Not long after, Jiang Qiming appeared at the door of the hospital and went straight to the ward where Li Rendao was.

He didn't know how Li Tang came out of Li Rendao's ward that day, and he didn't know what the two of them said in this ward. In short, Teacher Shen, who had completed the task at hand, mentioned something to him before leaving the hospital. Mouth, although Li Rendao woke up, but for some reason, his mood was always very low.

After all, what does Li Rendao's mood have anything to do with him?
He even felt that in the past 20 years, Li Rendao should have been living in guilt and regret.

After the operation, Li Rendao woke up but was not discharged from the hospital. What he just heard from the hospital was that Li Rendao's daughter, Li Tang, only visited Li Rendao on the day when he happened to meet him. Other than that, no one else even came.

After being in a coma for so long before waking up, there is not even a single person by his side...

It seems a bit too sad for people to live to this point.

Of course, what Jiang Qiming thinks now is nothing more than emotion, after all, looking at it now, the overall situation has been decided.

By the open window of the ward, there was still a man with a familiar back standing, but that back was no longer as tall and straight as in memory, and at this moment, it seemed that he was even a little sluggish.

But this is also within his expectations.

Since Zhou Bin fell into my hands, I did not want his life, but arranged a place for him to stay. I went to visit him a few times if I had nothing to do, in fact, to wait for Li Rendao to wake up. Put them face to face.

"Xiao Jiang, do you know all about it?" Li Rendao, who was lying on the hospital bed and seemed to be still suffering from illness, said weakly after seeing him walk in slowly.

"Apart from the Wang'an battle, what else do I not know?" Jiang Qiming pulled a stool, ignoring why Zhou Bin, who was brought here in advance, saw Li Rendao but chose to stand by the window and not speak. , sitting next to Li Rendao's hospital bed.

The scene in front of me is really... never thought of.

"Haha, there are still many things you don't know..." For some reason, Li Rendao, who is obviously at a disadvantage, can still laugh out loud when facing Jiang Qiming, and even act like he doesn't care at all .

"..." Facing Li Rendao in front of him like this, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt bored.

"Xiaotang...should I show you the letter of apology I wrote to your father that I saved in the computer?" Seeing that Jiang Qiming didn't speak, but seemed to be expected, Li Rendao continued on his own He continued, "This is the only thing I can do...Xiao Jiang, I am sorry for your father."

"At the beginning, Lili kindly took Jiang Zhaoye in. If it wasn't for the sake of you being Jiang Zhaoye's brother, how could Lili let you live in the house?"

Zhou Bin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly yelled out emotionally at this moment, strode to Li Rendao's hospital bed, bent down and glared at the man who could still laugh a second ago with resentful eyes.

"If Lili hadn't taken you in back then, if Jiang Zhaoye had seen through what kind of person you were at that time, they would definitely not have died!"

"You can still laugh out loud when facing me and Jiang Qiming now, you lunatic! Probably in the past 20 years, you have never felt guilty for your so-called so-called so-called guilt?"

"That's right. If you expect people like you to apologize and feel guilty for the mistakes you have made, I might as well expect that one day I can kill you with my own hands!"

Zhou Bin's tone became more and more excited. In the next second, under the catalysis of the hatred accumulated for so many years, he strangled Li Rendao's neck tightly.

Even if Jiang Qiming wanted to stop him from killing Li Rendao for Li Tang today, even if Jiang Qiming wanted to kill him, even if he died, people like Li Rendao would have to pay their debts in blood!
At the moment when he grabbed Li Rendao's neck, Zhou Bin was so eager to see the guilt, regret, or fear in Li Rendao's eyes. When Li Rendao looked at him, what he saw was blank.

at a loss?

Li Rendao is not willing to let go of this sarcastic expression even now?

What is so high about a rotten person like him?
"Now, don't you just do it..."

The owner of those eyes said softly.

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