Until the singing and dancing stopped at the end of the song, Lin Youyi, Zuo Yixi, and Li Peishan stepped out from behind the screen to salute the Queen Mother and the Emperor.

Lin Youyi was dressed in a snow-white light dress, with black shiny and thick long hair, pouring down from the top of her head like a black waterfall. When the wind blew, the skirt fluttered and her long hair entangled, like a nine-day fairy descending into the mortal world.

Li Duanjin was fascinated by it.

The Empress Dowager smiled and praised the performance for its innovativeness, good singing, good dancing, good music, and good shadow puppetry. "Who came up with the idea?"

Tian Shuhui and the others looked at Lin Youyi immediately, and Lin Youyi stepped forward slowly and replied, "The queen mother is a slave."

"Who is leading the dance, singing, playing the piano, playing the flute, and dancing the shadow puppet?" asked the Queen Mother.

Tian Shuhui, Xiao Yuqi, Lin Youyi, Zuo Yixi, and Li Peishan answered respectively.

"This program is very good, and these five show girls are also very good. Your Majesty will see who will get the third place?" The Queen Mother asked Li Duanjin with a smile.

Li Duanjin raised his hand and pointed away, "Just the one in white, it looks clean."

The emperor rewarded the performers with jewelry, and the five named by the empress dowager got a gold hairpin except for Lin Youyi. When it was Lin Youyi's turn, Li Duanjin lowered his eyes and said, "Give me a copy of "The Rules of Women."

The entire Compassion Ning Palace was silent for a moment, and even the Queen Mother looked over in puzzlement.

Li Duanjin has already resigned and left.

Only Wang Shuyan showed a triumphant smile at the corner of her mouth.

Lin Youyi was a little surprised, but she thanked her gracefully.

On the way back, Ping'er finally couldn't hold back, and asked Lin Youyi in a low voice: "Today is the third election, but the young master has been behind the screen until the end and finally shows up. The servant did not understand whether the young master should fight or not."

Lin Youyi said: "My appearance is already very eye-catching. If I get too popular, I might offend the Empress Dowager. Today is just right."

Ping'er suddenly realized, and a smile immediately appeared on her lips.

What Lin Youyi didn't say was that whether it was the embroidery incident that put her in the position of the victim, which attracted the empress dowager's pity, or the attitude of not fighting or snatching in today's performance, she had thought it through carefully, and everything was in accordance with the empress dowager's preferences The best arrangement to do it.

Everyone said that she had a good appearance, but sometimes it was not a good thing that her appearance was too eye-catching, at least it made her spend a lot of thought on the road to planning for a successor.

Back at Chuxiu Palace, Tian Shuhui immediately stopped Lin Youyi, "What does His Majesty bestow on you "The Rules for Women?"

"Probably because I feel that something is wrong with me, let me reflect on myself." Lin Youyi said.

"You haven't done anything wrong, and you still have something wrong?" Liu Li said.

Lin Youyi smiled and said nothing, no matter what, she did her best in today's performance.

"Speaking of which, thanks to Sister Lin's foresight, she allowed us to prepare two performances at the same time. Although it was hard work, it came in handy. Otherwise, let alone a reward today, we might even be sent out of the palace." Zuo Yixi sighed.

"That's right, you said how did Wang Shuyan and the others know about the program we prepared, and they actually plagiarized it, which is embarrassing." Xiao Yuqi said.

At this time, Wang Shuyan was sulking, she slapped the looking stick on the railing of the Royal Garden, the corners of her mouth twitched in pain, and she had to hold back.

He was so angry that he said, "I didn't expect her to guard against me in the morning."

When Li Duanjin returned to the Xuanzheng Hall, it seemed that the memorial was not working well.

Asking An Duo to prepare the copybook, he just copied one, then put down the sapphire dragon pattern tube enamel bucket and picked up the pen in a state of distraught.

Seeing that Li Duanjin was upset, An Duo brought tea to Li Duanjin: "Your Majesty has been busy all morning, do you want some snacks?"

Li Duanjin waved his hand, "You said she actually pushed me to others, is it magnanimous or she doesn't care about me at all."

An Duo naturally knew who the "she" Li Duanjin was referring to, and immediately comforted him: "How could Xiaozhu Lin not care about you? I saw that she was smiling when she was holding "Women's Rules."

Li Duanjin hesitated, he gave "Women's Rules" because he felt uncomfortable, and reminded her to pay attention to women's words, pay attention to what should be said and what should not be said.

He always thought that the memory of the Lantern Festival night was a secret shared between him and her.

But it turned out that he was wrong.

Today's third election, Li Duanjin's choice, An Duo, knows, and the results of the third election will be announced tomorrow at the latest. These days are very critical for Lin Youyi.

An Duo found an opportunity to send a gentle message and asked him to deliver a message to Lin Youyi.

When Lin Youyi learned that Li Duanjin was angry, not only was she not in a hurry, but she also smiled, "Please come back with your father-in-law later."

"My lord, you are welcome. The servant will come back later." He Shun said, his attitude became more respectful.

After Heshun left, Lin Youyi began to copy "Women's Rules".

Liu Li was curious: "What did Sister Lin copy this for?"

Lin Youyi replied, "Apologize."

Lin Youyi was not afraid that the emperor would be angry, but she was afraid that the emperor would not be angry. If he was not angry, it meant he didn't care. Since he cared, it would be easy.

All her previous plans were not in vain, and she would give Wang Shuyan a big gift.

As dinner was approaching, Lin Youyi rubbed her sore wrist, and tried her best to finish copying the first volume of "Women's Rules".

She called Ping'er, and handed the copied first volume of "Women's Rules" to Ping'er together with a booklet that Zhichun had arranged before entering the palace, and asked her to hand it over to Heshun.

The thing was passed to Li Duanjin soon, and Li Duanjin asked, "What does she mean?"

"Apologize." Ando said.

Li Duanjin snorted coldly: "There is not a single extra word, what kind of apology is this, what kind of crime is it?"

Ando bowed his head, not daring to make a sound.

Li Duanjin pointed to the booklet and asked, "What is this?"

"It's something that Lin Xiaozhu has been taken away by Wang Xiaozhu these years." Ando answered bravely. In fact, he didn't understand the use of Lin Xiaozhu getting a copy of this thing.

"Why, do you still want me to seek justice for her?" Li Duanjin said with a sneer, but still picked up the booklet and looked through it.

From the first page, the time is recorded, the name of the treasure is asked, and at the end is a word, give.

The whole page is full of the word "give", until the last page says, Taiqian seven years, the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, asked for white jade hairpin, but did not give.

Not given.

Not given.

Li Duanjin almost stared at the last page with a hole, and then finally there was a smile on his face.

But the smile didn't last long, "Who sent the letter?"

Anduo thumped, and immediately apologized.

"Go get ten boards yourself."

Anduo frowned, "Observe the order."

Li Duanjin didn't mention the Punishment Department, so the little eunuch from the Respect Room came to execute the sentence. As An Duo was the deputy head of the Respect Room, how could the little eunuch dare to use his strength.Ando knew that His Majesty didn't really annoy him, but that he did exceed the rules.

Lin Youyi soon knew that An Duo had been fined, and asked Heshun to send a purse of gold leaves to express his condolences.

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