Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 219 Men Can't Say No

When the second young master of Juling City walked out of the cabin tremblingly.

His legs were weak and his face was pale. He was holding on to the metal wall like a pickled vegetable that had been completely drained.

He had never experienced such a cruel battlefield, and the blood rain seemed endless.

The land is filled with mourning and corpses.

When a pterodactyl that had been shot half dead by a machine gun crashed into his temporary confinement room, the giant eye full of blood was still staring at him.

He immediately screamed like a slaughtering pig, but he was not a butcher, but the pig that was about to be bled and cut.

One hand moved secretly against the deck, and suddenly grabbed the second young master's ankle.


The second young master's whole body trembled, and the sticky and slippery touch made his heartbeat stop.

He fell forward, and his scream could be heard by all the players near the Crooked Ares.

"Can you do it, Erzai?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the second young master turned around and saw a cloud of white smoke coming out from under a corpse.

The sound comes from inside.

This voice seems familiar?
"Ha," the person inside sighed, "the nicotine in tobacco will make people calm, especially after experiencing a thrilling battle."

A person crawled out of the white smoke. He was a hunter player who was very familiar with the second young master.

He was holding a cigarette in his left hand and a wine bottle in his right hand. The sparks on his head burned a large piece of hair.

Emerging from the smoke, like a fairy in the mist.

"What are you looking at, Erzai!" The hunter player looked tired, "Have you never seen a happy god who smokes, drinks, and perms his hair?"

He held his waist and climbed up with difficulty.

In this battle, he was almost killed at least eleven times.

In this numbing life-and-death crisis, the game cabin must be filled with the stench of sweat.

You should take a nice hot bath soon, or at least a quick shower.

"Can you do it?" the hunter player was helpless. "I am fighting here, and you are watching the excitement in the cabin. As a result, I still have the strength to drink and smoke, but you feel like you have been ravaged by pterodactyls ten thousand times."

The second young master relaxed all over and fell into the rotten meat with a strong smell of blood.

"Let me tell you a joke," the hunter player squinted his eyes. "Once upon a time, there was a man who fell on the ground. There was a basin filled with water in front of him. Unfortunately, he fainted after the fall and buried his head. In the water that was as small as the basin. So, he drowned, in the basin."

He kicked the motionless second young master with his foot: "No, are you such a weakling? Did you really faint?"

The second young master struggled to get up.

As soon as he stood up unsteadily, he immediately bent over and vomited.

If this scene were in an anime, the vomit would be rainbow-colored, right?
The hunter player frowned and threw out the empty wine bottle.

Who would have thought that the deck of the airship was tilted and the empty wine bottles were rolling back.

He accidentally stepped on the empty wine bottle he threw and fell on his back.

After relaxing, my nerves became much duller and I couldn't even react like this.

The second young master laughed like a pig.

He flopped down on the deck.

Following the people of the Flying Potato God Cult, he would have fun every day and experience things that he would never experience in his life.

"You can't do it," the second young master's tongue stiffened, "you should say, 'I fell down and I had to be hugged by a cute girl in a maid outfit to get up'!"

"You're a real fat pig, you're a fat house!" The hunter player on the ground said sharply, "You should wear pain clothes and be beaten to death by a dump truck in a small room filled with figurines and life-size pillows!"

"That's great." The second young master's eyes began to turn white.The hunter player lying on the ground kicked the second young master, and the second young master fell to the ground.

"Stop pretending to be dead," he got up again. "The teacher who taught me sketching told me that the human body is beautiful. Therefore, she asked me to draw the naked bodies of my aunt and uncle for half a year."

The second young master still didn't respond.

"Fuck, I'm so dizzy. Are you a man? Nervous sister, Nervous sister! Look here! What do you think he is doing?"


【Warrior Badge】

[On a high-altitude airship, you and your comrades fought bravely against the ferocious pterodactyls and finally survived]

Only a dozen players got this special badge.

At the beginning, there were a hundred players on the Crooked Ares airship.

The potato girl walked out of the airship with her head held high and her chest held high with confidence.

She is also one of the players to receive this badge.

Although it depends largely on luck, luck is also a part of strength, isn't it?

"Potato girl!" Smoker said wearing sunglasses, "Not bad, you survived!"

Tudou Girl turned around and kicked Smoker in the stomach: "I'm here to save you, but why did the airship become the main battlefield?"

She wasn't very strong, and even though she was full of fat, her kicking force didn't have any impact on the smoker.

But the smoker still pretended to fall down, and his screams were particularly exaggerated.

He was still shouting: "What a terrible kick. I feel like all my internal organs are broken, like being run over by a train!"

Tudou Girl decided to ignore this chubby drama queen.

Next to her, a few meters away, Brother Wolf touched palms with the only surviving veteran.

Brother Wolf noticed Tutu Girl's gaze, smiled at her, and said, "Not bad."

Tudou Girl responded with a bright smile.

She felt that she was so awesome that she had her hands on her hips.

"Wow, you are amazing!"

"Give glory to us female players!"

"God of War, Tie Tie!"

A large group of female players came up.

Most of them are life players, and a few of them can be hunters. They are only suitable for watching. If they enter such a cruel battlefield, they can only find a place to hide and scream.

Don’t post stickers!

Tudou Girl pushed away a female player's slutty hand and pinched the pervert's face hard.

"Aww, Potato Girl,"

The female pervert stretched out her hand and hugged this man.

She sniffed and confirmed that it was a man, no, a shy big boy.

"Brother Xiaodai! I have already memorized your touch and smell! Do you like your sister? Do you want to do something strange with your sister?"

Xiaodai was at a loss and allowed the female player to hold him.

He had just come out of the psychological shadow of being almost killed by a pterodactyl, and now he was about to be rescued from the psychological shadow by this female player who wanted to let herself go! (End of chapter)

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