It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 259 I Can't Live For A Few Days

Sitting on the other side of the hospital bed, Jiang Qiming watched what was happening in front of him coldly, neither stopping nor helping Zhou Bin quickly end their common enemy.

It seems that from the very beginning, since he basically knew the whole picture of the Wang'an battle, Zhou Bin was always the one who attacked Li Rendao on the surface.

But I think it's not that I don't have no hatred for Li Rendao, and it's not that I don't want to let him pay in blood as Zhou Bin just said. However, in this scene, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

What on earth... bound his actions and thoughts.

Does he still feel that he can't kill Li Rendao... Or is it just because he has room to face Li Tang, or does he feel that he can justify himself?

"Xiao Jiang, if you still want to be with her..."

"Go to her, no matter what method you use, force her to tell you what you don't know."

The feeling of being stuck in the throat was not good, but Li Rendao didn't even raise his hand, and let the man in front of him, who had been dazed by hatred, grab his neck harder and harder.

In my impression, Zhou Bin is still a very timid person.

Do you really have the courage to kill yourself now?

Suddenly, what happened 20 years ago appeared in Li Rendao's mind, but probably too much time had passed, and the specific scene suddenly became a little blurred to him.


It seems that compared with the past, he has hardly made any progress.

Zhou Bin's hand holding Li Rendao's neck slowly released, and finally even fell to the ground a little weakly.

"...It's too cheap for you to die like this."

All he knew was that this was just an excuse for his cowardice.

Even if he could strangle Li Rendao to death in his own hands just now, he still couldn't do it.

There are too many reasons for this, I hope so.

"Zhou Bin, do you know... Lily told me something before she died."

After breathing freely, Li Rendao spoke slowly.

"What did she tell you? Did you do something to her?" The moment Zhou Bin heard his dead wife's name, Zhou Bin immediately stood up, almost forcing Li Rendao to repeat what he hadn't finished speaking. Sexually said, "Why didn't you just say that? Li Rendao, did you do it on purpose?"

"After she saw Lao Jiang's body, she knew what I had done and what I was going to do next."


This time, the sigh came from Jiang Qiming.

"She said that she loves you very much, and that if possible, she would like to see you again before she dies."

The vague memory just now suddenly became clear again, and what happened at Lily's house that day gradually appeared in his mind.

Lili saw Jiang Zhaoye's body and Li Rendao who was still holding a gun in his hand. She quickly realized that it was Li Rendao who killed the man, and she was now the crucial witness.

"You can't run out of bullets, so you don't have to struggle anymore." Li Rendao, whose psychological defense line was about to collapse, took a deep breath and said calmly.

He almost forgot that Zhou Bin at that time was indeed cowardly, and at that time he was even more of a coward among cowards, even the hand holding the gun was trembling uncontrollably.

"I beg you, let me see Zhou Bin, please? I love him very much, I beg..."

"how is this possible!"


Killing her was just to silence her, so how could she still pay attention to her request?
During that period of being hunted down, he was so scared that he suffered from insomnia almost every night. He couldn't fall asleep.

He was afraid of death, too afraid.

His spirit was already on the verge of collapse. Fear enveloped his heart like a dark cloud and it was raining. He wanted to live, even if in order to live, he had to kill the other two.

This is also... a helpless move.

The damn criminal group promised him that as long as he can help them kill Jiang Zhaoye, they will not pursue the fact that he has solid evidence of the crime, nor will they continue to hunt him down.

He believed it.

However, after he completed what he was going to do, the criminal group turned back and continued to chase and kill him endlessly.

If it wasn't for his luck to break out from the siege of criminal groups and hand over the hard evidence collected by Jiang Zhaoye to the police, if it wasn't for this luck, he would have died in that chase long ago.

"Li Rendao, you are really not human!"

Probably because he knew what the last words his ex-wife said before he died, Zhou Bin's emotions suddenly reached the peak of collapse. A big man actually covered his face and started crying.

Jiang Qiming, who had been watching all this, for some reason, had the figure of Miao Meizi appear in his mind.

At that time, Zhou Bin clearly showed a strong affection for Miao Meizi.

He thought that he had come out of the shadow of Lily's death and could accept and pursue a new woman.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Li Rendao's words from Li Rendao's mouth that Ru Chu wanted to see him before his death, Zhou Bin, who had never cried in his memory, actually cried like a child.

Human emotions... are really complicated.


Lily said this before she died, so what did her father say when his former good brother pointed a gun at his head?

Out of an instinct, Jiang Qiming was curious, but he didn't intend to ask anything.

Probably, he did not have the courage to listen.

"Xiao Jiang, I won't live for a few more days." Li Rendao, who was lying on the hospital bed, spoke slowly again, and this time, he said it to Jiang Qiming, instead of the other side of the bed immersed in grief A completely helpless man.

"Why doesn't she come to see you?"

"At that time, Lao Jiang told me that you were the only person he couldn't let go of. He hoped that even after his death, you could grow up smoothly. It would be better to become a doctor instead of leaving him. the old way."

Li Rendao didn't answer him, but talked to himself as usual.


"He said, old man, your brother is really bad."


"I won't live for a few more days, kill me, Jiang Qiming."


"Kill me."


"At this moment, I am your father-killing enemy, not Xiaotang's father."


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