Chapter 212 Ender Workers
Smoker took out the shovel from his gaming backpack.

Things you don’t understand are often worth a lot of money.

He wanted to try to clear the area around the boulder; if he could, he would move the entire boulder back.

It's a little heavy, but the worst possible thing is to have someone drive a few trucks over.

"Brother Wolf," Smoker has enough courage to take risks, but risks are not in vain. "You keep an eye on me, I'm going to dig!"

Brother Wolf divided his men into three groups: the first group was to guard high up in the valley and issue a warning if a giant pterodactyl flew over; the second group was to guard the entrance to the valley to prevent other aberrations and monsters from breaking in. ; The third batch, observe the state of the boulders and nearby ground with him.

With the bullets loaded, he asked three more people to dig in the soil with the smoker.

The smoker opened the live broadcast room.

He said: "Dear audience friends, today, I am going to mine with these three workers. They are: Da Zhuang, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Shuai."

The veteran known as "Xiao Mei" twitched his eyes and decided not to argue with him about the matter.

[Xiaomei, what’s wrong with you, Xiaomei?How did you change your gender? 】

[This is the strongest little beauty I have ever seen]

[Xiaomei: No, I hate it!I saw a powerful and heavy slap from Xiaomei, and the anchor's head instantly rotated 360 degrees]

Smoker waved the shovel in his hand and made it start to spin with skillful force.

A veteran put his hands on the shovel handle, looked at the smoker, shook his head and sighed.

He and the other two veterans looked at each other and started digging.

The soil here is very soft, but the hard energy stones in it caused a lot of trouble.

The smoker also started digging normally.

The energy stone is so hard that it makes your hands numb when you dig hard enough.

"Everyone, please come on." He pretended to be half exhausted and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead. "The mining industry is so hard! Give me some gifts. It doesn't take much. , just let me pay for an extra bowl of noodles for dinner."

Although there were loopholes everywhere, some of the hundreds of thousands of viewers were still tricked into giving him some gifts.

Suddenly, the screen was filled with light.

Who gave him a gift of 1 yuan?
The smoker took a closer look and saw that it was [Supreme Crazy Young Man].

"Oh, Potato Girl, have you finished collecting the rent?" He kept digging in the soil with his hands, and he kept mouthing, "1 yuan, why is this so embarrassing? Tudou Girl, just give it to me next time. , if you reward like this, the platform will take away half of the money.”

The smoker shouted towards the built-in camera: "Dear audience friends, this is a rich woman! A real rich woman! Don't miss it when you pass by! You must seize the opportunity to hug the rich woman's thigh, otherwise you will have to pay attention to the opportunity to enter the factory! "

【ah!You are so beautiful, like a lyric poem in spring.Your youthful grace and girlish innocence have intoxicated my you know?What impressed me the most was your eyes as clear as lake water and your long, slightly trembling eyelashes]

[This woman should only exist in heaven, and is rarely heard of in the human world]

[When will this big girl make a movie? I must be your first audience! 】

[Practice your P-picture skills again, the avatar is not as good-looking as the person at all]

[You and I went to the art museum to steal, but I was the only one who got caught, because you are a work of art in your own right]

[Sister’s eyes are like the most beautiful amber in the treasure box, the most beautiful one that captures my heart. Such a bright face is like a fairy! 】

Various compliments from netizens hit the nickname "Supreme Crazy Young Man" like a rainbow.

From earthy love words to innocent confessions, from innocent male high school students to melancholic uncles, and even traditional quotes from domineering CEOs, crazy netizens have picked them up at their fingertips.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]:?

A small question mark made netizens lose a lot of comments. This small question mark is like a small step back when confessing. Although the step is small, it hurts deeply.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Smoker, just wait.I'm at the barbershop now, and I'll be online in two hours, guaranteed to kick your head like a football.

The smoker was so angry that he stuck the shovel into the ground and clapped his hands for himself and the netizens.

"Smoker!" Brother Wolf's shout suddenly came to his ears.

Holding his head with both hands and rolling sideways, the smoker had no idea what was happening, but this posture could cope with most situations.

Stone chips flew around, and invisible air waves overturned everyone around the boulder.

The smoker was almost buried under rubble.

He stood up and looked at the boulder.

The boulder stood upright and half of it was gone, revealing a dark purple mirror like a mirror.

Deep, mysterious, and with an aura that would make a smoker tremble all over.

...This scene is all too familiar.

Yao Luo's divine power hovered in the sky.

Previously, the chameleon encountered such a strange portal and was "banished" by the humanoid creature into the bottomless abyss between the two worlds.

If Yao Luo hadn't rescued him in time, the chameleon would have been broken down into the smallest particles by the abyss.

The humanoid creature that can use sub-divine power came out of the purple portal.

Yao Luo is ready to take action at any time.


dong dong!

dong dong!

All the living creatures near the valley have heart problems.

The health of the four people closest to the boulder dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Brother Wolf and the veterans standing farthest threw the rope.

One by one, the four of them grabbed the rope thrown at them and crawled to a place with less impact.

The closer you are to the boulder, the greater the damage you take.

"Blow up that boulder!" Brother Wolf ordered.

Whatever it is, since Smokey's rocket attack worked last time, he can try it this time too.

The veterans endured all kinds of discomfort, put on the rocket launcher and pressed the trigger.


There was another burst of stone debris flying.

The weird heartbeat stopped.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Brother Lang's pupils suddenly shrank.

The purple portal suddenly grew larger and smaller, obviously unstable.

The limb of an arthropod poked out, and then a weird insect head.

It is as tall as a man and a half.

The portal expands and contracts, and when it shrinks close to this huge insect, it will leave scars like knife cuts on the surface of the insect's carapace.

One appears, followed by another, and more and more.

How many of these giant insects are behind this thing?

Yao Luo looked through the files of Giant Spirit City to find out information about this insect.

He found one that basically matched all the characteristics.


The most recent record was that Djinn City wiped out a small demonic wave in the wasteland 70 years ago.Due to the heavy losses, the airship commander at the time mistakenly issued an order to return to the city immediately to rest, leaving the bodies of humans and monsters on the battlefield without any treatment.

It was already half a month later when Djinn Glory Company discovered that Ender Worker bugs were frequently infested.

These bugs lay their eggs in the corpses, and the entire battlefield became a breeding ground for Ander workers.

As long as the nutrition is sufficient, the [-] eggs that a worker insect can lay have a [-]% survival rate.

A breeding Ander worker appeared on the battlefield. One week later, more than 500 larvae would hatch, and another week later, they would turn into more than 500 preliminary mature workers. This method of population expansion was very terrifying.

It took the Giant City half a year to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of Ander Worker Insects.


【Task change】

[New: Clear or control Ender workers]

Ender workers are still pouring out of the portal in a steady stream.

Brother Lang made a quick decision: "Everyone, attack the boulder until it is completely blown up! Quick!"

(End of this chapter)

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