Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 220 Fantasy Promotion

Chapter 220 Fantasy Promotion
Yao Luo needs to think more than the players on the ground, having fun like the Huskies.

According to Anton, in another week, the couple from Thunder City will initially recover from their injuries and will be able to travel long distances.

However, it was impossible to expect the two wounded men to cross the dangerous wasteland.

Only through the players' only airship, the Crooked Ares, can they reach the vicinity of Thunder City.

Just when players need more resources, they will go.

That city is too far away from here, so at least two spawn points must be set up.

"I have an idea, Youlin," Yao Luo said, "We should let a group of monsters and aberrants move there and let your men establish a territory outside Thunder City. Youlin?"

He turned his head and saw Youlin sitting on a chair, nodding her head.

It makes me sleepy just looking at it.

"Are you sleepy?" Yao Luo used his magical power to make a temporary chair and sat down next to Youlin.

She pouted and her eyelashes trembled: "Hmm."

"It's just like using your brain too much. In the past, every time I finished a major exam, I would feel like I was in a daze."

Yao Luo stood up and the chair under him disappeared naturally: "Youlin, please take a nap. I will call you when it's time to eat."

Youlin stood up in a daze, walked, and bumped her head against the wall.


She was a little confused and bumped again.

Then his smooth forehead was directly pressed against the wall, and he was about to fall asleep.

Yao Luo crossed his arms and tilted his head and smiled, then picked up Youlin with both hands, walked into her bedroom, and put her on the bed.

The divine protection blessed by him on Youlin was ten times that of his physical body.

He walked out of the room door and snapped his fingers.

In the room full of girlish atmosphere, Youlin's shoes automatically took off and returned to their places, as did her clothes, the quilt flew in, the pillows automatically adjusted their height, and the temperature and light were adjusted to the most suitable state.

The lazy way to use divine power, adjust to sleep mode with one click.

There are always some wonderful ideas that come from laziness.

Yao Luo clapped his hands, satisfied.


The room was slightly cooler, which made it easier to fall asleep.

Youlin closed her eyes, feeling a little empty in her heart.

As time goes by, the feeling of emptiness becomes wider and wider, so vast that it seems to transcend time and space.

She couldn't open her eyes.

wake up.

wake up.

wake up.

Youlin opened her eyes.

She was on a familiar airship.

Looking down from the fence of the airship, the mechanical man had a crooked smile on his face.

This is the Crooked Ares.

But why is she here?

The giant pterodactyl hovered in the sky, ready to pounce down at any time.

This scene has already happened.

At that time, she was thinking hard about a way to win in the cabin. The deck of the airship was full of players and berserkers.

Youlin looked at the window of the cabin where she had hidden, but there was no one inside.


High in the sky, the giant pterodactyl screamed sharply.

She was sure that she was the only one on the airship at the moment.

A strong fear surged into her heart.

How could she alone fight against such a powerful giant demonized pterodactyl?

Youlin ran into the cabin before the giant pterodactyl pounced down.

The heavy metal roof gave her a little comfort.


Everything was shaking, the walls and roof were in pieces.

The head of the giant pterodactyl looked down and stared straight at her.

Youlin looked out the window of the cabin, and saw the body of the giant pterodactyl still hovering in the sky.

How could this be?
She gritted her teeth and rushed out of the cabin.

It's true that the body of the giant pterodactyl is still hovering in the sky; it's also true that its head is nearly a hundred meters away from its body.Because its neck looks like an infinitely long snake.

There was a sound of wind, and the head of the giant pterodactyl was fixed in front of her again, staring straight at her.


Youlin sat on the ground and moved back.

The heads of giant pterodactyls also follow.

"Yao Luo!" she shouted.

No echo.

There is no that extremely familiar voice.

Youlin turned her head and did not see the fat potato with wings on the high platform of the cabin.

It was empty there, and there was nothing there.

"Yao Luo?"

There was a dead silence all around.

Youlin's breathing quickened, and the intense fear gradually turned into burning anger.

She asked the giant pterodactyl's head: "Where is Yao Luo? Where has he gone?"

The giant pterodactyl head just stared at her, saying nothing.

Yao Luo is not here.

Youlin asked again and again: "Where did you take Yao Luo?"

Every time she took a step forward, the head of the giant pterodactyl retracted a step.

The divine power gathered together and turned into a rotating machine gun.

The heavy rotary gun felt as light as a feather in her hands.

The bullets fired continuously hit a spark on the head of the giant pterodactyl.

"Speak! Why don't you speak!"

The rotating machine gun in her hand turned into a heavy hammer in the Steel Warrior's hand, and one hammer made the giant pterodactyl scream.

It could no longer hold up, and its huge body fell onto the airship deck.

Youlin's whole body was filled with water-like lavender flames.

Every time she took a step forward, a little purple flame flowed from the giant pterodactyl into her side.

The giant pterodactyl stared at her and backed away step by step.

The purple flames around Youlin formed strong power armor on her body, and she held a huge mantis knife tightly.

The speed of her swing of the knife became so fast that her figure could leave an afterimage in the eyes of ordinary people.


The giant pterodactyl retreated to the edge of the airship and fell straight down from the airship, just like what had happened before.

All the weapons and armor on Youlin's body disappeared and turned into flames again, burning around her.

She didn't need to issue the order because the airship no longer needed a pilot.

The Crooked Ares fell straight down and hit the giant pterodactyl without mercy.

"I surrender to you!"

The giant pterodactyl finally made its first meaningful sound, but it was too late.

The Crooked Ares airship crushed its body, leaving only a dead head.

Youlin looked around calmly,
The surroundings seemed to be shrouded in layers of fog, blurry.

The purple flames around her gathered in front of her and turned into a strange mask.

The face is white, but there is an indifferent vertical eye with purple pupils in the middle.

Youlin grabbed the mask.

"Have a nightmare?"

She opened her eyes and saw Yao Luo at first sight.

"You sweat a lot," Yao Luo was holding the mask with vertical purple pupils. "And your sub-divine power has improved a lot. Some kind of promotion? Those extra sub-divine powers gathered into this mask. Can I Feel like it's a part of you, like an extra battery on a toy car."

He jokingly put on a mask with vertical purple pupils and made a face at Youlin.

This feeling is very strange, like the most intimate skin-to-skin contact with Youlin.

But she didn't resist at all.


unknown place.

A flashing unstable figure summoned a purple mirror-like portal: "I can feel that the princess's power has emerged. It's time to start the great god's plan."

(End of this chapter)

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