Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 231 Chaos Alliance

Chapter 231 Chaos Alliance
The person who spoke was no different from a mouse.

Before the smoker followed the arrow sign to find him, he came over on his own.

"It would be a pity to kill him." Smoker kicked the attacker in the water again. "Look at his prosthetic body, he can be regarded as a small boss. Even the small boss has to go out to rob alone? He doesn't Could he be someone from the Shadow Alliance, like you?"

A member of the Shadow Alliance explained: "I originally wanted to say no, but he is. He and I are different. To put it bluntly, the Shadow Alliance does not have a strong leader, otherwise the brotherhood would explode. Everyone just Just for the sake of comfort, there is no affiliation. If you recruit a group of people by yourself, you can also say that you are one of the bosses of the Shadow Alliance."

He lowered his head, took a sharp dagger, and thrust it into the attacker's neck in front of the smoker.

As the Rat Man drew his dagger, the attacker's blood spattered from the aorta, even onto the Smoker's shoes.

The wet attacker made a final struggle, then plunged into the sewage, floating forward with the current.

"He's dead, you did a good job," the Shadow Alliance member asked, "Where's the ring I want you to 'take'? You're not just here to walk around and know the way, are you?"

The smoker took out the mission target from his trouser pocket: "The ring you want."

The members of the Shadow Alliance took the ring and scanned it under their shimmering prosthetic eyes.

His tone was pleasant: "Okay, very good, very good! It's what I want, the pterodactyl ring. Your hands and feet are fast enough, and you are quite agile in doing things. I declare that you are already a member of the Shadow Alliance."

The members of the Shadow Alliance threw it away, and the ring fell into the sewage and made a small splash.

"Ring!" Smoker glanced at the water surface, "Did you throw it away?"

"The ring itself has no value. It just proves that you are brave enough, thoughtful enough, and qualified to join the Shadow Alliance."

Smoker suddenly wanted to kill the rat man in front of him to see if he would get gold coins.

The Shadow Alliance member bent over and turned around, his voice echoing in the empty sewer: "Follow me."

As he walked, he said: "You are very lucky. You are not joining some messy forces in the Shadow League, but the boss who has taken refuge in me. The boss's strength ranks among the top in the entire Shadow League. He is the most powerful leader. .”

The smoker questioned: "One?"

"No, there is no one," the rat man turned around and said, "He is the most mysterious and powerful person I have ever seen. I think he can compete with the leader of the Fearless Legion 20 years ago. Of course, he should be called the former Legion now. During the 'Great Schism', the entire Shadow League thought that the former Legion Commander would make a comeback, and everyone was waiting to help the former Legion Commander, so that the Shadow League would have a chance to compete with the Brotherhood. After all, as long as the former Legion Commander The legion commander wanted to become the emperor of Thunder City at that time. But he just left, took his personal guards with him, and never came back. The current fearless legion commander can only be an ordinary legion. He has grown up, and is completely incomparable to the former legion commander."

Smoker thought about how the rat man would feel if he knew that the "Godfather" had created the Claw mercenary group in Djinn City that was feared by all the gangs.

Although the identities of the two "godfathers" are very different, according to players' persistent exploration, there is a [-]% chance that the leader of the Talon Mercenary Group is the former commander of the Brotherhood's Fearless Legion.

The fighting style and equipment style of the Talon mercenaries are exactly the same as the Brotherhood members that players encounter in the wasteland.

It's something that players can all relate to, and there's no reason why Djinn Glory Company can't think of it.

Some netizens on the forum who are obsessed with conspiracy theories believe that there is a secret deal between The Godfather and Djinn Glory Company.

But the most critical event of the Brotherhood's "Great Split" is not even clear to the original Thunder City native Jie Xiu.

Considering that Jie Xiu was still a few years old when the incident happened, this seems understandable; but this cannot be said in front of Jie Xiu.

The last player who was so talkative was already hung by Jie Xiu from a crooked neck tree and used as a sandbag.

The Shadow Alliance members stopped.

He grabbed the clean handle on the stained metal door and pulled it open.

"Welcome to our fun, newcomer!"

The gorgeous light and shadow instantly dazzled the smoker's eyes.Dynamic music, a glamorous and ambiguous atmosphere, and a prosthetic arm that dances with its owner.

A sexy woman with half her face covered by a prosthesis was lying sideways on a pink sofa. Her S-shaped curves and reflective burgundy hair were particularly attractive.

She glanced lazily: "Here comes a new freak. The third one today should be the last one today."

The smoker felt like he was back in the Beauty Bar in Giant Spirit City, with a similar atmosphere, but there was still a rotten smell, and there was a low-end stench behind the glamor everywhere.

He followed the rat man through the cluttered crowd.

"Hey, little brother, have a bite."

A tattooed woman wearing a nose ring showed the smoker an unidentified object stuffed in her chest groove.

"Is this your first time touching this thing?" The rat man took the unknown object brought to him by another person and took a deep breath.

The colored mist and the rat-man's intoxicated expression all made the smoker feel bad.

The rat man opened his mouth and showed an unnatural smile: "Then you are lucky. You will never find this kind of good stuff on the ground. Quick, take a sip."

The smoker looked at the unknown object in his chest and felt a little resistant.

"Stop dawdling, hurry up and take a sip! What a good thing!"

He lowered his head and took a sip.

The light blue mist made the smoker's mind instantly dizzy, and the same unnatural smile appeared on his face.

Everything in front of me began to distort.

[Warning: You have ingested contraband.The main component of this smoke is stamps, which is highly addictive]

[You are exempt from drug addiction, but the effect of excessive dopamine has also been removed]

[Ingesting contraband, your behavior violates the player's bottom line, the amount of the common currency of Djinn City: -100]

"Fuck!" The smoker suddenly woke up after looking at the system prompts, "My money!"

"Do you feel good?" The rat man's intoxicated expression has not dissipated, "Listen to me, I will give you the hot and spicy food!"

The smoker breathed out the fragrance: "Brother, you are so stupid, I still have Godzilla!"

He slapped the rat man dizzy.

"He's floating!" The rat man was not only not annoyed, but also very happy. "The effect is really good, it's exciting!"

He probably thought that it was the effect of the stamp that caused the smoker to act abnormally.

"Follow... follow me!"

The members of the Shadow Alliance, who were walking with a dazed look, continued to lead the way.

"Boss!" he said inarticulately, "I brought a new guy! He, he did a good job!"

In front of a gambling table, a man wearing a familiar hood turned his head as if he had eyes behind his back: "Smoker? Long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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