The Vicious Fat Wife Dressed as a Disabled General

Chapter 472 Jiang Zhinuan's Merit Monument

Chapter 472 Jiang Zhinuan's Merit Monument

Jiang Zhinuan carefully told everyone the process of how he started when he had nothing at first.

He also told them to go to a certain place and look for the river first. As long as there are reeds, there will be wild ducks, which is much more convenient than they go to the mountains to hunt game.

And how much the roast duck should sell for, and the design drawing of the roast duck stove, she promised to buy pen and paper for them when she came to the town in a while.

Of course, the roast duck stove can only be ordered after they earn some more money, and the most stupid method is used to roast it first.

"After I go out in a while, I'll show you Polygonum Polygonum, teach you how to catch fish, and how the fish is not fishy and delicious, so that you can also have another way to make money."

When the county magistrate arrived, Jiang Zhinuan was still eloquently sharing her experience with everyone.

I'm afraid that I didn't talk about it and let them take a detour.

Even if you want to avoid the fish market if you sell fish, don't steal other people's original business and cause conflicts.

After the county magistrate came in, he looked around Jiang Zhinuan twice.

He has seen the yellow jacket, but only once, when he was appointed as an official, and it has been more than ten years.

It didn't look right after looking at it, but it was Wang Haifeng who took out the badge that Di Qing had given him before leaving, which allowed the county magistrate to confirm Jiang Zhinuan's identity.

Seeing the yellow mantle is like seeing the king, the magistrate was about to kneel when Jiang Zhinuan held him up.

"Be low-key and low-key, and your identity should not be exposed."

The county magistrate immediately nodded with an expression that I understand.

"It's like this. These bandits are all victims of the famine in southern Jinan. They were also forced by life to become bandits. They are all pure and honest people. Now they are willing to change their ways and return to the right. Please ask the county magistrate to give them a chance Chance."

The county magistrate thought for a while before saying: "These bandits have been here for several months, and we have also received several reports during these months, but we have not found a place to suppress the bandits.

It's strange to say that these bandits have always only sought wealth and never killed them. They only robbed some of the money and left some for others. Give them a chance to turn over a new leaf. "

"Then thank you, my lord."

The county magistrate smiled a little embarrassedly: "But I have recorded all the money they robbed, a total of about 910 yuan, and they have to pay it back."

Jiang Zhinuan was shocked.

How did 900 big men survive on the [-]-odd cash for several months?

No wonder they haven't eaten for two days.

What this bandit did was stupid enough, she had never heard of any bandit den that only robbed one or two dollars for a few months.

Jiang Zhinuan took out a tael of silver with a wry smile and handed it over: "I paid it back for them."

"That's too much, just wait, I'll find it for you."

Jiang Zhinuan quickly waved his hand to refuse, and handed over some more scraps of silver: "These can be regarded as tea for the officials and brothers who have worked hard a few times."

Jiang Zhinuan sent away the county magistrate and officers and soldiers, and only then did the dark guard brothers and Ding Simiao simply eat some roasted goods that were just baked for teaching.

Then take those bandit brothers to the town together.

On the way, I found a river and taught them how to identify Polygonum, how to use Polygonum to catch fish, and how to remove fishy smell.

When they arrived in the town, they didn't care about resting, so they bought a pen and paper and drew several design drawings of the grill for them.

After finishing all these tasks and parting with them one by one, it was almost dark.

Zhong Tianye sent off his brothers one after another, and finally when it was his turn to say goodbye to Jiang Zhinuan, Jiang Zhinuan held him back.

"If you want your little fox to live a good life, you just listen to me and go to Wangcheng. I have inspected the market in Wangcheng before. It is definitely a good place and can make money."

Zhong Tianye's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he thanked him again and again.

Jiang Zhinuan took some broken silver and handed it over: "Bring the little fox, don't feel wronged."

Zhong Tianye's eyes were a little more grateful: "Miss Jiang, where is your home in Pingxi Town? When I make money, I will return it in double."

"I don't want to pay back anything. I really want to meet you again. After all, I like your little fox very much. I want to know how your life will be in the future. How about this? When you are stable, you can go to Pingxi Town Find my address at the grocery store above."

"it is good!"

Zhong Tianye pulled Hu Li over again, and the two of them bowed to Jiang Zhinuan together, Jiang Zhinuan jumped a step back in fright: "Why, are you two going to worship in front of me?"

Hu Li blushed, and Zhong Tianye was a little embarrassed: "We won't be so hasty when we get married, but when we settle down, if we want to get married, we will ask Miss Jiang to be the witness."

Jiang Zhinuan smiled: "Okay, then I will wait for your good news."

Finally sending the last wave of bandits away, Jiang Zhinuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Amiao, let's find an inn and let's rest for the night."

Ding Simiao nodded: "Brother Haifeng has already booked, the Tongfu Inn is just a few steps away."

He paused for a moment and hesitated before asking again: "Auntie, didn't you say that our roast duck must be joined or partnered to do it? Why don't you charge them money and teach them all for free?"

"Just be a good person and do good deeds. If I collect money, how can they have the money to learn? But I teach them for free, and it is very likely to save the lives of twenty people!"

After all, Ding Simiao is still young, he always thinks that everything in this world is going to be good.

However, Jiang Zhinuan told him with practical actions time and time again that many times, many things do not care about giving or expecting anything in return.

He thought that he also wanted to become someone like Jiang Zhinuan.


After a night's rest at the inn, Jiang Zhinuan and his party set off on their way home the next day.

With Jiang Zhinuan's experience of being kidnapped by bandits, the four brothers Wang Haifeng and Wang Haifeng had to take turns to be on duty when they slept at night for the rest of the journey, for fear of any mistakes.

Fortunately, the journey was safe and we arrived at the border of Jinling.

In front of this boundary monument, a new monument was actually erected. Ding Simiao squinted his eyes and looked at it and shouted quickly: "Auntie, this is your merit monument!"

The carriage stopped, and Jiang Zhinuan got out of it: "I didn't expect that they actually erected a merit monument for me."

A few people gathered together to see that the large stele of merit and virtue was engraved with Jiang Zhinuan's deeds in Jinling, from flood fighting to epidemic prevention.

"Amiao, look, there is also your name, which says Jiang Zhinuan and Ding Simiao are together."

Ding Simiao was a little shy: "Whatever I write about, I always follow my aunt's orders."

"Haha, low-key, low-key, it looks a bit embarrassing. It's still standing in front of this boundary marker. Isn't it true that everyone who travels to and from Jinling can see it?"

With warm cheeks, Jiang Zhinuan got back into the carriage and said to Ding Simiao, "Let's take in our mother-in-law's house quietly, and then leave."

"it is good."

When passing by Jinling County again, Jiang Zhinuan was shocked by the prosperity here.

The market is bustling with crowds, and it is completely impossible to tell that this place has experienced a plague that almost wiped out their entire city not long ago.

Looking at such a bustling county town, Jiang Zhinuan and Ding Simiao felt very relieved, at least these proved that their previous efforts were not in vain.

But the joyful mood disappeared after arriving at the mother-in-law's house.

The door of the mother-in-law's house was open, and the yard was smashed into a mess, only faint crying came from the house.

(End of this chapter)

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