Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 213 Flying Motorcycle

Chapter 213 Flying Motorcycle

Being chased by a group of Ender workers, the veterans couldn't spare any time to attack the dark purple portal.

Several sporadic rockets exploded, only making the changes in the portal more drastic.

There are more and more of these giant arthropods.

The Ender Worker's blade-like forelimbs were chopped off, and Smoker yelled, holding on with the rifle in his hand.

The disadvantage caused by his size was very obvious, and he took half a step back.

A moment of quick reflexes worked, but not much - the Anderworm had another sharp forelimb.

Another forelimb slashed, and Smoker's rifle could no longer block it.

With a click, it broke into two pieces.

The smoker threw away the broken gun, turned around and ran away.

He turned around and saw that the Ender Worker was running faster than him.

"Here comes the chicken soup!"

A black shadow flew across the sky.

Da da da!
A barrage of bullets was fired from the new weapon.

Brother Zhu Jun landed on his motorcycle with one hand, holding a light machine gun in the other hand.

Facts have proven that as long as the [Strength] attribute is high enough, the recoil of the light machine gun can be completely suppressed.

More players showed up.

Their motorcycles all have different decorations, but they always have a funny expression painted on the side.

Judging from the time when the game was launched, these speedsters can be considered veterans.

One man holds a light machine gun and shoots from top to bottom while standing high in the valley.

The Ender workers behind Smoker were focused on by fire and had to retreat continuously.

"Here," Brother Zhu Jun threw a light machine gun and a box of bullets to Smoker. "They were all obtained from the Djinn Glory Company through the ore trade. They were shipped just a few hours ago. They are much better than the rags you have. Got it!"

The smoker picked it up, threw it into the game backpack, and then continued running: "I don't even have any tatters in my hands. What are you waiting for? Run quickly, there will only be more and more of these large bugs!"

Brother Zhu Jun turned around confidently and saw the insect swarm change his expression instantly.

He cursed subconsciously and was about to rush out on his motorcycle.

As the back seat sank, Brother Zhu Jun found that even the rear wheel of the motorcycle was flattened a little.

It's a smoker.

He sat on the back seat of the motorcycle, hugging Brother Zhu Jun's waist tightly, and the flesh of his face was still rubbing against Brother Zhu Jun's back.

Brother Zhu Jun's expression was distorted and he turned the accelerator to the maximum.

This motorcycle, which can reach a maximum speed of two hundred yards per hour, is like a single grandfather bumping into a beautiful grandmother, feeling powerless at this moment.

"Assi, let's start the game! Baga is on the road! Fake!"

The motorcycle rushed out, just in time to avoid the sharp forelimbs of an Ender Worker.

Brother Zhujun started to use swear words from various countries, and they were quite non-standard.

But he only knows this.

I think back then, it was a traditional skill to greet the eighteen generations of ancestors of the opponent's team during the World Championships.

You may not know the language of another country, but it is not difficult to forcibly imitate a sufficient swear word from another country.

One moment he was greeting the opponent's family passionately, and his actions and words were extremely intense; the next second the event camera turned to him, and he immediately shook hands with the opponent's player in a friendly way.


The heavy motorcycle lifted off the ground and hit a small Ender worker that was blocking the road.

It was so heavy that it even took several steps back and almost fell over on its back.

"Everyone, come up here." One player discovered a weakness of the Ender workers. "These bugs are not very good at climbing!"

Brother Zhujun and Yan Gui got up one after another, spread their legs and ran hard to the heights of the valley.

The brothers were followed by dozens of Ender workers.

"Use the bazooka to blow up that boulder! Don't let more bugs come out!"

call out!shhhhh!

Dozens of rockets fell, and the air waves caused by the explosion caused strong winds throughout the valley.

The purple portal suddenly shrank and became the size of a pinhole; then it exploded.

A lavender light ball enveloped a small half of the valley, and everything within the range of the light ball was strongly corroded for a moment, as if concentrated sulfuric acid was poured on the surface.

Most players were temporarily blinded and their skin dissolved; but the Ender Drones were no better.

Most of their hard carapace has been softened.

"Why am I blind? What happened?" "Blinding, it must be blinding! Quick, is there any skill that can clear the negative status?"

"Oops, I shot my own leg off! Did anyone find my leg? Tell me!"

The players were in a mess, and some people missed their footing and fell from the heights of the valley. An unexpected slide slid into the mouth of the Ander Worker.

This is the first player to die.

Brother Wolf's eyes were completely white.

A large, round black shadow climbed up from the bottom of the valley.

The shadow drew a long black shadow.

Brother Wolf immediately blocked it with the mantis knife.

The real feeling of blocking made him immediately understand that the black shadow in front of him was the enemy.

Vision is slowly returning, as is the case for all players.

Brother Wolf roughly estimated the position of the Ander Worker's abdomen, and the mantis knife immediately penetrated deeply.

As the Ander Worker screamed in pain, it was pushed down from the height of the valley by Brother Wolf.

"I can see it!"

"The holy light has finally dispersed! What a high-definition world without code!"

"The purple monster spawning spot has disappeared!"

In the center of the valley, there was no trace of the original boulder, leaving only a large crater and countless small craters around it that were blasted by rockets.

Enderworm populations are no longer growing.

"Little Chongchong, you are finished!" A player smiled like a pervert.

Brother Zhu Jun pulled the smoker up and clapped his hands.

He saw the arthropod juices of an Ander Worker insect on the ground splashing everywhere, revealing the white and tender flesh.

The high temperature heated the piece of meat, giving off an alluring fragrance.

"Can you bear this?" Brother Zhu Jun murmured to himself.

He picked up the arthropod and bit it in one bite.

If it was poisonous, he would turn his head and spit in the smoker's face.

Delicious, quite delicious, like lobster fried in olive oil or hairy crab cooked in vegetable oil.

The colorless liquid diluted the natural fishy smell of the meat and emitted a fragrant aroma similar to that of plants.

No blood was lost.

Even if it is poisonous, the toxicity is very low.

For players who can use trace amounts of nuclear waste as hot sauce, this is simply a natural delicacy!
"Collect them all and beat them!" Brother Zhu Jun shouted loudly, "These insects are very delicious!"


As soon as these words came out, the ferocious insect carapace in the eyes of the players became kind and friendly.

"Grab it!"

"Catch them all and let them reproduce quickly!"

“New variety of barbecue recipes!”

"Everyone, I have raised shrimps in real life! If you can trust me, please let me build a worm farm!"

The players were helpless.

"Hit their joints and take off their legs!" Smoker yelled his opinion.

The players instantly had an attack plan.

There were hundreds of Ender Worker Insects, more than sixty of them had their legs broken by crazy players and lost their ability to move.


Continuous loud noises summoned the giant pterodactyl.

It hovers in the air.

"It's that big bird again!"

"Did it target our bugs? That's our meat!"

"Eat meat! Eat meat!"

"Kill it! Kill it!"

Many players who had the upper hand roared at the giant pterodactyl in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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