.

"It's all coming."

"Not afraid of me?"

"Ignorance and fearlessness."


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