Chapter 22
One side of the man's face was illuminated by a red emergency light, while the other was lost in darkness.

His eyes were stern and indifferent, like a snow wolf walking alone on the ice field.

A metal stick was held backwards by the man, blocking the sharp mantis knife of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Potato girl noticed that the wound on the neck of the leader of the wild wolf gang was bigger, but only a small amount of blood flowed out.

The neck of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang seemed to break away from the shackles of flesh and blood, and walked towards the mechanical creation.

"Very good." The leader's voice was hoarse.

His pupils shrank tightly, and his figure was like a ghost, so fast it was unbelievable.


The Mantis Knife drew a deadly light and slashed at the man's neck.

The metal rod snapped.

Even though they are both made of metal, the attributes of the Mantis Knife are far stronger than those of a metal stick picked up at random.

The man reacted very quickly.

He immediately rolled to the side tactically, picked up a rifle on the ground and fired at the leader of the wolf gang.

The leader was still hit by a bullet while dodging, his movement was blocked, and then more bullets followed.

Da da!

As soon as he heard the sound of the bullets being fired, the man immediately threw the rifle forcefully at the leader of the Wolf Gang.


The rifle was in the air, sliced ​​in half by the sharp mantis knife.

"Oh, not bad, really good," the leader of the wolf gang twisted his neck, "but——what else do you have?"

His ferocious face actually showed a smile: "Then let's call it a day."

The speed of the leader of the wolf gang suddenly accelerated, so fast that phantoms appeared in the sight of Tudou girl.

She knew that it was an illusion left on the retina by the excessive speed.

"It's over, it's over." Potato girl picked up the metal stick that was cut in half.

Anyway, I'm going to die this time, and now I have a chance, I can take the risk and try to sneak attack this elite monster.

She tried her best to run in the direction of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, but it was too late.


ID【Like a wolf who meows like a cat】

With the nickname on his head, the man is clearly a player.

He was the first new player to appear from the resurrection point of Warehouse 66, and he encountered the most dangerous time for the players as soon as he came.


The man's heart was pounding, beating so slowly.

In this short second, he could see the blade of the praying mantis knife cutting towards him like flowing water.

Behind this strange man, the girl who almost died in front of his eyes, held up half a metal rod, and ran towards him in the most ridiculous posture.

Is this really just a game?

He could feel his temples throbbing, and he could smell fresh blood in his nostrils.

As then, the life and death struggle of carrying out a covert mission on the frontier.

He... he can't die yet, not now.

The man's heart beat violently.

He turned his head with difficulty.

The point of the Mantis Knife left a bloody streak on his neck, but it wasn't fatal.

【HP: 3】

Before the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang could adjust his body position, the man hugged him from behind and locked his arms from behind.

The strength of this strange man is so great that even in the most standard grappling posture, the man was almost thrown out of his hand.


The man roared angrily, and bit the somewhat mutilated neck of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang with his mouth wide open.

He's nearly shattering his teeth, and his mouth is full of weird little mechanical parts.

The mantis knife of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang cut out in the opposite direction. Although it didn't have much strength, it still pierced the man's body.

Enduring the pain, the man opened his mouth and shouted to the roof: "Cute boy—"

On the hollow of the roof, the muzzle of the laser machine gun suddenly appeared.

Even if Mengnan is still a novice in using machine guns, but the target loses its extreme mobility and becomes a fixed target, he will still not make mistakes.

Dozens of scorching lasers shot out from the muzzle.

The leader of the Wild Wolf Gang had red eyes and blood was pouring from his nose and ears.

He used that ghostly power again, and used that power to the extreme.

Clearly, there is a great price to be paid to wielding such superhuman powers.

The man could no longer control the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang and let him get out.

But, that's enough.

No matter how fast the leader of the wolf gang is, he can only be faster than the moving muzzle, and cannot really dodge the bullets, let alone the laser bullets of the laser machine gun.

A scorching beam of light pierced through his body, causing him to turn over; and then another beam of light tore his body apart.

The ground was hit by laser bullets, leaving a dozen deep, smoking holes.

The leader of the Wild Wolf Gang opened his mouth wide and threw himself forward heavily on the ground.

He turned his head slowly, a purple arc flashed across his face: "You—"

Without hesitation, the man punched the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang on the jaw.

The leader's battered neck was severed, and the thick mosaic-covered skull rolled away.

The leader of the Wolf Gang, dead.

[The wolf who meows like a cat] almost lost his strength, and fell to the ground on his back.

"Brother Wolf!" The cute boy's face was exposed in the hollow of the roof, "Nice job."

[Wolf who meows like a cat] The corner of his mouth curled up a little, his right hand was raised slightly, and he gave a thumbs up to the cute boy.

It turns out that this is not reality, it is really just a game.

This game is too real.

[Wolf that meows like a cat] Close your eyes and relax.

【HP: 2】

"Kill you! I'll kill you!"

Holding half of a metal stick, Potato Girl knocked back and forth on the mosaic-covered corpse of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

"Let you kill me! I will kill you!"

I don't know what mechanical parts were knocked out, and they fell to the ground and jingled.

Tudou girl finally vented her inner panic and anger.

She turned her head and stared at the man lying on the ground who saved her in a critical moment.

The man's face was rigid, and his long hair was messed up due to close combat, but he exuded a strange charm from head to toe.

To use the popular words nowadays, this man is very manly.

By coincidence, Tudou girl opened her mouth in Sichuan-flavored Mandarin: "Handsome guy, are you talking about friends?"

[Wolf who meows like a cat] Open your eyes.

He didn't understand.

Tudou girl patted her face with both hands, so that the blush on it would not be too obvious.

God, what is she talking about, this "talking about friends" means falling in love, she must have been dizzy from the stimulation.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to make amends.

Potato girl smiled slightly: "I mean, let's make friends."

She remembered what Mengnan had said to the man in front of her just now, and said, "Brother Wolf, you can call me Tudou Girl."

[Like a meowing wolf] Staring at the ID [Supreme Kuang Shao] on Tudou girl’s head, he wondered if he had been out of touch with the society after performing missions outside for so many years, and even such a cute girl would take such a domineering one Nick name.

He still said, "Sister Tudou, nice to meet you."

Seeing the hand extended by the Tudou girl, Brother Wolf propped up his body with one elbow to prevent the strength of his body from bringing the Tudou girl down. Then he stretched out his hand and held Tudou girl together.

He stood up, exactly one head taller than the Tudou girl.

"Brother Wolf!" the cute man shouted from the hollow of the roof, "The players are going to be overwhelmed! Let's take the corpse of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang out and control the situation!"

Brother Wolf picked up the mosaic-covered headless corpse of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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