Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 214 Tormenting the Opponent

Chapter 214 Tormenting the Opponent
However, roaring is roaring, and the players' bullets cannot hurt the giant pterodactyl flying in the air at all.

"What to do now?" Brother Zhu Jun asked.

Smokey wants to activate the ejection device, launch himself into the air, and then fall down with a simple parachute.

But the air is the domain of pterodactyls.

A missed hit would make him a living target as he slowly landed.

"It's time to show real technology"

One player took out a speaker.

Previously, his maggot-like pole dance attracted an attack from a pterodactyl, which might work for this big one too.

He smiled charmingly.


A particularly seductive female voice came from the speaker.

The player lay on the ground and twisted to the rhythm of the music.

"That's it," another player pointed at the maggot-shaped dancer, "This is how he lured pterodactyls from the air before."

"I see. But I feel that this is not enough."

A speedster player had a different opinion.

He took out the trumpet from his game backpack and started imitating the call of a pterodactyl with his flexible tongue.


The smoker crossed his arms.

Unexpectedly, these two amazing and talented players appeared in the small speed racing party.

The skills of pole dancing and ventriloquism are so exquisite, I don’t know which two cities they came from.

The giant pterodactyl hovering in the sky was confused.

Previously, it observed that the behavior of these humans was no different from what it usually saw; but now a big bug appeared that was twisting like it had eaten a poisonous mushroom, and a human who kept shouting "Dad" appeared.

It doesn't have a single human descendant.




The human below saw it and reacted, shouting even more cheerfully.

"Shout quickly," the player holding the trumpet didn't know what the cry meant. "You all shout with me, this sound is very useful."

The nearby players found it useful and shouted one after another.

There's something creepy about the giant pterodactyl in the sky.

It discovered that there were more and more humans calling it "Dad" on the ground, and there was a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission.

No, if we continue like this, something might happen.

Although the behavior of this group of humans on the ground is different from those seen elsewhere, they are still just as weak.

It folded its fleshy wings, selected the first human to call it "Dad", and launched a fatal attack.

"Call with me!"

Before the player could react, his upper body had been bitten by the giant pterodactyl.


【you are dead】

The player who had just died in the "game" sat up from the game cabin.

He looked to the right. The big screen in the Internet cafe was playing a player's perspective, but it was no longer him.

Obviously, this time it was off.

Every second of the three days of resurrection was painful.

When he played the game "Cyberpsychosis", he didn't find anything incredible.

But once he played other games, the sense of dissonance brought about by the unreality made him particularly uncomfortable.

"Are you going to die now?" A sloppy old man who lives in the Internet cafe was holding a cigarette. "Do you know how to play? You are such a bad guy, why not give me your spot."

This player can hear the sourness in the brother's tone.

After all, he is the only one near this Internet cafe who has obtained a player quota.

He smiled at his brother and said in an elegant and easy-going manner: "Who makes you so unlucky? You can't even get a spot."

The player turned to look at the big screen.


The giant pterodactyl fell to the ground. This is a rare opportunity!

Smokey activated the ejection device and jumped lightly onto the pterodactyl's back.

Dozens of players who got too close were knocked several meters away by the wings of the giant pterodactyl, causing him to become paralyzed.It flapped its wings and flew into the sky again.

"It's flying!" The smoker smiled from ear to ear.

He was the first player to experience flying mounts.


The giant pterodactyl noticed the human on its back.

It turned in a circle and almost threw the smoker off.

Smoker hugged the giant pterodactyl's neck tightly with both hands, and his whole body hung in the air.

Below, there is a vast wasteland covered with yellow sand, with scattered green traces of the jungle in the distortion zone on the edge.

There are also some decaying road ruins, and the distribution of black asphalt is extremely scattered.

"Such a magnificent scenery deserves a song."

The smoker started singing at the top of his lungs.

He was tone-deaf, and with the strong wind blowing, the song was completely out of tune.

For the giant pterodactyl, the noise was already irritating.


It was intolerable.

The giant pterodactyl folded its fleshy wings and pounced towards the ground.

This time it wasn't for an attack, it was just to throw the human off his back completely.

The smoker let go of his hand and let himself fall freely.

Judging from the impact speed of the giant pterodactyl, he would fall to death no matter how high his level was.

[Smoking backwards like a god]: Brothers, Brother Lang, prepare a cushion for me quickly!I didn’t even have a serious parachute, I tied it all by hand with tablecloth!
[You guys, accompany me to kill the enemy]: No, Smoker, do you still have the banquet tablecloth from the crashed airship?I threw it away long ago.

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: I have something here that can be used as a cushion.But Smoker, your movements in the air are so chaotic!We can't find an exact landing point!

[Smoking backwards like a god]: The wind is too strong here, and there’s nothing I can do about it.


The giant pterodactyl flies into the distance.

It left, leaving the flustered smoker struggling in the air.

Smoker could clearly see the mocking look in the giant pterodactyl's eyes.

This beast still looks down on him.

Yes, the probability of survival in this situation is quite low, but he is not an ordinary player.

He is a former professional player who is accustomed to walking on the line of life and death, an ace who dances on the tip of a knife!
The Smoker did everything he could to slow down his fall.

Several tablecloths are gone, and other items can be used.

He has reached his limit.

The rest is up to fate.

The smoker fell into the temporary buffer prepared by Brother Wolf and the veteran, but it only bounced off the edge and crashed directly.

Players came running over one after another.

Seeing the fat figure sinking deeply into the sand, they shook their heads and sighed.

Even though the smoker didn't turn into a point of light and disappear for a while, it was very fast. In a few seconds, they would only be able to see the famous anchor in the game in three days.

The Smoker dug his head out of the sand.

He looked at the astonished players around him and said, "I'm waiting for all the bones in my body to recover. What are you waiting for?"

Many players expressed disappointment.

He didn't die. I will definitely try it next time.

Although it is very likely that they will die if they try, it is definitely not their problem.

"I'm telling you, the shot I made just now was absolutely incredible..."

"A hybrid of a bat and a bird, it reminded me of some paleontological fossils."

"They are selling meat skewers! Fresh insect meat skewers with poisonous scorpion sauce, don't miss it when you pass by!"

The players are noisy.

The remaining energy stones here need to be transported by a car, and the Ender workers, who have basically lost their ability to move, need to be properly placed, which are all troublesome.

"What it is?"

"I'll go, it's that big bird!"

"It's coming with more big birds!"

(End of this chapter)

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