Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 244 Newcomers and New Station

Chapter 244 Newcomers and New Station

"I already know."

Yao Luo's voice rang in Chameleon's ears: "Chameleon, I will increase your authority."

Since the world-destroying demonic tide cannot be avoided, we must increase our strength as much as possible.

He stood on the edge of Sky Island, and the divine power behind him spread out like a shock wave.

Thin lines of divine power disappeared one after another on the world barrier.

To control Djinn City, Thunder City and the vast wasteland in between, the number of existing players is far from enough.

Every thin line of divine power that spread just now can attract the soul of a new player from Blue Star.

"Anton," Yao Luo's voice transcended countless spaces, "Except for the unstoppable experiments, all other experiments in the institute will be stopped first. Give me the players' data, and then prepare for the arrival of a large number of new players. "

"Yes, Your Majesty," Dr. Anton said, "We currently have more than 4000 players, including more than [-] combat players, more than [-] hunter players, and more than [-] life players."

This is only a rough division, but it can roughly construct the distribution of players' strength.

Combat players have the strongest overall strength, followed by hunter players, and life players are the weakest.

In short, he only has [-] viable players.

Next, these players will serve as the most important part to teach new players.

[Version update: major update]

[Dear players, due to your hard work, God not only drives a luxury car, but also lives in a mansion.In order to reward the players for their hard work, God decided to spend money to purchase fifteen top-level servers to accommodate more players.After sacrificing the hair of hundreds of programmers, we learned that the game can stably accommodate [-] players.Therefore, God decided to fill up the number of players. 】

[In order to improve players’ gaming experience, we will remove the original Arena Berserker filtering mechanism and instead launch an Arena Points mode.In this mode, you must demonstrate your various skills until your points reach the minimum limit before you can enter the game.Regardless of your skills in combat, cooking or other areas, you will be awarded points as appropriate.You can also choose to challenge freely and defeat a certain number of enemy units in the arena to gain points!For details, please go to the official website and search for "I am a cyberpsycho"...]

Whether it is Djinn City, Thunder City or the Wasteland, players are immersed in an eerie tranquility.

After a few seconds, they began to behave in various incomprehensible ways as if they were having a collective attack.

The mobile teams of Djinn City mobilized collectively to control the scope of the players' riots; the security teams of Thunder City arrested people in groups; there were no law enforcers in the wasteland.

"Quick, quick, quick! Get people to sign up!"

"So many places have been opened, and my sister can finally grab one! She told me a few days ago that she probably won't be able to grab a place in her lifetime. As a top game in my lifetime, if the places are opened in large quantities, let me remember Go and burn incense in front of her photo."

“If you’re quick, you’re lucky, but if you’re slow, you’re not! Hurry up and line up on the official website!”

"It's only been three seconds, and the official website crashed!"

"Where's the maintenance crew? Where's the maintenance crew?"

At the entrance of the current Veterans Club Co., Ltd., the owner of the gaming platform is sitting on a chair at the front desk, feeling the tranquility of the years.

All three of his cell phones rang.


"Boss!" The voice was so loud that it shook the world and the gods. The boss of the game platform was so shocked that he almost threw his phone away.

"Boss! The official website we made for the game "Cyberpsychosis" completely collapsed! Too many people came in, and the number of visits far exceeded the upper limit!"

"Why are you panicking?" The boss of the game platform frowned, feeling that things were not simple. "Connect all the access servers in our company!" The technician on the other end of the phone was still panicked: "Boss, we have already connected. But it’s still not enough! One, two, three, four, five, six——”

"What are you counting?" The boss of the game platform was also a little panicked at this moment. "Hurry up and find your friends and tell them that I personally promise to help me this time and I will help them make money next time."

The technician counted again: "Ten, hundreds, millions, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions - boss!"

His voice was trembling: "One hundred million, the number of visits is one hundred million! It's still growing! And it's getting faster! Boss, there are tens of millions of foreign IPs and various viruses!"


"Boss! One of our servers has burned down! We can't handle it! The entire platform has crashed!"

The boss of the game platform wiped his face with his hands, which was covered with sweat.

"Good news! Boss, someone is helping us! It's the relevant departments! The relevant departments were also fooled by the surge in visits and various viruses, but they have stabilized."

The boss of the game platform sat blankly on the chair at the front desk, and various information from the platform was transmitted from three mobile phones at the same time.

The problem was temporarily solved, but he was still as embarrassed as if he had been fished out of water.

At the same time, the mobile team in Djinn City was not much better than him.

The number of players in Thunder City is far less than that of Giant Spirit City, and they are more rational elites who are relatively easy to manage; Giant Spirit City is in chaos.

"Call the Terrorist Mobile Team! Call the Terrorist Mobile Team! We can't suppress it anymore! Repeat, we can't suppress it anymore! No, they didn't attack us! Don't attack! Don't attack!"

“We must control the fourth area immediately and evacuate the crowd!
"As for the Feitian Potato God Cult collective movement incident that just happened, please see the front desk reporter's report."

"Hello everyone, I am Romeo. Juliet is being dragged away by the Flying Potato Cult, but she is safe. Look, she is being thrown up into the sky again and again by the very excited members of the Flying Potato Cult. I am currently I still don’t know what happened to make these members of the cult who are very famous in Djinn City so happy. Hello, may I ask—hey, hey, hey!”

The reporter at the front desk was pulled away from the camera by the excited players and disappeared for an instant.

On a rooftop of Thunder City Brotherhood College, Yao Luo leaned on the railing and looked into the distance.

In that far, invisible place, the crooked-mouthed Ares airship was loaded with aberrations and monsters, arriving at the intended landing point near Thunder City.

These Youlin's subordinates will occupy a large area here, becoming another queen's territory, and gradually move closer to the original queen's territory, and eventually become a whole monster kingdom.

He turned his head and looked beyond numerous obstructions to see that the vanguard players who came to Thunder City had purchased a five-year leasehold right in an area.

Yao Luo waved his hand, and the potato statue with wings immediately grew out of the platform reserved by the players in the center of the station.

"Youlin," he said without looking back, "a small number of your monster friends are here. Such a large area between the two cities will become your territory."

He joked: "Look, this is the empire I have laid for you!"

Youlin leaned next to Yao Luo: "Yao Luo, I heard there's going to be a war?"

"Yes," Yao Luo said, "We only have at least a few years, and at most less than 15 years, to prepare for the world-destroying demonic wave. But this is just a prediction. Maybe it will come tomorrow, Youlin, yes Do you want to instigate the demonic tide with confidence? Control them and fight against yourself."

Youlin thought for a moment and said, "Then we need to kill their leading monster."

Yao Luo looked at the sky in the distance: "There will be a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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