It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 260 Open the door for you

"What happened with Li Rendao should be considered over, right?"

In the middle of the night, Hazelman, carrying a case of wine, sat next to the silent smoking man, trying to make his tone less serious.

He already knew that Zhou Bin and Li Rendao died together in that ward.

He didn't ask much, and after finding out where Jiang Qiming was, he brought wine to the city's riverside.

The city's river view at night can also be regarded as a landscape, but the wind in the late autumn night more or less makes people lose that leisurely feeling.

"Brother, what are you going to do with her?" Looking at the river against the night, for some reason, Heizeman's voice suddenly became low.

"Go to her again." After taking a sip from the wine bottle that Heizeman handed over, coupled with the sudden strong cold wind, Jiang Qiming's voice suddenly sounded much clearer.

"You have been directly or indirectly rejected by her many times, and last time was the same, you were sent downstairs to her community, she..." Heizeman hesitated when speaking, after all, love is between the two of them But in the end, I still feel that I should speak my mind.

To him, an outsider, the relationship between them was already very complicated.

Sometimes, it still takes an outsider to say something to the authorities.

After all... Zhou Bin is dead, and the only brothers around him are himself and Wu Peng.

And Wu Peng has been performing tasks all year round. Even after Tong Ye's death, his tasks are only relatively easy. His workload is still incomparable to him who was stationed in the background in peacetime.

"Before Li Rendao died, he told me to find her, and no matter what means he used, he would force her to tell me something I didn't know." Jiang Qiming said slowly, feeling the cold liquid soaking down his throat In my stomach, I unconsciously thought of what Li Rendao said to me in the ward.

What was I thinking at that time.

He and Li Tang, do you have anything else to hide from him?

What happened between him and Li Tang?

Thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many things that Li Tang and Li Rendao know that I don't know...

At the beginning, he didn't intend to explore these things - what Hezeman said was not unreasonable, Li Tang had rejected him many times before and after - not to mention that the relationship between them was originally messy, and now it's still To bear the fate and long-cherished wish of Li Rendao and Jiang Zhaoye, after thinking about it, it is too difficult for one person to work hard.

But since Li Rendao said these things to him before he died, does that mean that there is still room for redemption?

In my impression, Li Rendao has always supported himself and Li Tang, and he has helped him a lot in the open and in the dark. If you think about it this way...

He created a perfect excuse for himself, and asked himself to go to Li Tang again, maybe it would be ok...

But reconciliation is easier said than done.

He knew how hard it was, that's why he was depressed.

"Brother, why don't you just forget about it? With the affairs of Uncle Jiang and Li Rendao on top, even if you still want to be with her, she won't be able to show the determination to be with you. "Hezeman hesitated and opened his mouth. He knew that he shouldn't shake Jiang Qiming's mind as a party at this time, but he still planned to persuade him from the perspective of an outsider.

In his opinion, Jiang Qiming and Li Tang are nothing more than entanglement with each other. It takes too much determination to really be together, but he has been standing by Jiang Qiming's side, and he doesn't think Li Tang is at all. Will come up with something like this.

"..." I don't know if he has been shaken or what, in short, Jiang Qiming just drank with a sullen head, and didn't pay attention to what Heizeman just said.

He wasn't drunk, of course he could hear it.

"Brother, don't worry about drinking, I'll take you back when you're drunk."

Just like when Jiang Qiming brought him back from the battlefield when he was half dead, and let him be in charge of a series of tasks such as backstage intelligence.

From that time on, he and Jiang Qiming knew that he was almost completely incapable of going to the frontal battlefield.
I don't know how long it took, Jiang Qiming felt a ray of light appearing in front of his eyes, and after a closer look, he found that it was the morning light floating out of the river.

"I'm going to find her."

"You are drunk, brother, how did you find her?"

"I'm not drunk."

"You are not drunk, and you go to her door smelling of alcohol, will she open the door for you? Brother, she doesn't like you, don't you understand? She won't open the door for a drunkard!"

"Then I beg her, she is a soft-hearted person."

The morning light became clearer and clearer. After a night of company, Heizeman finally could only look at Jiang Qiming and sigh helplessly.

"Forget it, brother, hold me and I'll take you there."

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