[This sewer horror story told by the anchor is really sewer]

[Like and collect Little Red Riding Hood, Cthulhu, and Mental Hospital]

[Too many elements, difficult to evaluate]

The smoker's face was cheerful, but his eyes were looking into a dark corner.

The meat ball attack plot he improvised was not groundless.


The man hiding in the darkness thought he had been discovered, and rushed out with a rusty knife while letting out a short roar.

The bullet from Smoker's pistol hit the attacker in the abdomen; the fleeting light from the muzzle also allowed him to see clearly the appearance of the attacker in an instant.

One blind eye, a head full of messy gray and black hair.

The abnormally twisted and dirty neck seemed to be a huge tumor in the shadow.

After being shot once, the attacker seemed to have no other sequelae after his movement was temporarily blocked.

He came running like he wasn't shot at all.

Smoker's second shot was dodged by the attacker who was prepared.

At this distance, there was not enough time to fire the third shot.

The attacker probably thought that the pistol posed the greatest threat to him, so he slashed the smoker's wrist with the first blow.

Smoker put his pistol into his game backpack and leaned down to avoid the slashing attack.

"It's such a friendly and peaceful Thunder City," he complained. "You can encounter robbers even when walking in the sewers."

The attacker did not respond to the stranger's words, but simply adjusted his posture to launch the attack.

This time, his target was the smoker's neck.

The smoker immediately grabbed the attacker's knife-holding hand and watched as the tip of the knife got closer to his neck.

There are waves of strength in this guy. It's not like it's just for this skinny figure. It should be a prosthetic body that can enhance strength.

In a pure competition of strength, he was even weaker.

But fighting does not necessarily mean you will win if you are strong.

The smoker raised his right foot and gave the attacker a fierce kick that made the attacker bend down and retreat.

Before he could take advantage of the situation to pursue him, the knife in the attacker's hand was suddenly thrown out, hitting the smoker's left chest with unimaginable force and speed.

"Is this okay?" The smoker took half a step back, leaning against the wet wall of the sewer, and looked down at his chest.

This flying knife was so cruel and precise that a normal person would have lost all strength due to being hit in the heart.

But he is a player.

Except for the headshot and instantaneous large-area fatal injuries, other injuries were negligible.

Smoker raised his head and saw the throwing acceleration prosthetic popping out of the attacker's hand. He quickly retracted it into his palm and pretended to be indistinguishable from normal skin.

This old Yinbi, he cursed in his heart.

The attacker didn't seem to be surprised that the smoker fell down before losing his strength.

He clenched his fists and ran quickly.

"big surprise!"

The smoker pulled out the knife that was stuck in his heart and swung it out with his backhand.

The knife was knocked away by the attacker's fist, leaving a deep wound on the fist that was visible to the bone.

The attacker's rich experience actually caused him to misjudge the smoker's injuries.

He has never fought a player after all.

The smoker took advantage of the attacker's injury and distraction, held the attacker's head with both hands, and slammed it against the hard metal wall next to him.




The attacker finally broke free from the smoker's hands, but two consecutive blows to the head had already caused his mouth and nose to bleed and make him dizzy.


Yan Guigui screamed, and with a small flying kick, he kicked the attacker into neck-deep sewage.

The attacker struggled to the bottom.

"It scared the baby to death." Smoker reached out and touched his injured chest. "He must be envious of my chest muscles. I once had a girlfriend, but I left her because her breasts were not as big as mine."

Before he finished speaking, a hand grabbed his ankle and forced him into the water. "Fuck!"

The smoker's hands had nowhere to grab, and there were slippery and wet things everywhere.

He also fell into the water.


The water is dark black and green, and the toy balls falling into the water provide the only light.

The attacker grabbed the smoker's neck with both hands and pushed him to the bottom of the water.

[Warning: Players will drown]

The smoker has already known the prompts of the game system.

All movements in the water are twisted and deformed.

Unarmed, he simply grabbed the half-rotted dead rat that was floating and stuffed it into the attacker's mouth.

Squeezing and pressing, making sure the half-rotten dead rat was smeared across the attacker's face.

The attacker was disgusted enough.

He took out one hand that was holding the smoker's neck, but the other hand could still hold the smoker down no matter how hard he struggled.

[Warning: Players will drown]

Looking at the system prompts, Smoker suddenly thought of a player who drowned in a septic tank.

The tearful crying video has always been at the top of the forum's popularity list.

He reached out and touched the bottom of the water to see if he could find anything sharp.

Suddenly his health dropped a little, because he caught something sharp.

This feels like a knife!
The smoker stared in the water, holding a knife in his right hand and stabbed the attacker's neck.

The attacker was in pain, and he scratched around with his free hand, even touching his chest.

He knew that this man was dissatisfied with his big breasts!It’s now a time like this, and you’re still teasing!
The smoker smoked again and again, causing the attacker to open his mouth in pain, and sewage poured in.

Cut off sons and grandsons!
He kicked the attacker with a knee, hitting him in the lower body.

The attacker completely lost the ability to resist.

The smoker stuck his head out of the water and retched.

He grabbed hold of the slippery platform and climbed up with difficulty.

It's so disgusting.

If he saw it correctly, he just saw a half-whitened dead body under the water.

The attacker also poked his head out of the water.

This vitality is really tenacious.

However, blood continued to ooze from the attacker's neck, and his hands were so twitching that he could not even grasp the edge of the high platform, and he was almost washed away by the sewage water in the sewer.

"Young man, you're quite crazy," Smoker stomped on the attacker's head, "Let you sneak attack!"

The attacker's head went into the water and resurfaced moments later.

"Let you play dirty tricks!" Smoker kicked me again.

The attackers were bobbing in the water.

"Let you plot against my breasts!" The smoker's reasons gradually became outrageous.

In fact, he just wanted to kick the target in the water to relieve his tension.

"This kick is for mental damage!"

"This kick is because you are so ugly and you still want to scare people!"

"This kick is because I don't like you!"

"Oh, I'll go. I feel much better after playing."

The smoker sat down against the metal wall.

The attacker was already somewhat delirious.

If this continues, even if the blood loss does not kill him, the insanity will make him miserable, and he may even go into cyberpsychosis for a few minutes at the end of his life.

The smoker said: "Hey, do you want to die? How do you want to die?"

The attacker's temporary rationality made him utter a vague voice: "No, I don't want to...save...save me..."

A voice came from not far away: "Kill him, and the dead will shut up. There are so many rats in the sewers, it doesn't matter if one is missing." (End of Chapter)

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