Chapter 23 Counterattack Moment

The cute boy stood on the roof and shouted: "Your boss is dead!"

After saying this, he always felt that he had stepped into some weird TV series.

The offensive of the members of the Wild Wolf Gang stagnated for a while, and then instead of stopping, it became more and more violent.

They simply did not believe that such a powerful leader would die in such an unknown place.

"Kill the one on the roof first!" shouted a small leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

The cute boy hurriedly lowered his head and lay down on the roof.

Bullets whizzed past his head.

At this moment, a headless corpse was thrown out of the warehouse.

He has the same praying mantis knife as the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, wears the same clothes as the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, and even has the same figure as the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

The little boss opened and closed his mouth, unable to utter a single word.

"He's dead." Brother Wolf held up his rifle and spit out a mouth full of mechanical parts.

He took aim at the little boss and let the rifle fire.

Bang bang bang!
The little boss was covered in bullet holes and fell backwards.

Brother Wolf leaned out of the cover, kicked the corpse of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang hard, and shouted to the members of the Wild Wolf Gang: "He is dead—"

The leader of the Wolf Gang is really dead.

He is really dead!
he died!
Many members of the Wild Wolf Gang ran away, even if a few small leaders tried their best to stop them, it had no effect.

Not only did the wolf gang's offensive disband, but it also exposed the loopholes in the players' backs.

The players were crushed and beaten for a long time, but now they all ran out of the bunker like crazy huskies.

On the roof, the laser machine gun with the energy battery reinstalled, under the control of the cute man, fired at the unsuspecting escapees.

The real feeling of mowing the lawn made the cute boy see a group of escaping French fries in a trance, falling wet in a row under the shooting of the water gun.

Brother Wolf will only shoot when he is aiming, but each of his shots will hit a stubborn wolf gang enemy, making the players' counterattack even less stressful.

Tuomei, who followed Brother Wolf, imitated Brother Wolf's posture and kicked the mosaic-covered corpse of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, but almost tripped herself.

She looked left and right to confirm that no players had noticed, and raised her rifle as if nothing had happened.

Potato girl found an enemy!
She pointed the gun at the enemy, smiled, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
The enemy was dead, but she too was pushed backward by the powerful recoil of the rifle burst.

To be precise, only the first bullet hit the enemy's body, and the rest hit the sky, and higher and higher.

Brother Wolf stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the girl who fell on the ground with an indescribable expression.

The girl noticed his eyes and smiled slightly at him.

Brother Wolf sullenly continued to walk forward.

"Don't go, things are not what you think." Tudou girl wanted to cry but had no tears.

Obviously, the last rifle she used would stop after three bangs and the trigger would continue; but this gun would not stop until the magazine was emptied once the trigger was pressed all the way.

To her, it was quite unexpected.


On the mosaics all over the place, the players were crying and howling with excitement.

What's more, the game system was used to play nightclub hits.

He followed the rhythm, twisted his body, and soon brought more players.

The dynamic music spread far and wide in the Plum Street warehouse district.

"It's over, it's over." The smoker's technical expert master, riding a motorcycle, approached Warehouse No. 66 with fear.

He knew that his daring apprentice, as well as his friends, had probably all died under the attack of the Wild Wolf Gang.

He was incapable of stopping the Wild Wolf Gang. This adventure was just to give these people a simple burial.

Far away, the technical expert master heard the sound of unfamiliar music.

"The people from the Wild Wolf Gang haven't left yet?" He stopped his motorcycle and carefully poked his head out from the wall of the warehouse area.

This look made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

"Are they... are they... are they demons?" The technical expert master opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and his whole body began to tremble.

For players, a mosaic is just a mosaic, and the bloodiest and most terrifying scenes are just spots of red; but for the aborigines in the cyberpunk world, it's different.

The scarlet terror in that place was like a curse, and what was even more frightening was that there would be a large number of people playing music on top of the horrors all over the ground, dancing together with expressions of enjoyment.

That is even more outrageous than the disco dance on the grave, comparable to the sacrificial ceremony of the evil god in the legend.

Master, a technical expert, started his motorcycle as if fleeing for his life, and galloped away at the highest speed.

He just wants to escape from here.


[Technical expert... has terminated the master-student relationship with you]

The smoker was still scrolling through the forum in the game cabin, when he turned around and saw this message.

The Huazi cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground without warning.

It wasn't until two seconds later that he realized that the red-hot cigarette butt had burned a hole in his pants.

"Hot! Hot! Master! Don't leave me, Master!"

The smoker's fat face trembled like dog hair under a hair dryer.

At this time, his master, a technical expert, had already packed his bags and drove towards the gate of Giant Spirit City in his modified car.

That terrible scene had a great impact on his battered young mind.

He swore that he would never return to Giant Spirit City in his life!

Players picked up their trophies in a pile of mosaics.

A group of gun club players called the process of finding things from the sticky mosaics a treasure hunt.

There are many "treasures".

The more than 100 surviving players each had a gun, or at least a pistol.

Armed with guns, they thought they could crawl sideways on Plum Street like crabs.

There are countless other miscellaneous things, and each of the players is too tired to walk, step by step, ready to throw them at the Meizi Street Market for sale.

It is common sense for players to dispose of useless loot after a battle.

But every resident of Plum Street who saw them ran away in terror.

"Old Jin, something serious happened!"

In a weapon shop on Meizi Street, the owner of the weapon shop with a swollen face and a big gold chain hanging around his neck smiled and shook his head when he heard passers-by making a fuss.

He is in the arms business and has never seen any big scenes.

Looking back at that short moment, Lao Jin said that he had never seen such a big scene: hundreds of people covered in blood piled up the huge pile of valuable things on the street on their backs, exuding It is sold on the street while having a strong bloody smell.

"Are you a weapons store?" A bloody man noticed Lao Jin and put his bloody pistol on the counter. "How do you sell the bullets for this gun? How much Groschen?"

The blood man's words and deeds were so arrogant that a drop of blood from the gun body even splashed on Lao Jin's face.

Lao Jin wiped his face, babbled for a long time, and then said: "Welcome."


In Warehouse No. 66, the body of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang disappeared suddenly, and then appeared on Sky Island.

Yao Luo squatted down and observed the strange man's body structure.

Intuition told him that the value of this body far exceeds the sum of the spoils of those sand sculpture players.

(End of this chapter)

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