There were a total of ten teams performing today. When Lin Youyi and others arrived, they heard someone chatting.

It turned out that Wang Shuyan happened to save the Empress Dowager today, and was taken into the Palace of Compassion and Ning at this moment.

In the last life, there was no such thing as saving the Queen Mother. It seems that the trajectory of this life has been changed. She is working hard, and Wang Shuyan is also working hard.

Lin Youyi secretly told herself not to relax.

Wang Shuyan saw that Lin Youyi was really unaffected, and she was standing here, so it was unstoppable for Lin Youyi to be seen by the emperor.

Wang Shuyan gritted her teeth and plotted secretly. For the current plan, she can only rely on her performance to attract His Majesty's attention, coupled with the Queen Mother's favor, in order to enter the third selection.

Because the queen mother was frightened, the performance time was pushed back.

Not long after, the Empress Dowager and the Emperor arrived together.

After the ceremony, many beautiful girls were secretly looking at the emperor, and many people even had little hearts in their eyes.

Li Duanjin's appearance inherited the advantages of the empress dowager and the first emperor, with exquisite features and a well-proportioned and slender figure. Not to mention the emperor, even an ordinary man, his appearance is still outstanding, not to mention his status.

At this moment, he is like Tang Monk meat in the mouth of all the goblins, no one wants to take a bite.

The emperor and the queen mother sat on the high platform. The queen mother said a few words to the emperor, and then the eunuch shouted loudly.

Li Duanjin scanned the crowd and saw Lin Youyi at a glance.

She was wearing a snow-white cloak, and she huddled in the cloak without leaving a single gap.

With the emperor here, everyone wanted to wear less clothes, but she was the only one who seemed to be afraid of being frozen to death, she was wrapped up tightly, and she didn't even glance at Li Duanjin.

Li Duanjin laughed angrily, thinking to himself, this little girl crossed the river and demolished the bridge in just one night, so don't be caught by him.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" the Queen Mother suddenly asked.

Li Duanjin didn't watch the performance at all, and said casually: "It's not bad."

"Aijia intends to let Yu Shuangshuang enter the third place, what does His Majesty think?"

Li Duanjin took a closer look, and it turned out that his cousin Yu Shuangshuang was performing on stage.

"I have no objection." Li Duanjin said.

After Yu Shuangshuang's performance, the emperor admired the jewelry of the show girls, and Yu Shuangshuang got a very beautiful butterfly gold hairpin.

Tian Shuhui commented on the performance with great interest, but from the corner of her eyes, she looked at the seat from time to time. When she accidentally found that Li Duanjin's gaze was also looking at her, her face flushed red.

Lin Youyi discovered Tian Shuhui's abnormality, and she was thinking in her heart that if she still couldn't reverse the result and missed the second place, then she would definitely not let Wang Shuyan sit on it. At that time, she would not mind pushing Tian Shuhui.

Liu Li and Zuo Yixi were chatting, until Wang Shuyan's team came to the stage, suddenly there was silence around Lin Youyi.

Lin Youyi raised her head in surprise, and Liu Li's suspicious voice sounded next to her ear: "Their dance is a mask dance."

"Look at their masks, they are exactly the same as what we imagined." Zuo Yixi pointed out.

"There are also dance clothes, and the style is similar." Xiao Yuqi said.

Tian Shuhui had already looked away from the seat, and now her face was cold: "It's not a coincidence that there are so many similarities. They did it on purpose. They danced first because of their ranking. No matter how well we dance, it's not innovative enough."

"They went too far," Liu Li said.

Although Lin Youyi didn't like Wang Shuyan's use of these tricks, she had to say that their dancing was still very good, just because they caught Li Duanjin's eyes, it was pretty good.

Tian Shuhui was not angry: "This is obviously our idea."

Wang Shuyan kept her eyes on Li Duanjin, for fear of missing a little bit of his expression.

Seeing that Li Duanjin has been paying attention to her side, and also focused on the white jade hairpin on her temple, Wang Shuyan was secretly relieved, but at the same time she was a little proud.

After the dance, the Empress Dowager nodded, obviously quite satisfied.

"Wang Shuyan performed well, and she was credited with saving her just now. The Ai family intends to let her enter the third place, what does your majesty think?" Seeing the emperor just now, the empress dowager has been watching, and she thinks she will not object.

Li Duanjin frowned. The old birthday mask and white jade hairpin were clearly Lin Youyi's costume for the Lantern Festival.

If it was an accident that Yu Huayuan recognized the wrong person the first time, then this time, it was obviously intentional, and an inexplicable anger surged in his heart.

Li Duanjin looked at Lin Youyi again, only to see that she was communicating with someone else, and his heart became more and more depressed.

"The queen mother is the master." Li Duanjin said.

The emperor rewarded the showgirls with jewelry, and Du Wang Shuyan got a butterfly walker.

After stepping off the stage, Wang Shuyan held Bu Yao uncontrollably in joy, but her eyes kept staring at Lin Youyi's side. Lin Youyi was not out, so she dared not relax for a moment. With her gem in front, she waited to see Lin Youyi How could Youyi be embarrassed?

If the mask dance is performed again, the queen mother and the emperor will definitely not like it.

If the dance is changed temporarily, it will only be more unbearable.

Really wait and see.

Looking forward to it with her are Yu Shuangshuang and Yan Danchen, who saw how ugly Lin Youyi and the others looked.

Lin Youyi is so smart, she solved both the embroidery incident and the dancing clothes incident. I don't know how she will solve the collision dance this time, Yu Shuangshuang thought, Lin Youyi is going to fall this time, she can't have a supernatural power. ability.

Not all the performances were wonderful. The queen mother had been sitting for a long time, and she was a little tired, so she finally made it to the last one.

Before the person played, he suddenly heard the melodious sound of the piano and the crisp sound of the flute.

But in an instant, the music of the piano and flute suddenly changed, excited and cheerful, and went straight to the high pitch, attracting everyone's attention.

At the highest pitch of the sound of the zither and the flute, a row of beautiful women in green clothes dressed as "Lotus Pickers" floated out from behind a blank screen with a small bamboo basket in their hands. .

The sound of the piano and flute turned low, and a woman in a pink dress strolled to the center of the dancers, like a blooming lotus among the lotus leaves.

The melodious singing came out of her lips, and it was a folk tune, melodious and melodious, like a kingfisher playing water, like an oriole singing, and like a breeze blowing over everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, only Wang Shuyan's eyes seemed shocked and unbelievable, and then they all turned to anger.

If eyes could kill, Lin Youyi would be smashed to pieces right now.

Yu Shuangshuang casually took Wang Shuyan's expression into her eyes, she was also shocked in her heart, Lin Youyi really has such extraordinary abilities!
Wang Shuyan was not wronged.

The show girls dance with light steps and elegant movements, quite like the gentle dynamics of the wind blowing the lotus leaves. They vividly display the image of the demure and graceful "lotus picking girl".

At this moment, a projection suddenly appeared on the top of the blank screen. It was a picture of picking lotus in spring. The picture was dynamic. It could also be seen that the oars were sliding and the lotus leaves were swaying with the wind.

The sound of the piano and the flute are always intertwined, lingering and melodious, like weeping and complaining, and they complement each other with the dance, singing and projection on the stage.

Li Duanjin kept searching, and saw Tian Shuhui, who was leading the dance, and Xiao Yuqi, who was singing, but did not find Lin Youyi.

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