Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 229 Horror Story in the Sewer

Chapter 229 Horror Story in the Sewer

With the ring in hand, the most difficult step of this task has been completed.

The next step is to find the location of the connector.

A flashlight shone through, and the smoker quickly hid.

Two unfamiliar security team members walked past him in silence.

At this time, most of the people who worked in Thunder City during the day were asleep.

Especially in this kind of street with few pedestrians, if a stranger appears for no reason, the suspicion of doing something bad is quite high.

The smoker walked behind them in a half-crouched position, moving lightly.

He followed the route he took during the day and returned to the hidden alley where the Shadow Alliance members talked to him.


The members of the Shadow Alliance told him to follow the arrows.

But this place is too dark.

The smoker rummaged through his game backpack and found a toy ball that glowed green.

This thing was distributed by Xiaodai when he was exploring the snake man's den in the wasteland.

He held it in his hand and illuminated the wall and floor.

Soon, in a corner covered by weeds, Smoker found an arrow carved into the corner of the wall.

He gave himself a thumbs up, kept smiling, and took a selfie with the game's built-in camera.

[emoticon pack +1]

[This is so hidden that I just couldn’t see the arrow sign in front of it]

[The anchor smiles, life and death are unpredictable]

[Whenever I want to have a midnight snack, I will open the live broadcast room and look at the host’s face to warn myself]

The arrow points to the left.

The Smoker walked to the left, moved away the piles of garbage, and jumped into the path where the Rat Man ran during the day.

He was holding a green light toy ball and shining it back and forth.

As long as you look carefully enough, the arrow marks left by Shadow League members are not difficult to find.

It's dark, narrow, and wet, and it's like this everywhere a smoker walks.

He even felt like he had turned into a humanoid mouse.

The route recording function of the game map faithfully records the places he has traveled, so that he will not get lost in various trails.

"Fuck, what does this mean?"

The smoker knelt down half-kneeling, and the green light from the toy ball in his hand illuminated the arrow.

There is a dead end ahead and there is no way to turn over; the last arrow found clearly points to a manhole cover.

Do you want him to crawl down into the sewer?
He really wanted a chemical suit and an extra gas mask.

It would be funny if stealing the keys didn't bother him, but the stench of the sewer made him unconscious.

[The destination of mice is indeed the sewer]

[Anchor with a body type like this, don’t get stuck in the pipe]

[Hesitantly, I put down the skewers in my hand]

[To make friends in the same city, add V 36...]

【This account has been banned】

The smoker grabbed the manhole cover and moved it aside with difficulty.

The pipe going down was a little larger than he expected and had a rusty metal ladder.

He commented: "Well, the smell down here is okay, like the smell of sea. It's a bit choking."


The smoker came to the sewer.

The place is surprisingly spacious, with flowing sewage in the middle, and high platforms on both sides that are large enough for a person to walk normally.

When Thunder City moves, the entire city moves together, and these sewers should be no exception.

So, these sewers are very old.There are arrows again.

This time it was obvious that there was no need to hide anything.

"Come on, come on, let me tell you a late-night horror story," the smoker said slowly to reduce his tension while using a small green light ball to illuminate the sewer where he couldn't see his fingers. "The protagonist of this story is a little kid." boy."

In the deep sewers, there is only the sound of flowing sewage.

Pipes dripping from places that seemed far away yet very close at the same time.

Drop by drop.

After all, the green light ball is just a toy and can only illuminate two meters around the smoker.

In fact, as a children's toy, it's surprising that it can shine so far.

He told the story he made up: "One day, the mother said to the little boy, 'Come on, son, I have a roasted mouse here. Send it to grandma quickly. Grandma was sick and very weak, so she ate this mouse." The mice will be better. Don't look around on the road, just concentrate on walking and don't slip'."

The Smoker raised his feet and stepped carefully on the greasy dark moss.

"'I will be careful,' the little boy said to his mother. His grandmother lived in the sewers of the city and had to walk in the smelly sewers for a long time. He opened the manhole cover and crawled into the sewers. It was as dark as his mother's eyes. "

He looked around and saw two mice, one big and one small, scurrying past him.

"As soon as the little boy walked into the sewer, he met a lizard man. The lizard man stuck out his tongue and had abnormal white shadows in his vertical eyes. It said, 'Hello, little boy.'

'Hello, lizard man. '

'Little boy, where are you going so late? '

'I'm going to grandma's house. '

'What's in your bag? '

'Mom said it was roasted mouse, but I haven't opened it yet.Yesterday, our family skinned and roasted several mice, and one was left.Poor grandma got sick and needed to eat some good food to get over it. '

'Where does your grandmother live, little boy? '

'It's still a long way to go, and we're in a cave marked by an arrow.The signs are obvious there. ' said the little boy.

The lizard man thought to himself that the little boy's thin skin and tender flesh must taste good, but his grandmother can also stuff it between her teeth.It would be better to eat his grandmother's food first, as a pre-dinner snack to digest, and then it could be the main course when the little boy comes.It said to the little boy that the scenery in the sewer is so beautiful. There is sewage everywhere and there are swarms of rats, but you just keep moving forward.

The little boy lowered his head and saw a dead rat floating in the sewage.It rose and fell in the water and smiled at him.So the little boy ate the dead mouse alive. "

The smoker looked at the dead rats and garbage floating on the sewage and continued:

“At this moment, the lizard man ran directly to the little boy’s grandmother’s house and knocked on the door.

'who is it? '

'It's a little boy,' replied the lizard-man, 'I've brought you a roasted mouse.Open the door quickly. '

Grandma said, 'Come in, the door is unlocked. '

The lizard man rushed into the hole and was about to eat the little boy's grandmother when he saw an extremely huge meat ball with countless lizard man heads.They looked at it and bit its head.

When the little boy came outside his grandmother's cave, he felt a little scared.

'Grandma, are you there? '

'Yes, boy, I smell roasted rat. '

'Yes, grandma', the little boy walked into the hole, 'why do you have an extra head? '

'To see you more clearly, my little dear. '

'Grandma, why have you gained so much weight? '

'To make it more comfortable for you to lie on it. '

Grandma ate the roasted mouse, and countless lizard heads smiled at the same time.It said: 'My little dear, I heard that you are leaving home and going to school in a big city outside? '

'Yes,' the little boy was a little disappointed, 'but I couldn't bear to leave my mother, nor my grandma. '

Grandma said: 'Silly boy, you have to grow up.When you grow up, you will like everything outside and never come here again.Come on, it's time for you to go out. '

The little boy came out of the hole.

He turned around and wondered where there was a hole in the ground?Just a dead rat on a clean white floor tile.

'Carer, carer! ’ A man in a white coat shouted, ‘Hurry and hold him down, this kid is sick again! '

The little boy saw that everyone's shadows were eaten bit by bit by a meat ball covered with lizard heads.

'grandmother! ’ he shouted in surprise, ‘Are you coming out? '"

(End of this chapter)

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