Three berserkers were thrown out of the airship by the giant pterodactyl, as were the two affected players.

The sky is full of flesh and blood, making the sunlight dyed with blood, and the mosaic in front of the players has filled every corner.


The berserker warriors roared together.


The giant pterodactyl struggled very feebly.

It directly killed at least twenty berserkers, but these common monsters seemed to have lost their minds.

Even though their hands and feet were severed and blood flowed everywhere, these monsters that should have escaped to recuperate long ago seemed to feel no pain.

They bite with their teeth, use their head hammers, and can knock themselves to death with one head.

Even if each berserker could only contribute a meager amount of effort, hundreds of them had completely suppressed the giant pterodactyl.

They pushed the giant pterodactyl toward the airship.

The giant pterodactyl didn't understand this behavior.

So what if I fall?Its fleshy wings were intact and not seriously damaged. It was able to fly before landing and soar into the sky again.

Only half of its subordinates, the ordinary pterodactyls, were killed in the battle, and the rest were pushed down by the players and fell to the ground, where their life or death was uncertain.

This grudge will be remembered forever!
Pterodactyls are a race that holds grudges, let alone such a big grudge!
The giant pterodactyl was about to be pushed out of the airship, when it suddenly felt something was wrong.

The berserkers and players on it showed no trace of jumping from it.

What is this for!
Even if it has a body with greatly increased defense after being transformed into a demon, it will suffer serious injuries if it falls straight down from such a height, let alone these weak Berserkers!
The players received the queen's order and jumped off the giant pterodactyl, but the berserkers remained motionless.


The giant pterodactyl was frightened and struggled harder, but was still inevitably pushed down.

Its body is covered with berserkers who have no sense of fear.

For the queen and to defeat the enemy, these Youlin's men are willing to sacrifice their lives.

Their brains are indeed a bit stupid, but their loyalty is unquestionable.


The giant pterodactyl screamed in terror.

The berserker warriors on it all let out roars of victory - even if the price of victory was that they all rushed to hell.

The falling speed is getting faster and faster, and the ground is getting closer and closer in the eyes of the giant pterodactyl.

The ground shook.

Nearby trees shifted and dust billowed.

The berserker warriors who were in a slightly lower position were all smashed into pulp.

Even at a higher position, the seriously injured berserkers died on the spot, and almost all the slightly injured ones were seriously injured by the shock.

The giant pterodactyl had countless broken bones, and its internal organs were full of bleeding points and cracks.

Its beak spat out a mouthful of bright arterial blood, and then more.

The giant pterodactyl has never suffered such serious injuries since its birth.

It never thought that one day, while soaring in the sky and overlooking the earth, it would be covered with weight and plummet to the ground.

The giant pterodactyl could no longer scream, and its vocal cords could only emit a hissing whine, as well as constant coughing of blood.

It can still survive, which is the advantage of the intermediate monster after being demonized, and its super recovery ability.

But the ground around it is not empty, but filled with all kinds of aberrations, monsters and players.

This is the queen's territory, the queen's territory.

The aberrations and monsters bared their teeth at it, ready to eat the giant pterodactyl at any time under the Queen's command.

Players gathered together, pointing at it, and ready to beat it to pieces with weapons.


The giant pterodactyl tried its best to shake off the berserker warriors who were almost completely incapacitated, but it didn't have the strength to take off at all, and it was difficult to even walk a few steps.

Just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den, the crazy berserkers on the airship and the countless enemies around it have completely wiped out its will to fight.

Despair spread in its heart.

"Surrender to me." Youlin on the airship stood by the railing of the airship, looking at the giant pterodactyl below and giving the order.

Her voice was soft and low, and could not be heard by the giant pterodactyl far away on the ground; but her will was known to all the monsters in the queen's territory. "Roar!"


"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

The monsters all over the Queen's Territory shouted.

The various calls in the ears of the giant pterodactyl have only one meaning:


The screams all over the mountains and plains frightened the giant pterodactyl to the extreme.

It also takes chances and conveys its meaning with a low hoarse neigh.

Bargaining, limited surrender, limited rights, limited freedom.

The monsters around were extremely angry.

If the queen's order hadn't been issued, they could have torn the powerful giant pterodactyl into pieces.

Youlin on the airship did not accept it.

The giant pterodactyl caused many of her men to suffer severe injuries, and some died miserably.

There was only one chance to surrender to her.

Since the giant pterodactyl is still planning its future, there is no need to survive.

There is a unique aura gathering in Youlin's body.

Her fear, her worries, and her sadness were all condensed into a cold and cold language that suppressed countless emotions:

"I will execute it."

On the ground, countless monsters chirped in agreement.

The giant pterodactyl didn't know what was happening.

To be able to control so many powerful monsters, the leader behind it must be so powerful that it cannot resist.

Its life and death are nothing more than a word from its leader.

A shadow was cast in the sky.

The giant pterodactyl turned around with difficulty, only to see the huge airship falling towards its position at high speed.

"Use the strongest base of the airship to execute it." Youlin's body was shaking, but her words were as hard as a stone.

The giant pterodactyl finally figured out what was going to happen.

Its screams became louder and louder, and blood even spurted out from its screams.


It is willing to surrender!
Just ask for its life, the great leader, spare its life!
However, Youlin will not give it a second chance.

The extremely heavy airship landed accurately on the remains of the giant pterodactyl.

A sharp whistling sound, accompanied by strong winds, hit the giant pterodactyl.

It let out a heartbreaking scream, and its eyes were so wide that they burst and bled.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

It was as if a mountain fell in front of all the onlookers. They stood unsteadily and watched the ground fall apart.

The giant pterodactyl is completely dead.

Its body had been completely crushed into pulp, leaving only a dead head.

Youlin just watched, standing by the railing of the airship.

She did things she never dared to think of before.

The petite body looks extremely tall and majestic to the monsters.

But, she didn't know how she felt.

Youlin leaned against the railing, not to show off her queenly posture, but because her mind was blank, her whole body was weak, and she couldn't tell whether she was happy or not.

She turned around and disappeared onto the deck of the airship.

"Well done," Yao Luo's voice rang in Youlin's ears, "Youlin, I announce that you have passed your graduation exam! From today on, you have graduated from junior high school! How are you, are you happy?" (This chapter over)

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