Chapter 471 Be a Good Person
Zhong Tianye wanted to pull Jiang Zhinuan aside to ask questions, but the brother of the dark guard immediately guarded Jiang Zhinuan behind him.

Jiang Zhinuan patted Zhao Yun's shoulder: "It's okay, don't worry, these brothers are not bad people."

"Isn't it a bad person? They took you into this bandit's lair last night. We searched outside all night but couldn't find this place. We didn't expect the entrance of this bandit's lair to be behind a thorn bush."

"It's all a misunderstanding. You didn't rest all night after looking for me, so you hurry up and sleep in the carriage for a while. I'll let them hunt for some game and make you some simple food."

Zhao Yun was very worried, and looked at Wang Haifeng again. Wang Haifeng stared at these bandits for a few times, and then nodded after knowing that they were not malicious.

"Listen to sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, you must be careful. These bandits are cunning. If there is anything wrong, you can shout loudly, and we will rush over immediately."

"Got it, got it, go and rest for a while."

After finishing speaking, she pushed Ding Simiao to join them: "Go ahead, you go to sleep for a while, and look at the dark circles under your eyes."

Seeing that they were all obedient and leaned against the carriage to rest, Jiang Zhinuan looked at Zhong Tianye: "What's the matter, what did you want to say to me?"

Zhong Tianye pointed to her yellow jacket: "You..."

"Damn, this, I went to Wangcheng a few days ago, accidentally saved the king's life, the king rewarded it, I didn't expect it to be used here."

"It's that simple?"

Jiang Zhinuan nodded, is it simple?It's not very simple, but the reason is not false. It is true that Ding Simiao saved the king's life, and they were rewarded.

There is no need to elaborate on these things.

"I'm a country woman from Pingxi Town. I have no other identity. Don't worry." After that, she patted Zhong Tianye on the shoulder: "Well, let your brothers go hunt some game and come back. It just so happens that I I will teach you how to roast these game deliciously, and you can make a living by selling roast chicken and duck in the future."

Zhong Tianye nodded again and again, Jiang Zhinuan's roasted pheasant and roasted hare were really delicious, and it was the best thing they had ever eaten in their lives.

If you can take these to sell in the market, you will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of money.

The officers and soldiers guarding outside the bandits’ lair did not allow anyone to go out, so Jiang Zhinuan could only go to the door with a yellow jacket on to ensure: “Just a few brothers to hunt some wild game outside, most of us are inside, and we don’t know what to do. run."

For the sake of her yellow jacket, the officers and soldiers had no choice but to agree, but they only let five of them go out, and sent someone to follow them.

Jiang Zhinuan took Zhong Tianye and Hu Li to find a place where no one was around to have a private conversation.

She can teach everyone this technique.

However, this money-making thing can easily cause conflicts. Everyone is poor now, and they all live together and get along well.

But once you have money, your heart will be driven by interests.

In order to get more money, maybe do some bad things.

There are about [-] brothers here in Zhongtianye, and in the roast duck business, almost one family in a town can be saturated.

If they are all crowded here to compete for business with each other, conflicts will easily arise.

So for this matter, Jiang Zhinuan must give Zhong Tianye a vaccination in advance, and let him see if there is any good way to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

After hearing Jiang Zhinuan's words, Zhong Tianye frowned tightly.

For him, Bandit Den and these are his brothers who share life and death, although he really wants to believe that the things Jiang Zhinuan said will not happen between his brothers.

But reason told him that this situation was very likely to happen.

He has to be prepared in advance.

"Well, you can ask them later if they are willing to separate, such as two or three people going to a new town to do this kind of business to make money.

If you don't want to, and you want to be together, I can only teach this technique to one person, and then he will be the leader, and everyone will share the money they make. "

Zhong Tianye nodded, and quickly called all the people together to ask.

The skills that Jiang Zhinuan wants to teach them may not be able to make a fortune, but it will definitely allow them to live a life full of food and clothing.

Everyone also knows that if they are crowded together, they can earn only one share, and if twenty people share it, their life will not be much easier.

"I chose to separate, and I took my two younger brothers to find a place to live."

"Let's leave too, the three of us together."

"The four of us together!"

"The three of us!"

Soon everyone found a camp, Zhong Tianye nodded, although everyone has a good relationship, but in order to live, they have to work hard on their own.

For the rest, apart from Zhong Tianye and Hu Li, there were five people who did not choose to form a team.

Of the remaining five, two are elderly, around sixty, for fear that they will drag others down.

Three more were wounded, either limping or dangling.

They were also left behind when they spontaneously formed a team.

Zhong Tianye looked at a few people, then at Hu Li, and after seeing Hu Li nodding towards him, he said, "If you don't dislike Hu Li and me, follow us, and I promise you will eat with me. You will never be hungry."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, as long as the boss doesn't think we are a drag, we will work hard."

Zhong Tianye nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's divide into teams like this, and when we leave the association here, we will go to our own lives.

But it's agreed, no matter how things go after going out, at the end of the year, everyone will go back to the bandit's den together, and let's get together again. "

Twenty brothers raised their hands and cheered: "Good! Good! Good!"

After Jiang Zhinuan saw that Zhong Tianye had dealt with it, he asked everyone to gather the game that they had just ordered.

Teach them how to deal with planing, how to marinate, and how to control the heat to roast.

In fact, whether the taste is good or not, the most important thing is the marinating seasoning, followed by the degree of roasting.

Except for the seasoning, everything else is well mastered.

It's just that they don't have the capital in their hands right now, not even the money to buy the seasoning.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Zhinuan took out pieces of silver from the money bag, and each team gave some silver taels, one as travel expenses for them to go to other towns, and the other as some start-up funds for them.

Holding the silver in their hands, everyone lowered their heads and did not speak.

When Jiang Zhinuan saw it, their eyes turned red.

"We kidnapped you here to steal your money. Why don't you blame us, but teach us survival skills and give us money."

Jiang Zhinuan also wanted to ask himself why?
But there was no answer, she just did what she thought.

"I, Jiang Zhinuan, have only one sentence. I hope that you will be like me when you encounter such a thing in the future. If you can help, let's help. We must be good people!"

"Be a good person!"

Zhong Tianye had a lot of people there, and the money he received was extra.

He handed the money to Hu Li, and then knelt down to Jiang Zhinuan with a plop: "Great kindness, there is nothing to repay."

Jiang Zhinuan was taken aback, and quickly called Hu Li to help her with her: "What are you doing? We don't play this kind of nonsense, thank you and I'll take it, I can't stand kneeling down."

(End of this chapter)

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